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Beware when purchasing cars - auto or manual


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Neutral Newbie

Not surprise that the service level drop in Sillypore. Everyone just wants a quick buck and the agency is just not trying hard to do something about the case. Just say cannot can liao, no need to do any work. Typical of them. [shakehead]

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Neutral Newbie

C&C should have done more. What's so difficult in swopping a Auto when the customers are willing to top up? And LTA, what is so difficult in de-reg a car? It's all in the system and some paperworks, is that so hard to do it? WHERE IS THE CUSTOMER SERVICE??? It's not a thousand $ product perhaps can close one eye but a ten over thousands product u have to face for at 10yrs... plus now the wife can't drive. shakes head

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I figure it could be a genuine misundestanding, but sad to say, some car dealers are still adopting a "Cannot lose" mentality mad.gif when dealing with BIG( hey, it's a $50K deal .... rolleyes.gif) clients..... we as consumers will lose out on the whole ......

dun understand why cant C&C just take back the car, do a transfer and offer to new buyers for a disc of lets say $1K ......(something like showroom car).... it is new afterall ........


however, the buyers oso dizzy.gif ..... buy $50K item never see contract properly ........ and they have the price list, wun they find it odd that they bought it for a lower price ??? hmmmm.....on the other hand, are thay hoping to capitalise on the oversight of the SE ?? sly.gif wrong price but keep mum .......... remember the cheap printer online deal case ?? Judge ruled that the buyers had wanted to capitalise on the mistake on pricing.............

Edited by Othello
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Neutral Newbie

"if u aint rich, pls sit one side" lipsrsealed.giflipsrsealed.gif cant imagine if its some big big boss or big shot who is in this situation... what will happen har? immediately swop and even offer some rebate for the mistake?

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TAMADE furious.gif Like that also can??? Happily go & book for a new car and in the end the car is not what they have wanted. Really sway. IMHO, the buyers themselves must also double check the sales contact that everything indicated on it is as per what they have wanted but i feel that C&C should at least help this buyer to do a one to one exchange since the buyer is willing to top up the balance to get the auto transmission one. Imagine yourself in their shoes, got to drive a car which is not what they have wanted for at least a few years down the road unless they tulan and sell it off at a great loss. frown.gif They are as sway as my bro whom had met that Fxxking SE from Tan Chong whom had make news in the Straits Times. frown.gif


One-to-one exchange not so simple leh, even when customer wana to top up the different, so what. Its easy to register another new Auto for owner, but the manual, sell to who, how much lossessweatdrop.gif? Who should bear?


My stand is that if owner really has no fault at all, then she would not compromise. C & C giving some "compensation" is for goodwill, not that they are in the wrong. I agreed that something is strange as there is a discrepency in the sales agreement, guess the "goodwill" is just to address thisunsure.gif


Mercedes S class, one-to-one exchange bcos the profit margin is very big! more over, the buyer would also likely to return in future, so its an investment. Kia owner? likely to "upgrade" to another car, so ......unsure.gif


my 2 cts worthtongue.gif

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dun understand why cant C&C just take back the car, do a transfer and offer to new buyers for a disc of lets say $1K ......(something like showroom car).... it is new afterall ........


$1k discount for a second owner carunsure.gif? Think nobody will buyshakehead.gif, just wait for one or two round of COE drop, a brand new one-owner car would be cheapertongue.gif!

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Now by accepting the 'goodwill gift'from C&C , it make the couples looks like they're at fault.

Should have press ahead and engage a solicitor , afterall the wife cannot drive that car for the next 8 years(assuming it is a 10year loan).

And everytime they see the car make them think of this incident....

Wah lau ,how can they live with that?

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eh ........ dun like that lah ........ imagine SE is your friend how ? I mean, we make mistakes also wat( No doubt this is a tua zong one) .... IMO, I think its a 50:50 ....... both eaually @ fault ......

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when there is a will (cheque/visa/cash), there is a way...


buy/import a auto gearbox and plant in lah... just need to work out warranty issues... they need to be smarter than this... [:p][:p][:p]

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I really smell fish here.Before you even want to change a maunal to a auto transmission , you gotta do all the paperwork with the LTA .

If the buyers are willing and the sellers really care for their customers , they should have do it quietly and resolve the matters amount themselves.

Now that the press/general public have come to know about it , I'm really clueless as to who want what.

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