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Climate control fo Octavia 1.6A


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Neutral Newbie

Hi - is this worth it. What is the average price of having the manual air-con changed to climate control. How long will the change process take. Anyone has done this before for a 1.6A version?

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Neutral Newbie

Personally I feel manual aircon more powerful. Also it probably suits our weather better as well.


I have climate control in my car it sucks. Sometime when I leave it at 21 degree, no cool air comes out. I have to set it to 18 degrees before it starts to cool on a hot day. With more electronic components, you also have to pray it doesn't breakdown.

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Neutral Newbie

Well, I had install a Pivot Voltage Stablizer together with grounding cables... Next I feel is that the Aircon seems to cool the area much faster at 20 degrees only... I also had my recirculate flap closed permanently...

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Meaning you don't have to keep pressing the silly button everytime you get into the car?


Cool... Think I should get Dennis to do for me also

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Mine has been damaged a long time ago. Hence the flap is permanently closed now to prevent outside air from coming in...

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