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Got my waja next week


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Neutral Newbie

Just wondering any proton club in singapore.....me look see look see

still cannot find

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Neutral Newbie

yeah, me also look in the web, dun seems to have Proton club in singapore.... [:/][:(] i know M'sia have, but their website site 85%-90% in malay one.


if you found 1, keep me inform too ok.

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Neutral Newbie

wah...lan bro..si bei keen......but that is the malaysia WPC club....

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Neutral Newbie

i click but cannot go in leh.... gives me the "Cannot find server - The page cannot be displayed" message....

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Neutral Newbie

The colour code stated star silver...but when I look at the car look more like champgane gold.......

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Neutral Newbie

so bro how you find the car in term of performance and fuel...

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Neutral Newbie
Just wondering any proton club in singapore.....me look see look see

still cannot find

Congrat flowerface.gif

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Neutral Newbie

Performance is not too bad considering it's an Auto car [:/] Waja has a low end torque so when you want to stop & move off, for city driving, it works well [:)] but truly the thing that i like is the corners handling, in my personal opinion it's just [thumbsup][thumbsup], you can take corners at relatively high speed and yet the car feels stable, smooth and not feel buoyant or about to buang [dead].


FC is also OK considering i travel from North to near Chinatown everday to work. if you travel on expressways most times(provided that the stupid CTE or PIE don't get congested most times!!!) you can feel the $$ save [:)] and of course the comfort of space is always appreciated as i am a designated driver for my immediate & extended family [:p]


the bad thing so far i have encountered is that the car body is quite 'soft' comparing to Japanese and Korean cars [thumbsdown][thumbsdown] a 'kiss' from other cars or rushing to turn at small sharp turns on carparks ramp can lead to your pocket [bigcry][bigcry] as most prob must get your panel(s) beaten and spray painted!!! arrrghhh!!!

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There was one... Think they call it Singapore Proton Club.. but the website die of natural death..



I know of this Forum in Malaysia which communicate in English but it is more for Wira.

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