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CitiCab Races Yellow Top


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there was once when i stopped at a red light on the most right lane....

then beside came a taxi n stop....on the taxi left hand side came another blue Mit lancer...suddenly the passenger from the taxi(4 indian teenagers) suddenly got out of the cab n ran towards the Mit lancer...they open the driver's door n beat the driver...

the driver managed to close n lock the door back....there were 2 bike infront of the Mit lancer n they made way for him to move off(still red light)...everything happen very fast(like 10 sec)...then those hooligans went back to the cab n they start laughing...

btw,the taxi driver had no reaction...jus sit there n wait...


[jawdrop] so did u do anything like report to police???



no lah....i thik there might be some commotion between the Mit driver n those bengs...

maybe they 'tio' or what loh...

anyway i think the Mit lancer also ah beng lah...

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there was also another time when a small motor bike cut into my lane suddenly n i honked at him....the biker wif his passenger stop n get off their bike n walked towards me...

i was very angry then n wanted to get off n ask him y he suddenly cut into my lane...

as the biker was walking towards me n iam abt to get off,i noticed the biker was like damn hot n he remove his helmet as if ready to hit me...then i quickly drive off...

from my rear mirror,i saw him pointing here n ther at me...

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Aiyah Bikers just leave them alone...


Do you know over 74% death due to Road traffic accidents are bikers? 22% are Pedestrians and 4% Cars?


Let him wave whatever, they are going to die soon anyway..

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Neutral Newbie

cedrics & crowns are cool man!!!

these will be my next cars!!!

they r friggin fast!!!

where do i buy them???



Interesting, especially when I am audience....


Just collected my car from my workshop as my car went in for a week of hardcore servicing....drivingcar.gif


The scene of drag racing happened right outside AMK Autopoint where y workshop is. Time is 1630pm..


After I turn out of the AutoPoint and trying to go to CTE. as I was turning out of the main road (T-Junction), A citicab was waiting by the side of the road very near to the junction on the lane that I am going to turn. Then the traffic light turn green from my right as vehicles started moving (me still waiting on the T), a Yellow Top taxi came behind that CitiCab and honk the fella down as he is blocking one whole lane. The citicab refuse to move despite the horning! So, the Yellow Top is blocking me as the traffic lights turn green, I am unable to move becoz the YellowTop is blocking my way and the tupid tupid citicab still refuse to move.


So I let both of them have a taste of my horning too! furious.gifThen the citicab moves! The yellow goes right besides him into the centre lane and both of them were shouting vulgarities furious.giffurious.gifat each other, then it happened!


Both of them did their version of a PG NightSprint right on the road, I tried following them to see what happens. Both were apparently trying to out-drag each other, the Citicab being a Nissan Cedric and the YellowTop a Toyota Crown, it almost looks like a Nissan Skyline vs a Toyota Supra, except for the thick diesel smoke that came from both their CMI exhaust.shakehead.gif


The duo race all the way to the junction of NYP and AMK Central. Then at the traffic light (Red), I stopped right behind that Citicab, the citicab guy open his car door and out he came with a baton on his hand, the yellowtop beats the lights and fled.confused.gif


He saw me behind his car and he turn and walks towards me, I beat the red light and fled too. God knows what will happen to me if I sat there like a fool.confused.gifconfused.gif


Citicab drivers are gangsters huh? I reported the whole incident to TP via email.


I urge anyone here who happened to witness this "race" and do not mind stepping out to help remove a road bully from our road please kindly contact me at 97649167. thumbsup.gifThe duo just have watch "Taxi" more than once...sleeping.gif

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Bro, I have 2B and 2A too.


All I can say is, if you really apply what you have learnt in the driving school on the roads, you should be very safe.


But the problem is, many passed their bike license then on the road, they ride recklessly and that is when trouble comes.


Ride safely and everyone win-win situation.



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Neutral Newbie

But if the citicab put on hazzard light, you can't really KPKB ...maybe he sprained his cocyx for sitting too long mah! No wonder he TL

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Aiyah Bikers just leave them alone...


Do you know over 74% death due to Road traffic accidents are bikers? 22% are Pedestrians and 4% Cars?


Let him wave whatever, they are going to die soon anyway..



yah...lotsa death involve bikers...

dats y they shd drive wif more care...

yesterday while i was stopping at a traffic light(1st car infront) n my car was stopped in a position with my headlight towards left as iam turning left with my signal light on...as the light turns green,i straight away turn left n move of...while i jus started to move off,a pizza hut delivery also turn left but was on my left side (inner lane)with quite a fast speed as he jus approach the junction when the light turn green,so he dun hav to stop n move off again...i got a shock n honk at him...but at least he raise his hand to apologise...

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Yeah, those Pizza delivery boys, I've seen how they rally to deliver a $25 pizza putting their life on the accelerator handle earning $5 per hour.....


I just hope they exercise more care on the road. Not worth it to risk their life for a pizza to be delivered within 20 minutes..shakehead.gif

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