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Upgrade oil sump?


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issit possible to 'upgrade' our car's oil sump to accomodate 1 quart more of oil?


most cars run a 3.78litre capacity oil sump, would it be possible, and cost effective to change the pan to a larger capcacity one (ie 4.7litres)


more oil means cleaner engines... practical mod?

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Damn difficult to do so. Unless you run bypass setup. You will effectively get 5 more quarts in capacity jawdrop.gif. But it is expensive and uses lots of tubes and stuff. Prone to leaks. Not cost effective unless you are running a delivery rig that runs day in day out clocking lots of mileage.

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Yah you can but how deep. If get too deep must raise the suspension or else can start scraping whatever is underneath. Bigger oil sumps are not sought after for lube solutions in many cases.

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Ok, possible but engine dependant.


There SR20DET on the S13-S15 silvias have very shallow sumps which sometimes causes oil starvation when drifting. Lot of drifters have changed to larger sumps with internal baffles. It costs appox AUD$600 for a trust/blitz/etc sump. There are cheapo china copies, but the quality is bad and often there are shavings still in the sump that can only be removed by 2hrs of scrubbing with a scourer and some harsh chemicles. Some people who have used the cheap copies ended up with engine failure.


Why do you want a larger sump for??? Even with the shallow ones in the SR20DET, there have been no issues except in motorsports.

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Save your money my friend. You must as well change your oil and filter more often. For 4.7 l, you have another practical problem, buying addition 1l for the sump.

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