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Well, it means stealing someone's word to put it in his statement... Cool right...


sumting like editing other's posts?

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Bro, ur last statement is a very very dangerous one that cud break up friendship..

I dun sabo pple..and seriously i wan no part of this forum anymore..jus wanna drive my humble "lorry" in peace..I hav headaches of my own.

no offence.

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Yes I agree.....thats why you guys dun read properly..........rite at the bottom, my comment .....My 2 cents worth.....what Jason says is true......this is a CA or C & C Employee.....rightly pointed out too by GEndut......he shot himself in the foot....








We have handled such attacks on forum members before in SeatSg, hence thats why I'm always for keeping a separate " PRIVATE " folder away from prying eyes...... [sly]


We guys dun read properly? we guys this, we guys that,,so ur 2 cents worth is ur "disclaimer" is it?

..perhaps wat happened in SEATSG had been a traumatic stigma for u..but this is SSOG..

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Neutral Newbie





What happened to SEATSG is a learning lesson for me to be cautious where forum postings are concerned..........even SSOG is not free of such people......there will always be such nonesensical posts becos its a public forum....



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Sorry, just how I feel...


Perhaps the thread shouldn't have been allowed in the first place and you should have done something to moderate it instead of adding wood to the fire?


If you meant to be cautious as claimed

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Neutral Newbie




There wasnt any real inflamatory postings.....everyone's entitled to their views too right ?? There must be freedom of speech to a certain extent too rite ?? Until there is questionable or lewd content, I cant delete the thread




Edited by C708
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Freedom of speech yes, but look at how messy the whole thing is now...


All we want is for the club to have a clean image, to have fun and talk c ock, look at the whole mess now... when others come in and see all this s-hit, do you think they will want to be part of club?


So much for getting new members [shakehead]


Not everybody wants to go on and on about bitching about their bad experiences with the car agent, the bulk of us want to get on with our lives and enjoy our rides and have fun with fellow owners, not have some sparring sessions with CA.


Just look at ourselves now, the bunch of regulars, how many? 5 of us? 6? and the not so active ones... just how many of us combined? 12? 20?


Such a small group, such alot of problems, for what?

Edited by Lightspeed
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Neutral Newbie





Its a public folder.......you cant really just delete thread s as and when one likes ......being a moderator has its reponsibilities. After all if you delete all threads deemed as " bad " it will not help either.....there is a fine line between what is good or bad also.....as you have pointed out we dun want to be on a mud slinging match here .......so why be so uptight ? It seems that the postings on that thread have died down already...



Edited by C708
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Perhaps you're right, threads shouldn't be deleted as and when the moderators feel like it, but it doesn't mean that you should add wood to the fire when you should be the one diffusing the flames?

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Neutral Newbie




Like I have posted ....those were my views......adding fuel to the fire wasnt exactly my intentions.....I have made my views VERY clear even way before I became moderator......and if you look at adding fuel......most of it has been by other members ...even non VAG owners




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So if some people, one after another, comes into your house and wrecks havoc, you'll just sit by and do nothing about it? Is that what you're saying?


If something had been done about the fire in the first place, nobody would have the chance to add the fuel.

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Neutral Newbie

Like I have posted ....those were my views......adding fuel to the fire wasnt exactly my intentions.....I have made my views VERY clear even way before I became moderator......and if you look at adding fuel......most of it has been by other members ...even non VAG owners [/reply]


Yo P,


Yes, I totally agree it's your point of view. However, you are one of the Moderators of MCF which means your status is crucial and alot of people are looking at you as YOU ARE A LEADER IN SSOG by how you reply, manage the forum especially SSOG, etc...


As I had posted earlier on that the word COLLABORATION NOR CONFRONTATION DOES NOT EXIST IN MCF FORUM. Since it does not, I don't see the reason why you have to post it to SUPPORT THE THREAD. As I had also mention, WHY MUST VAGSG EVENT BE A ISSUE IN MCF/SSOG FORUM. I know where you are coming from but it's not like this bro...


From what I have gathered, I believe this guy is trying to create this event to tell others that this is AN UNFRIENDLY, NON-REASONABLE FORUM. As you have noticed, the number of Guests log in is way much more greater than members log in in MCF everyday. Which means PEOPLE ARE WATCHING US THE WAY WE POST AND EXPRESSION. How to recruit new members if we carry on like this??? Good impression comes a long way but bad comes in just a few seconds.


Well, enough said.... I am not telling everybody what to do but it's up to all of you how to handle and support this Club. As mention again, this MCF belongs to everybody, be it members or non members.

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