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Looking for Jaguar Mark II spare parts


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no road tax cannot drive lor, stay at home. want drive then go renew half year road tax, only applicable in MY [laugh]

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Paintwork must do last leh.


First restore any rusty areas, wiring, engine, mechanicals, interior then last do the paint.


Wow, if I had the $$$ & time, I don't work. Just concentrate on restoring it first. After it's done then go back to work.


Once it's completed, don't forget to give me a ride leh. [nod]

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Neutral Newbie

You are one lucky bloke to have such a car in your family. When you do finish restoring it can drop me a line pls? Be it in a year or more time haha... Maybe can follow you to MY have a look [wave]

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Ah, the "E" type. Classic. I used a mechanic b4 at the caltex station at changi rd who was restoring a white one.


He told me steering damm heavy but when it picks up speed, feel is damm good. True sports car feeling.


I can only dream of such cars. Never have enough $$$ to own one.

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ya, in fact paint work should come last. but my cousin wants to use it as a wedding car so we may do paint work first after brakes [sweatdrop]


if i had the $$$ i also don't work liao, i'll spend my time restoring it then i happy liao [laugh]


sure give u a ride, if can complete la [sweatdrop]

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think restoration will take at least 5 yrs or more than that, coz my family is not rich, and we need time to save $$$ [bigcry]


yea i also think i am lucky, coz my grandpa is a jaguar die heart [laugh]

but we are not rich, these cars were bought in at scrap, so they are all less than RM$10k when we bought it [laugh]


u also like jag? or u like classic? [thumbsup]

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Neutral Newbie

WTF so cheap!! [bigcry]


I love classic cars, especially Jags and Mercs [nod]


My "first" car was also a vintage of sorts, a malaysian porsche 924 from the mid 80's which cost ard RM$20K only. Sadly i had to return to SG before i had time to do it up properly. Now with my cousin but i got no idea if he sold it already. Last time i was there it couldn't even start [:(]


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yea, u want vintage u come MY [nod][thumbsup]


here u'll be able to keep them forever [inlove]


my house also have another old merc and an old rover. don't really like that merc but that rover is [nosebleed][nosebleed][nosebleed] also

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i am a malaysian working in Sg but staying in jb [nod][thumbsup]

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my beetle is also MY registered. all are in jb only [nod]


my grandpa used to have more, but many goes to scrap coz not enough place to park [bigcry]

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Neutral Newbie

Come come just let me know i'd be glad to take them off your hands. But the car must be able to make it to seremban first [laugh]

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no more liao lor, now left one old jag, one old merc, and one old rover [laugh]


got newer one also, one jag 4.2L XJ6 series 3, now park at home coz no money pay road tax [laugh]


then no road tax liao so my uncle bring the MKII to his place coz still have road tax can use [laugh]

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