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What kind of posts gets deleted?


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Neutral Newbie

Wonder how come my posts in this forum were deleted without any explanation?

From the last time I checked, I think it didn't break any of the folloing laws ley:


# Postings


* Slanderous, defamatory, obscene, violent, abusive, threatening and harassing comments will not be allowed.

* Respect the viewpoints of others, even if you may not agree with them. Agree to disagree.

* No profanity or obscenities of any kind.

* No personal attacks on other users.

* No political or racial comments will be allowed.

* No impersonation of other participants or public figures.

* No FULL CAPS postings. In internet, CAPS equates to shouting.

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* No posting of number plates, unless it is your own. Respect others' privacy.

* No copyrighted material is allowed. Please use links instead.

* Please declare vested interest (if any) on the topic you are discussing

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Neutral Newbie

u suere its gone? where did u post it? under which thread did u try doin a search? if its inactive it will automatically be deleted after awhile.

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Neutral Newbie

Mine got lost in thin air ley.... tried doing a search on did not show up anything.... was just helping a friend post opening of porridge stall that's all... now it's gone... [dizzy] Cannot post such things is it? Please let me know instead of just deleting it.

Edited by Qooo
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Neutral Newbie



No advertisement or solicitation of any kind is allowed in MCF forums. Hence any threads or posting which are deemed to be a solicitation or advertisement of services will be deleted promptly. Please read the "Ads and Solicitation Guidelines" for more information.



sweatdrop.gif Anyway... Don't eat Kermits. Frogs are nice. Don't eat Turtles either. Turtles are nice. sweatdrop.gif

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Neutral Newbie

There are such things as forum guidelines. [rolleyes]


The moderators hv the right to delete them without ur knowledge coz this has been going on on on - guess they r dead sick n tired to keep on reminding forumers to adhere to the rules.

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Hi there,


Other than those things you have pointed out. And as Panda have also pointed out, threads which contain advertisement and solicitation will be removed.

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Yes, thanks for pointing that out.


MCF have been unique in its own way and we are trying very hard to maintain it. We wouldn't it to become another 'Delphi'.

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Neutral Newbie



I thot solicitation is when I get some benefit from it like comission of some sort. What about if I come across a nice food stall that I want to share. Will this be considered solicitation?

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salah.......solicitation by its english meaning is an act not a consequence.


as long as you started action to offer service or procure business, there's solicitation not withstanding whether any tangible benefits received.

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Neutral Newbie

Thanks guys for clearing the air. Sorry for breaking the rules. [knife]


Next time I'll be more careful when posting.

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