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Mini-surround sound in my bed Rm


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Neutral Newbie

I know this section issit about home but cars,but i do know that the members here r quite knowleadeable about sound and music


Was tiking of setting up a mini-home surround system in my bed rm whereby i'll just connect the speakers to my MP3 player,but i got a question:


1) Which MP3 player is suitable? i also need it during my jog(i know nw got PC shows)

2) Which speakers can enable surround sound quality without the bass. Since there are a

few models frm creative and ipod

3) I also need to get those 2 by 1 for the earphone jack-in of the speakers jack to my

mp3 Player so i won;t spoil the earphone jack-in connector of my player

4) So in all i just need a MP3 player and 2 speakers ..


Thanks in advance for any info given

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Neutral Newbie

Speakers-wise i don't know what you mean by "surround sound quality without the bass" but you could get either a 2.0 or 2.1 computer speaker system depending on your budget.


Have a look here for a whole bunch of MP3 players. See which suits your budget. The Muvos and Zen Nanos are very small and ideal for jogging.




Price-wise, can definitely find them for cheaper at SLS [;)]

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