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Coolant bypass


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Neutral Newbie

ok, a member showed me this DIY coolant bypass (throttle body). seems easy to do i must say.


any else tried? any feedback?

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Actually coolant bypass does not have much of an effect. Sometimes it is nice to have the TB nice and hot to prevent stuff from sticking unto it.

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Neutral Newbie

Think Ultraman tried some time back.

Not a good idea since we are risking

the Throttle Body to run Hot..


Running Hot may help to ease the sticky

gummy mixture but too hot may cause

Throttle Body to shorten its life span.

Also, too Hot may not be too efficient since

it will cause the Air/Fuel mixture to be

expectionally warm.


I dont see any benefits in disconnecting

the Coolant tube to Throttle Body as compare

to the damage it may caused.

Edited by Godfinger
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Moisture mixed with dirt = gunk = Only if you use K&N filter.


Clean Throttle Valve = Original Filter changed every 20,000 km

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Neutral Newbie

ok, this is what the bro (who has done the bypass) told me.


1. coolant first flow to the engine, picks up heat, flows to the TB, back to the coolant container.


2. by the time coolant reaches the TB, it is already hot (after passing thru the engine). the original intention is that this "hot" coolant should help in warming the TB when the weather is cold, so that TB can function properly. in other words, the purpose of having coolant running from the engine, then to the TB, is not to COOL the TB but in fact, to add heat to the TB!


3. but in sg, we do not have cold weather, so there is no need to "warm" the TB. in fact, we would want the TB to be cooler.


4. hence do a coolant bypass TB.


i m no expert in all these... so what do you guys think?

Edited by Tien
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If the TB is cooler, its still doesn't make any difference in performance. Even if it did, you won't feel it and it is not useful be it performance or maintenance.

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Frankly I have no idea, if of not use then the maker should have remove the item and save the labour and materials cost.

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Neutral Newbie

I guess this bro is right...the heated coolant is routed to the throttle body to prevent it from freezing solid in cold winter weathers. Having it in Singapore weather is redundant. Moreover it heats the throttle body and thus the incoming air which result in leaner oxygen and thus a lesser combustion.


This is in priciple...in actual fact the effect won't be that much as I guess once the engine starts, the whole engine bay would be rather hot and thus the throttle body would be heated too...

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Neutral Newbie

Not worth doing the Coolant re-routed.

No significant results obtainable.


I would rather you do a A/C re-route.

Cut off the supply of warm coolant to

the Internal A/C Blower so as to achieve

better A/C cooling and not risking too..

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So your car is equipped with a heating system.If you have the chance get ride of all the coolant tubing it will be the best preventive maintainence,because overtime they will corrose and coolant will leak to the evaporator and blower .

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Neutral Newbie

ok... seems like the general consensus is that doing a coolant bypass will not yield significant results... then forget it laugh.gif


yo godfinger, what's this aircon re-routing you talking about? easy to DIY? can yield better return (results) for my efffort? if it's cheap, easy and good, i sure wanna try! hahaha wink.gif

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Neutral Newbie

Doesn't a hot TB warm the air going past it, negating any CAI efforts?


I notice the intake air temp rises quite a bit when the car is stationary or when the engine is switched off for some time, and then restarted....

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