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Looking for Jaguar Mark II spare parts


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Nevermind lah. Still can tell pple U got 2 jags, 1 merc 1 rover at home but nobody want to drive summore. [sly][sly][laugh][laugh][laugh]


Maybe they think u only want to drive the rolls. [laugh][laugh][laugh]

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Maybe they think u only want to drive the rolls.


no i'll just tell ppl i got a lot of junk metal at home, i need to even pay if i want to scrap them [laugh][laugh][laugh]

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I see it as Diamonds in the rough


have to wait for years before i can have the money to extract the diamonds within them [sweatdrop][sweatdrop][sweatdrop]

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Neutral Newbie
Hi guys,


I am current looking for some spare parts for my grandpa's 1966 Jaguar Mark II 2.4 L. Please let me know if u have lobang for this car's spare parts. Thanks [bounce1][bounce1]


Please let me know also if u have frens who know about the lobang oversea [sweatdrop]

The Mk2 is probably the best looking Jag together with the E-type!


My father had the Mk1, which looks like the Mk2 except got thicker pillers therfore does'nt look as nice. Too bad rust took over the chasis & it had to go to the scrapyard.


Theres a shop at Sin Min specializing in old Jags but they charge arm & leg for restoration jobs. Good luck in your project!!

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Anyway, most important is "young at heart"


yea, that one very important [nod][nod][nod]


but somehow, i am more 'old at heart' ler, coz i mixed better with old ppl [sweatdrop][sweatdrop][sweatdrop]

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wow, ur father owned a MK 1 before that's cool [bounce1][bounce1]


yea i heard about the sin min one, but we don't have extra arms and legs for them so we are looking for alternatives now [sweatdrop]

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wah, like that u better find a young wife fast. Next time all your old friends gone, u all alone. [laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]


Oh the trip to Muar is planned for this sat early morning but not confirmed yet. See thread on 1.3 toyota corolla. So far got 2-3 pple going. But only 1 going to repair his car there.

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Next time all your old friends gone, u all alone


choi touch wood [smash][smash][smash][smash]


wife not so fast lar, i don't even have gf [sweatdrop]


i think i don't want to go liao, like budget not enough this month, better save save use [sweatdrop][sweatdrop][sweatdrop]

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choi touch wood


Pisces: Just joking lah. I too got many older friends. But they also young at heart.



wife not so fast lar, i don't even have gf


Pisces: Wah U smart one leh. Make $$$ first then when old u marry a very young wife.



i think i don't want to go liao, like budget not enough this month, better save save use


Pisces: It's OK. We also not 100% confirmed yet. Anyway I too not doing anything to my

car but might change brakes only. No need to spend $$$. Just look see only.


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Pisces: Just joking lah. I too got many older friends. But they also young at heart.


aha good, i like old frens with young minds [laugh]



Pisces: Wah U smart one leh. Make $$$ first then when old u marry a very young wife


young wife no good, mind most probably can't sync well with me, elder better [sweatdrop]



No need to spend $$$. Just look see only.


toll fee and petrol itself will cost some $$ liao [sweatdrop]

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er.. just an old car, not many likes it smile.gif


here are some photos, paint work very cialat liao sweatdrop.gif

must give me a ride in it once it's restored hor sly.gifsly.gifsly.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

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