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Black Bumper protective spray


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Neutral Newbie

Any1 know of any solution or spray for black portion like bumper and side?


Use "Black Magic", it is good conditioner for plastic but seems that it will stains the paint.


Any thing that is good and paint safe??

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Neutral Newbie

I second that..


I've tried 3 different bumper blackening products so far and Autoglym's Bumper Care is marginally better than the other 2.


Those I've tried include:

1) Soft99 - Bumper Care (liquid solution, smells like thinner/kerosene??)

2) Simonz - Back to Black (also smells very industrial, cream)

3) Autoglym - Bumper Care (liquid/cream)

4) DIY - dishwashing liquid + car shampoo concentrate.


Soft99's was the first I tried. It got the bumpers black, but was very difficult to apply as it has very low viscousity - almost like water. The application was relatively messy and looks uneven (some areas darker than others) - due to cloth application. It was quite a potent cleaner - do not get it on the car paint as it seems to strip a bit of the wax. Fingers feel a slight burning sensation after application. However, it doesn' work too well on bumper surfaces that have whitish wax smudges.. The smudges came back after a few washes.


Simonz's offering was easier to apply. Whitish transluscent cream. Industrial smelling - like another type of solvent - feels a little oily. Doesn't get the bumpers as black, and unfortunately - it does not really get rid of the wax residues well. i.e. you can see the stains come back completely after a few weeks.


Autoglym's bumper care is much better in terms of ease of application and effectiveness so far. It's paint-friendlier.. The instructions noted that if you get it on the paint, just wipe/polish it off. Application was very easy with a sponge. Color was restored and it seemed to have gotten ride of the wax residues much better then either solutions above. I didn't need to wipe the excess off the paint - car wash after got ride of it completely and left no marks on the paint.


DIY. If you've got really stubborn wax residues, you may wish to do some prep work first. Otherwise, none of the above will work well. Get a small toothbrush and a sponge. Target the hard-to-reach areas where you have wax marks.. I use a very concentrated dishwashing liquid + car wash solution. About 5x normal doses. Start with a small bumper/door handle section - scrub it thoroughly, then rinse with water frequently - wipe clean. Let it dry, which will reveal the wax marks are again. It should deminish with a few attempts. Once you get it preped well, the application of bumper care products are more effortless and lasting.



Edited by Alvinkoh
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I ve this problem even go down to AUTOGLYM demo centre ....at Gelenggang Rd.

But frankly speakin they just want u to buy their products.All this cost $$$$

I find out one effective way. Use spot remover(Tuff coat) come wit my ride, then wipe WD40( just wanna be KIASU)on it before wash ya ride.Wa LA ..........all back to normal. This is my 2 cents point.Try it on ...... then post to me.

Edited by Spainshboy
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Neutral Newbie

Actually, WD40 is a highly recommended product for bumper wax smears as well. :)

Recommended in overseas detailing forums. Also, peanut butter wax.. [sweatdrop] (no kidding!)

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Neutral Newbie

i personally like this product from "Mother's". it comes in a red plastic bottles & the shine last longer than Autoglym Bumper Black. it's a white creamy stuff that need to be apply to the plastic. after which, clean it with clean cloth. last bought it a some DIY shop.

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Neutral Newbie

Wld such pdts work for lights scratches and abrasions on the black vinyl/rubber protectors/bumper guards ... need to remove them from my car

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Autolglym bumper black does remove the white residue left from detailing products. nod.gif


Bro, I have some wax stain on the windscreen plastic area near the wiper blades. Can Autoglym Bumper Black remove the white stains on those black plastic and keep it permanently off? Or have to keep applying after every wash or rain?

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Neutral Newbie

got mine at a DIY shop in Turf Club City. think now gone oredi lah. you can refer to page 2 of RESOURCE folder, title "Contact For Mothers Products" for the distributor address.

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There is ........remember ARMY days. KIWI black...solve all e problem.

Cheap n good............I went AUTOGLYM demo centre hoping they have answer the other day.

That GUY very frank........anyway thanks to him. He told he the only way is to RESPRAY e whole bumper n door guard. so GUYs dun waste $$$...

Edited by Spainshboy
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Neutral Newbie

Today went down to Autobacs, couldn't find it fr rack, ask the guy, he gave me a "Fover black?? [confused] si mi lai eh, can eat or not" look and replied "for tyre izit, every thing on the rack, cant find means don have such thing" [furious]


Bring in a dozen carton, I'll help you sell! [thumbsup]

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