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CUT the sleaze!!! =(


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Of late, have noticed that certain posters have been discussing chicks, babes, posting pics of sleaze and stuff here.frown.gif


C'mon! There is a place and time for everything. If you have a high hormonal level, take it out on the wall...dun post ur filth and nonsense here. It is no wonder that the opposite sex could take offence to the quality of posts here wrt such aspectsunimpressed.gifunimpressed.gif


Let me remind you, this is a CAR forum, not some Airy Goglevany site to post pics and stuff. Go find Playboy and Comso .com or some other place to post it.unsure.gif


It sickens me that EACH and EVERY post(u noe who u are)has some connotation about sex, perversion, etc etc (duwan to elab too much)


So, I have highlighted such posts to Admin and Gav did remind once, abt the avatars, lets do the same with the smile.gifposts.


We can have fun, poke bitch abt each other, but if u want to have dirty talk, lets know where our limits stand!thumbsup.gif


There u go....my rants!!!!gossip.gifmad.gifmad.gif

Edited by RadX
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Neutral Newbie

Original Reply by ADMIN


Hi Everyone


I agree with the point which Assassin has made. MCF is a place for everyone but we do have some rules on what is acceptable and what is not. You can refer to them in our guidelines here.

http://www.mycarforum.com/show.cgi?do=show;content=forum_guidelines;type=disclaimer;left=1; ://http://www.mycarforum.com/show.cgi?...laimer;left=1; ://http://www.mycarforum.com/show.cgi?...laimer;left=1; ://http://www.mycarforum.com/show.cgi?...laimer;left=1; ://http://www.mycarforum.com/show.cgi?...laimer;left=1; ://http://www.mycarforum.com/show.cgi?...laimer;left=1; ://http://www.mycarforum.com/show.cgi?...laimer;left=1;


Some areas are kinda grey and it is not that easy to draw a clear line. But I believe we are all adults(or I hope most of us are), so we should always be respectful to different groups, whether they are of a different race or sex. I know some members like to test these boundaries. Any objectional materials that are highlighted to us or the moderators will be reviewed and may be removed and we seek the understanding of all members on this.


Being moderators is a thankless job, especially so in MCF when Gavin and me is always not around. So I do appreciate all the effort that our moderators have put in and they have our full support. Thanks folks!

Edited by Admin
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thought I'd add to this. A gentle reminder not to get too TIKO in threads. I see this recurrence appearing again

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