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Sticker Collection Session 3!!!


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Neutral Newbie

I was about to take actions against u.....lucky u .........laugh.giflaugh.giftongue.giflaugh.gif.....Tea on u next time...for all chevy ppl who turned up.....

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Neutral Newbie


furious.giffurious.giffurious.gif i sergeant only???? i minister le...

u still wanna drift harzz??rifle.gif

Edited by Yeoman
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Neutral Newbie

wa lau.. take wat action??? say untill like that.. wait ppl thought wat i do le.. i very good boy one hor... [thumbsup][;)]

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Neutral Newbie
smash.gifsmash.gifsmash.gif......ok Good Boy....listen up.....Tea on u when we meet up and chinatown .....now go and do ur work...dun eat snake ....tongue.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif
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Neutral Newbie

Aveo05 wrote: wa lau.. take wat action??? say untill like that.. wait ppl thought wat i do le.. i very good boy one hor...


My foot you good boy!!! [smash][smash] I angel!!! [angel][angel][angel]


Yeoman, I also dun understand what funny han yu ping yin Eron type!


Wah lau the topic drift until very jia lat!!! You go start another thread for the 'CHEENATOWN' meetup!


Quest dun bother about the Ramly Burger I think the Ramly Burger man drugged his burger everytime when he cross the border he will automatically scream for Ramly burgers [bigcry][bigcry][bigcry] !!! Each time he eat, he takes 2 Ramly King!!! *Faint*

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Neutral Newbie

Come high street wash my car..then go bukit merah wash Ah-Veo car....then activate the chevy guys to go chinatown to help Quest cut ribbon on her new shop opening....Got it Sergeant....??tongue.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif...

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Neutral Newbie


Wah lau the topic drift until very jia lat!!! You go start another thread for the 'CHEENATOWN' meetup!



All bcos of this drift Prince...must realli smash.gifsmash.gifsmash.gif him....

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Neutral Newbie

Sir. Now heavy rain.. I think u Drive yr car out and i command the sky to wash for u.... for quest shop, i'll help tonight la. after 10pm.. ok?? [laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

after 10pm ah??? Mmm... let me know if u guys coming ah.... if not wait i close shop and go home and sleeping.gif....

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Neutral Newbie

duun worry...he will come and help u close shop.......and u go home zzzz...i make him jia-gar (sentry) ur shop....nod.gifnod.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif...since he so free....tongue.gif

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Neutral Newbie

i just kidding la. [:p] dun talk here liao la.. drift until yr shop liao... pai sai , mr and mrs ferris.. pls forgive me.. i buy u ramly burger burger .. ok??? [sly]

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Neutral Newbie

Name List

1) Yusliza

2) BlackKnight something

3) kopikao (made a note in hp)

4) Deus_Ex (i ordered the sticker with dark coloured wordings cos my car is white [;)] )

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