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Personalised California car plate for decor?


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There used to be a place at Chinatown that did this... not sure if it's still there though...last saw was about 6 months back [sweatdrop]


Coming from People's Park complex, cross the big bridge...and just continue straight down.... shop's on the left towards the end...


Erm... if it's not there anymore.... you didn't get this info from me ok? [sweatdrop]

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Neutral Newbie

haha okok..btw any idea hw much soes it roughly cost and is it made instantly or have to wait few days?

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nect time I see you... will show you.


actually I have 3... 2 (1 big 1 mini) from states and 1 (mini) from Oz...


Those mini one dun have my name... therefore, settle for the one without the L.

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