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Toyota Corolla 1.3XL


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Well, initially, the agreement from the dealer is to touch up the scaled paint FOC. But a few days later, as I enquire from him about taking the minimum loan, he popped the question whether I would like to have my whole car sprayed for $200 only. Of course, he absorbed some of the cost for the respray. I was a bit reluctant at first, but after some research, I realised it's a good deal. The dealer was good rite? [thumbsup]

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It's not in the perfect state. I still have to change the timing belt myself. Today, I realised that my rear shock absorbers are not working well, after loading 3 passengers at the back. It's time to replace too. But that's the price of buying an old car. It's still fine with me. [:)]

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You're welcome.


Now u know roughly what to look out for, time for your practical lessons to start.


Never show too keen. Ask few questions then when he quote price, lose interest and walk away. laugh.gif


Learn to play games with them too.


If they desprate enough, time to bargain like mad. Make it clear u can walk away anytime.


Then show got some interest but not desprate. Bring classified with you & circle other cars to see.


When he see u got other cars in mind, he have to give a little, otherwise this big fish swim away.


But don't go for the TOO CHEAP cars as there might b something wrong with them, unless u very expert in checking for problems.

Did u really bring classified with u when u r sourcing for yr ride? action action a bit ah laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


I know they always like to say things like:


"cannot lar.. i dun earn much from this car.. i makan this car at this price and if i sell u at this price i no need to eat liao"




"depreciation too low ah, like that noone wan to buy motorbike liao.. all come buy coe car..."




"u see this car i give u new tires, rim still in good condition... paint also new (or as good as new).... i can add in a cd changer for u if u like..."




They can say all sort of thing to "tell me indirectly that the price he is asking is reasonable...

how to tackle? not too much right if i ask for a price abt 5 to 6k above scrap value... they still earn wat furious.gif


Is it advisable to tell him straight that the car scrap value is how much and selling me at this price he will have how much profit?.....


like that he sure bo wuey kong laugh.giflaugh.gifPosted ImagePosted Image

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U ever wondered on wat ground he is willing to offer u the deal? $200 is very cheap leh thumbsup.gif Why would he wan to offer u $200 when he gotta absorb $600 for you? confused.gifconfused.gifconfused.gif Dun tell me this dealer is reali reali a super kind soul? crazy.gif. Ever give some thoughts to it? Um.... Paint of inferior quality maybe? smash.gifsmash.gifsmash.gif

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Yr car is cool man, y u dun wan to post in here and let everyone else take a look? thumbsup.gif


I like the red, is it new paint? Rim and tire new too?


Pics of car interior and the back view, let us have a all round and comprehensive view mah nod.gif


And i bet u didnt buy season parking right? wahahahahaha laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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ok ok.. Will post it now. I did not take picture of the interior. Can't you see it's new paint? [:p] By the way, I bought season parking ticket k? Hey hey...


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i saw it is new paint, so i ask jus to double confirm laugh.giflaugh.gif

Like yr rim thumbsup.gif did u ask for it or it is already there? I personally dun like rims with too many spokes or too little spoke.. yours is jus nice thumbsup.gif

coolzzzzz angel.gif

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Not bad rite..I am not bluffing leh..It's already there when I bought it. Personally, I dont know much about sports rim. Is mine one of them? Can the rest of you guys with G6 post your car photo inside please?

Edited by Stevegring
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U ever wondered on wat ground he is willing to offer u the deal? $200 is very cheap leh thumbsup.gif Why would he wan to offer u $200 when he gotta absorb $600 for you? confused.gifconfused.gifconfused.gif Dun tell me this dealer is reali reali a super kind soul? crazy.gif. Ever give some thoughts to it? Um.... Paint of inferior quality maybe? smash.gifsmash.gifsmash.gif


If what i read is correct, Stevereng said that dealer already agreed to "touch up" some parts where paint was damaged, so for ADDITIONAL $200 might as well get the whole car resprayed as it will look nicer & makes sense.


So I guess the "touch-up" wud have cost dealer about $400 +- so additional $200 can get whole car resprayed. Total cost about $600.

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Oh man, one look can see it is a sport rim, and a nice one too in my humble opinion thumbsup.gif 14 inch one nod.gif


I personally dun know much abt tyres and rims lar, but i am sure yrs a sport rim. If it is not a sport rim, it will


simply be a cap or cover that are clipped on over the original wheel, just like putting the lid back on the milo tin


and it looks plain. yr car wun have that sporty look anymore nod.gif



You didnt test the suspension at point of purchase? confused.gif

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It's not in the perfect state. I still have to change the timing belt myself. Today, I realised that my rear shock absorbers are not working well, after loading 3 passengers at the back. It's time to replace too. But that's the price of buying an old car. It's still fine with me. [:)]



I think it's quite reasonable.


When I got my coe car, I changed shocks,timing belt,battery,tires, flush auto box, Complete service with Mobil 1 oil.


Cost me about $1K plus.


Money well spent on a car u don't know the service history, i think.


Your car paint work quite good as far as i can see from your photo. $200 well spent. Hope it was 2K paint though.

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ok ok.. Will post it now. I did not take picture of the interior. Can't you see it's new paint? [:p] By the way, I bought season parking ticket k? Hey hey...



Just a thought, maybe u can ask your dealer if he can arrange for my car to be resprayed for $600.


He can recommend me to his paint shop & let his paint shop know my car is under his sales deal???


He has nothing to lose, right.

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[replyDid u really bring classified with u when u r sourcing for yr ride? action action a bit ah laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


I know they always like to say things like:


"cannot lar.. i dun earn much from this car.. i makan this car at this price and if i sell u at this price i no need to eat liao"




"depreciation too low ah, like that noone wan to buy motorbike liao.. all come buy coe car..."




"u see this car i give u new tires, rim still in good condition... paint also new (or as good as new).... i can add in a cd changer for u if u like..."




They can say all sort of thing to "tell me indirectly that the price he is asking is reasonable...

how to tackle? not too much right if i ask for a price abt 5 to 6k above scrap value... they still earn wat furious.gif


Is it advisable to tell him straight that the car scrap value is how much and selling me at this price he will have how much profit?.....


like that he sure bo wuey kong laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gifPosted Image[/reply]




It's ok for u to let him know u know the market value.


Also they make on many little things like loan, ins, etc.


Of course let him earn something, otherwise not worth to sell leh. But must b within reason. Like that, both sides leave happy. [thumbsup]

Here is where your bargaining skills come in. Practice, practice & more practice. [laugh][laugh]

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Just a thought here since no loss to anybody. [;)]


If can then I do it early, otherwise I do it later or maybe not at all. [nod]


Like i said earlier, only 4 years to go b4 scrap, so if don't paint, i save $600 for other uses. [thumbsup]

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bounce1.gif right man haha... i see how i can bargain the price from 23,800 to 18K.... depreciate 2700 / year


only ... scrap value only 12k crazy.gifand he would have made a profit of 6k assuming he didnt do much to the


car ... tyres dun cost much right? i forsee the most they change new tyres for me... thats usually wat they do...


rolleyes.gif giving myself some buffer to increase my asking to 19k or 20k... laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


18k for a g7 corolla balance with 6.5 years...... thumbsup.gif



Piseces69, post yr car here and let us take a look? nod.gif

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