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Chio Aveo gal owner?


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"Dun know, I cannot register in my mind any value for money when the fact that boneo is goin to pocket 13k of gross profit if I buy a vios"


how much you think Chevy owns when you buy an Optra? think the manufacturing cost of one is the same as a Vios?

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dun know, coz sunday times never reveal chevy gross profit [sly] never review, means dun know, dun know, mean time, cannot register the other one. unless they say Star auto pocket 13k, then I open up my brain again [laugh] [laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

no leh, existin ride a 1.5(M), so when test drive optra feels so shiok like 2L [laugh] who knows next time upgrade to a 2L, then i will feel like drivin a 2.5L heehee.. [rolleyes]

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hahaha... nice long post. no, I'm not talking about driving/owning one. I'm talking about selling. I'm sure a VIOS for some reason that still escapes me, would fetch a higher price and a quicker sale for the seller than an Optra would in the next 3 to 5 years. That's what I mean. Sure, the Optra might be a good car. No doubt in that. But if I'm looking for something which will help me attain my next car, I'd go for something which wouldn't be so hard to sell or fetch such a low price. I'd go for a VIOS to ensure my next car would be a better one.

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[cool] Well, if you try more cars, you'll find that your choice of words might not be entirely correct. There are 2L cars, and there are 2L cars. There are some which will feel damn fast, but chassis too scrawny and insecure. There are some which feel damn solid, but cannot move at all. there are some with a nice balance of both, but with exhuberant price. But the truth lies not in the pickup for a 2L, but how long it takes for you to go from 100km/h to 180km/h. Those with enough BHP will be fast. Those with not enough, will be slower, and needs more petrol to reach a far destination.


Most of all, the best test for me is always NS highway. How long it takes from SG to KL and how you feel at the end will determine how good a car you're driving. A good car will give you the feeling of good security to exceed 200km/h (mine hits about 220km/h maxed out) and yet not feel like you're sitting on a rollercoaster. That would take less out of you, and you reach KL fresher than in a 1.5L car driving at 185km/h (my previous car). The ultimate would be my dad's car where I can drive at 235km/h, and feel like I'm at 60km/h.


And in a 1.5L car, the full tank will get you right up to kl at that speed. just before entering, you have to top up. My current ride, at 200km/h, will get me to KL in slightly less than half tank. funny. the faster the car goes, the less petrol it needs... heavy mah...

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dude, in the first place, you are not suppose to drive at 200km/h.


I don't care you are driving a good car or a bad car, you are not suppose to drive at that speed.


Even you feel like 60km/h, do you know how dangerous your car is to others?


PLease la

Edited by Starry
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This isn't a point of discussion. I'm just talking about the differences in performance between a 2L and 1.5L. The quality of the vehicle is the topic here. Good grief. Talk about misdirection.


If you want to talk about speeds, then please remember that anything below 130km/h on the NS highway is a road hazard. Of course, it's my decision to travel at whatever speeds I want. If we're talking intermittent traffic or even slight traffic, then it's dumb to hit those speeds. It's dumb to weave in and out of traffic. Yet there are people who do so, even on SG roads. But there are nice long clear (read: empty) stretches on the NS highway whereby those speeds are fine by me.

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Not everyone can give kopi $$$.


3 months back, my friend got caught. Took out $50. The TP asked him what is he trying to do. To cut the story short, he was summoned to court and end up paying RM$1000 for bribery.

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Got a point. This one is quite funny. I got stopped by Malaysian TP once, and he told me he clocked my friend and I at 125km/h. I was shocked, and he asked: "so you want to settle here? or back at station?" I said of course settle here right?!?!? So I gave him the $$$. Best part, he warned me of another block/camera up ahead, and told me exactly where to slow down once I reach the place. Heh...


Mostly if they want kopi $$$ they will drop a hint. If not, straight away they issue summons, which is for $150RM per ticket. Either way is still better than getting caught in SG. That way u lose license. So, rule of thumb: SG, no speeding whatsoever. NS Highway, up to you. Just be prepared to pay, no matter what.


And on that particular day, my friend and I were actually averaging at 160km/h... Obviously wants $$$ ya?

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You are only marrying a gal that has a 10 yr life span, must love her till day do you two apart.


so how much tribute you need to offer to the "authority" in these case of speeeding?

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Neutral Newbie

careful, some times they accept your bribe... then secretly book you again. this has happened before and will happen again.


you better check the MY web site to make sure you are not being summoned.

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