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Toyota Corolla 1.3XL


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The slightly bulging in normal for radial tires. Just trust the digital pressure gauge at the pumps. Just try to pump when tires r COLD. [nod]




DO NOT TRY TO PUMP TO THIS AMOUMT EVER. U RISKING YOUR LIFE BRO. [thumbsdown][thumbsdown][thumbsdown][knife][knife][knife][angel][angel][angel]

Edited by Pisces69
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How does your car ride at 230kp/a ???


Does it feel stable? If it feels too light, especially at speed, reduce it a bit.


Over inflated tires have very little contact with the road & if it's raining, u have very little grip on the road. (pumping to 300 PSI can cause a blowout). [angel]


Under inflated can b just as bad, so keep to between 200 - 230 kp/a ( NOT PSI ) as long your car feels stable when u drive or just check with your regular tire shop for the recommended pressure for your tire/car. [;)]

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Many many years back, i got my 2 cars also from dealers... laugh.gif ... think I dun have many $1k notes with me.... lipsrsealed.gif

fated to kanna knife.gif by dealers .... sweatdrop.gifsweatdrop.gifsweatdrop.gif to pay in cash .....



Also... i heard ppl who renew their coe for instance 18444 they have to pay in full right? Which means to say


these kind of ppl will have no loans and buying their cars will be easier? This is the best way isnt it laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


For those ppl with outstanding loan, Is it advisable to carry on his current loan if the interest rate is acceptable?

Edited by Gantan88
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Btw i am looking at various banks website and they dun seem to offer car loan for cars > 10 years anymore...


is it really the case? The only one i saw is Hong Leong Finance which i got to call up and ask...... Is that true?


anyone knows?

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It is rather stable and smooth. [nod] Of course, I would not want to put it at 300 KPA. My car is not a plane, which does not have contact with the ground after take off. I dun want my car to float. Ha ha [laugh][laugh] . Thanks for your advice! [thumbsup]

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OK, but don't confuse smooth with less drag from the tires. [dizzy]


Pumping too much air will make your car seem very light. This is due to the reduced rubber contact with the road thus less drag. [angel]


It might seem good but it also means less tire contact with the road=less grip too. [thumbsdown]


I like my car to have a heavier feel, especially the steering. [thumbsup]


That's why I was happy with 190kp/a b4, but when I saw my tires uneven wear, i realized that the pressure was too low. [:p]


So to each his own & different strokes for different folks but stay as close to the recommended pressures as possible.


Also if u change tire size, it will affect the pressure u need to pump too. [wave]

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Ha laugh.gif Looking at my own post and wondering wat i am trying to say laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


Guess i am saying when a person renew his car coe after 10 years, he have to pay the coe in full isnt it? So he


cant take loan, so buying from this kind of seller will be the easiest when doing transfer as the seller is already holding on to the car log card already! laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif Is this much clearer?sunny.gif

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OK. Yes u r supposed to pay in full when u renew your COE, but I know that there were finance co's who used to loan this amount too, for a premium.


So not necessary all of them r fully paid up.


For the other part about "carry on the loan", Some finance co's allow the loan to be transferred but not many.


This u have to check with the present owner if it is allowed. But check what interest he is paying. U might b able to get a lower interest if it has dropped since he took the loan.

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pirate.gif Is thinking maybe it is worth it to get one thru the dealer so that i dun have to go thru the hassle of doing everything myself.... shocked.gif thinking ... thinking...... cool.gif but sure the saving is a lot if i can get delaers out of the picture bounce1.gifbounce2.gifbounce1.gifbounce2.gifbounce1.gifbounce2.gif
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Hahaha Yes U and so many others.


The system gets more & more complicated day by day.


Not only for cars but most things here.


So many layers r created unnecassarily which add to the total cost of everything.


Maybe that's why in theory everything is cheap but in reality everything is expensive.


Hahaha. U go & think about it.

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Just came back from Yew Tee Workshop. The door seal is abt $50 - $60. My notebook is not with me now. Will tell u the exact figures tonight. I asked the shop how much they are charging for the timing belt replacement. He quoted me $290, which includes the oil seal x 2, bearings x 2, timing belt, air con belt, fan belt and water pump..basically everything that is there. Do you think it is a good deal? Also, for the rear absorbers, one TYK gas filled absorber is abt $70. Good or bad?


Pisces and Gantan,

U guys may want to feedback on this..


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Hi Stevegring,


Based on many years back when i am still driving my swift, i changed by timing belt package (oil seals, water pumps, all bearings, aircon and fan belt) for $300 flat. So i guess it is quite reasonable for a jap car with a carburetter engine. It is the labour that cost $$ i guess, not the parts... laugh.gif


As for the absorber, i have never change that before, but based on what i gathered from reading in this forum from many threads posted by others, changing all 4 absorbers cost about <= $300, so i guess that is a reasonable deal too? laugh.gif


Others may like to verify again thumbsup.gif

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Yup.. it is all the unecessary layers that makes owning a car so expensive lar... imagine the transfer fee alone is already abt $800+/-... damm.... they simply do some paper works and transfer the name only mah... where the need for $800 right?? thumbsdown.gif Plus all the erp charges and all....


No wonder people say LTA is one of the richest agency in Singapore.. rifle.gifrifle.gifrifle.gif

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