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Toyota Corolla 1.3XL


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Aiyoh.. [sweatdrop] Very ex if you take full loan leh. To me, it is better that you borrow as minimum as possible. If you make a calculation for 20k, you will eventually pay a few k for the interest if you loan for about 5 years. As for me, I calculated that I only pay $600+ for the interest for the whole 2 year loan. Anyway, you don't gain much interest if you put your cash in the bank.


Initially, the interest rate was 3.95%, but I took a shorter loan, which allowed me to get 3.65%.


But the thing is..I borrowed 5k from my mum and 2k from my gf and forked out another few k by myself to pay a lump sum..

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If only i can come out with a lump sum... i need the cash for some other purpose and a portion of it must


standby because worried i need to do repair work after i bought over.. it is after all a 13 years old car.... shocked.gif


But if the toyota engine dun fail me.... um.. that will be the best thumbsup.gif


so i guess i will loan the full amount for 5 years. and stick with the machine for 2.5 to 3 years then loan break even.. from then i decide wat to do next.... cool.gif


can put 1k or 2k downpayment ah.. but i calculated the monthly instalment still is abt the same ... not much lower, so decided to keep the 2k cash lor.... bounce2.gifbounce1.gifsmash.gif

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So far no problem except for the timing belt, which sounds like slacking. It's time to change soon.. For my car and with my economical driving method, it can go about 14 km / litre. Not too bad I think

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Bro....timing belt better to change early... if not u drive 1/2 way and the belting snapped (touch wood), u r stalled by the road, worse if on a expressway.... car cant move anymore, can only tow liao... and u got to pay for timing belt change and also the tow charge... not worth it..... lipsrsealed.gif


all others repair can come later... thumbsup.gif


u didnt take the car to AA for check befoore comitting yrself? I read a lot on this forum and they all said taking yr car to AA for check is wisest... u can ask them to change the timing belt for u first mah..... nod.gif

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toyota engine is totally reliable. trust me on this. i used to drive Starlet before this ESI.


Starlet is v sturdy, difficult to break down (ha.....). carb engine is simple to maintain. no difficult confusing things like ECU, fuel injection, whatever modern engines has.


if you wan to save more money, go to JB for servicing and repairs. 50% discount.. ha ha..... carb engine is easier to do. i think all mechanics know how to do.

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Yeah.. this is wat i read from the starlet forum .. startlet is a kick ass 1000cc babe.... jawdrop.gifi am also considering it


because wat i need is a reliable, FC low machine for transportation.. but worried i cant accustom to the car


because it has no power window, and the car is small...i got a family to fetch and the boot space also... got lots


of things to put....shakehead.gif but sure it is a cheap ride ....



Starlet... 4 cylinder 12 valves isnt it? ANy prob going up Benjamin Shear Bridge? CHarging at 90 - 100 at gear 5


and by the time u reach the peak u r at 80. With 2 more passenger behind, car will reach at peak at 60 at gear


4, sometimes gotta down gear to 3 also... that my experience... (for a 1000 cc, 3 cylinder machine)

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no lah bro. i'm talking abt Corolla 1.3XL! it's a good car, coz it's a Toyota.


starlets are too small for you lah, since you got family and all.


the G7 is a good choice, and cheaper than ESI also!! you save more money! big cabin, big bootspace, power windows, auto or manual, reliable toyota engine.


just do some engine overhaul (or insist dealer do for you), add abit of soundproofing and viola! you got a good ride to last at least 4 years!!

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Engine overhaul?? Wats the purpose of that? Tot engine overhaul is a big work and is normally done when u


need to change the timing belt? Dealer willing to do mah? Tot they will only change rims for u, add a cd


changer... etc... ummmm shocked.gif

Edited by Gantan88
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engine overhaul is to change the whatever seals, to avoid oil leaks, cleaning the slugs, gums, oil residues..........


i not sure of the very details of overhaul. maybe some bros here explain more to you. i know there is such thing as top overhaul and complete overhaul........


see how you bargain with dealer. some willing to do it for you....... if dealer refuse, then use this as an excuse to cut price.


timing belt. this thing is very important. if the dealer or previous owner didn't do it, you have to do it yrself.

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Ya I know...but I was waiting for my next pay check, as I dumped most of my money on this car and left with a few hundreds. As long as I do not ram the engine suddenly, the timing belt will not snapped abruptly. But no worries, will get it done soon. [smash]


Intending to send to JB to do it. It will cost about RM 500 to change whatever components inside such as seals and water pump.



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Hmm.. I may want to do so next year after returning money back to my mum and my gf. Hopefully, the bonus for this end of the year is good.

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How do i check if the dealer really did his job coz i wun be arnd to see them do the overhaul? they may simpy


call me 3 days later and say the overhaul is done but in actual fact they did nothing. Any tell-tale signs?confused.gif


timing belt i know.. coz my friend kanna before on xpressway, his timing belt snapped. lipsrsealed.gif

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Yeah.. this is usual the case when buying old cars.. find that yr bank is near empty after buying car... laugh.gif


thats y i already thought of taking full loan, leaving some cash on hand to standby for any maintainenance or


repair work.. maybe paying more interest by doing so... but no choice...... lipsrsealed.gif

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Hi Stevegring,


Just done volt. stabilizer and 5 points grounding at Bukit Batok early this week. Check out this link: http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/Aftermarke...vic_ES_P745936/


Now I can feel that the acceleration smoother. Not necessary more power, but some how the idling more stable and when cruising, the torque is more consistent (smooth). I'd recommend grounding and/or volt stabilizer if your budget permit.wink.gif

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hello there, i didnt know there will be sum1 driving e same car as mi... i tot i'm e oni 1 wif a 91 rolla...my coe expiring in 2011 oso...


i change my wheels, dampers, a/c compressor le...


as 4 octopus u got it at 34k during aug......wah mine bought at dec03 28k...tats a huge diff huh...


i do my own servicing usng the oil genie recommended...delo 400...well i plan to use a lighter oil after my 3x 5000...better FC i hope...but my pickup still sucks...haiz...


Hi Vin2212,


What's your comment on Delo 400? I assume you get it in Malayasia as its not available in Singapore? Any reason why you choose Delo 400 instead of Delvac MX (available locally)? Thanks.

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