Samuel536 Neutral Newbie December 21, 2012 Share December 21, 2012 1. Jazziegirl - (Jan 03) 2. Zombie - Jazz i-Dsi (2003) 3. Mavvy - Honda Jazz ( 2003 ) i-DSI 4. Mitlover James - Jazz, Blazzie 5. Ehonda Eddie - Jazz 6. Jacko Jack - Fit GD3 7. Honzai - Jazz 8. FCW75 - Jazz 9. Loosecannon - FIT GD3 10. Susacarimakan - Jazz, Minty Toad 11. Hong23 - Jazz, Blackamania 12. SeanGoh - Jazz, Air Jazz 13. Nautgeo - Jazz 14. Hondacruz - Silver Fit 15. Turtlekar - Jazz 16. Jazzer - White Jazz 17. Wh1teHat - White Jazz <- mine's a jazz... kekekeke 18. Wankie - Jazz 19. Vtecian - Jazz 20. Cactuer - Jazz 21. Eroken - Fitter 22. Mystix - Jazz 23. Frisk - Fit/IDSI 24. Pioneer - Silver Jazz 25. Mello - Jazz 26. Cherby - Fit 27. Crazievic - Jazz 28. Flow - Silver Jazz 29. Fit_gd3 - Black fit gd3 30. Jazz6868 - Black Jazz '05 31. Titan - Black Jazz '04 32. Zephyr - Ice Metallic Blue Jazz '04 33. AsphyxY - Red Jazz '05 34. max_1979 - white Jazz 35. Saaber - Black Jazz '05 36. sun71 - Red Jazz '06 37. maemi - Orange Fit'06 38. raining - Ah beng blue Jazzie 39. Mickey - Jazz 40. fitvip - Silver Fit '03 - changed to Silver FIT '08 41. takewee - Black Jazz 04 42. dawnlite - Black Jazz 03 Dec 43. Shrek - Black Fit '06 44. Foody - Sirius Blue/IDSI (A) (Just gotten yesterday) 45. Adven - Black Jazz 02 (changing soon) 46. Kozen - White Fit 06 Model (collecting car in Feb) 47. JazzBoy - Red (collecting car in Jun/Jul 07) 48. Qupid - blue fit 49. JamesBin - White Jazz Auto 2006 Model *^_______,^* (earliest collection June, Latest August) 50. Ruztybee - Red Fit '08 (1 wk old) 51. Puppies - Black Fit '08 (3 wks old) 52. Clemenzo - Silver Fit '08 (2 days old) 53. andtoh - Purple Fit '08 (collecting mid June, wife's ride) 54. Two5boy - Blue Fit '08 skyroof 55. Dj_Spike - Red Fit '08 (collecting in Sep) 56. Zong - Purple Fit 08 57. Ah Fit - Blue Fit' 07 58. findcotton - Yellow Fit 59. kaipower White Jazz Skyroof 2009 Model 60. yewhiong - Black Fit '08 61. Sumeshm - Honda Jazz 62. I-LOVE-CARS- Yellow Fit '08 63. 3xtra999 - Purple Fit '06 64. Alanthegreat - Black Jazz '07 65. Urbanfade - Blue Jazz 07 66. Garv - White Fit '08 67. eileenmi - yellow fit ' 09 68. snoops88 - light blue jazz ' 05 69. Holy888 - White Fit ' 09 70. kueijie - Black Jazz '04 71. batteryonthemove - Black Fit '07 72. Daniel91- red jazz 07 GD1 73. Damien22 - grey Fit '09 74. Darren4182 - Red Fit aka "Ang KU Kueh" 2009 75. Samuel536 - black Fit 08 (thinking of selling) City 1. Saaber sold off his 2. King sold off his 3. Vtecc 2G/Silver/Auto 4. Chase! sold off 5. Quinkies 2G/Beige/Manual 6. No1driver 2G/Champagne/Manual 7. yoong 3G/Champagne/Auto 8. Genmes 2G/Beige/Auto 9. drawfs 3G/Ice Blue/Auto 10. Manbird 2G / Champagne /Auto 11. Slim 2G/Champagne/Auto 12. Vivioman 3G/Graphite Pearl/Auto 13. Porky 3G/Dark Blue/Auto 14. Bailey 3G/Black/Auto 15. Toyo 3G/Silver/Auto -- Sold Off 16. Capricorn 2G/Titanium/Vtec Auto 17. Blue City 1G/Blue/Auto. 18. Jegger 3G/Beige/Auto. vtec 19. Muffler 3G/Silver/Auto 20. vteccity 2G/Beige/Auto 21. Seyfert 3G/Black/Auto 22. brown_rabbit 3G/Desert Mist/Auto 23. iceberg 3G/Beige/Auto 24. David3305-3G/Royal Ruby Pearl Red(SHC) 25. Antz_Ng 3G/Vivd Blue Pearl/Auto (just gotten for 2 days) 26. Stinger_Quek 3G/Black/Vtec Auto 27. Radical 3G/Black/Manual 28. Eviltoad 3G/Black/Manual (1 week ago) 29. Kcmok717 3G City/Graphite Pearl/Auto/iDSI 30. Tommy3595 3G/Vivid Blue/Auto 31. danieltan07 3G/SilverStone/ Auto/ IDSI (getting it in 2 days time) 32. Hondapower 3G/Red/iDSI 33. Scktay 3G/Vivid Blue/iDSI (M) 34. Mycity55 4G/SatelliteSilver/Auto/i-DSI Civic / CRX / Concerto 1. Cracker - Ek3 (2000) changing to Chevy Optra next mth . 2. Marusho - ES5 (2004) Black 3. Zoomer - ES1 (2004) Magnesium 4. jack - ES5 (2004) Black 5. fireman - ES5 (2003) hui se 6. Kelpie - ES5 (2004) Silver 7. Certified - ES5 (2004) Magnesium 8. Ragnar0k - ES5 (2004) Black 9. Accordvtec - ES5(2004)Black 10. SimonsayZ - EG3(1993) Red (converted to B16a engine) 11. Initial_D - ES5 (2003) Silver 12. Thepukster - ES5 (2004) Shoreline Metallic 13. Tayka - EK3 (1998) Silver 14. Estrangabke - ES5 (2004) Red 15. Tf_514 - ES1 (2004) Magnesium 16. Devvic_ - EK3 (2000) Black 17. Legend78 - ES5 (2004) Black 18. lucio - ES5(2004)Black 19. illusion - EK3 (1998) Grey 20. imuya - EK3 (1997) Ah pek VTEC 21. skyline9011 - (2005) Magnesium Matellic 22. WHAM - (2005) Magnesium Silver 23. Roadrunner-ES1 24. Tarmac - EK4 (1996) - Red (Sold) 25. Turbonetics - EH9 (1993)-"Lan" Blue 26. Thug - ESi (1993) Black 27. Itguy28 - EG6 White (SOLD) 28. Meng - ES5 (2004) Silver 29. xtravel - civic esi 30. sash7 - civic EU1 black 31. samwng - ES8 (00) beige 32. Madriver (2005) Black 33. SignatureEK4 - EK4 (1998) Black 34. Oreo - (2001) Blue Vti 35. Magistus - (2005) Black VTi-S 36. Adnohcetv - (2005) Black VTI-S 37. kkiiaatt - EG6 < ----- where you belong. 38. Dav74 - 2005 ES1 dark grey 39. magnesium77 - ES5, mag metallic 40. Law73 - ES1 Black Bounce 41. ht380 - ES8 Silver 42. Civicman - (2006) SI Galaxy Grey 43. Andtoh - 1.8 VTi-S FD Black - Changed car liao 44. Tungsten - 1.8 VTi-S FD Galaxy Grey 45. nutty - ES5 (2005) Black 46. jnetjnjn - 1.8 VTi-S FD Silver 47. dawnlite - 1.4 Auto Black Jazz 48. Scoutckl628 - 1.8 G model FD Blue 49. Tanjm348 - ES5, Sky Blue 50. Zennie-(2006) SI Silver 51. Presea - 2.0 (M) Nighthawk Black Pearl 52. Yangs - 1.6 FD4 Nighthawk Black 53. tofie - ES5 (2005) Black 54. Freestylers09 - 1.8 VTi-S FD Black 55. azejd - Civic EU1 Black 56.Civic78 - ES5 (2004) Blue 57. ngaiky83 - 1.3 FD3 Black Hybrid 58. l00khere - 2.0 (M) Whitey 59. Emils79 - 1.3 White Hybrid 60. vaxvms - ES5 (2003 Black) 61. Gdluck-ES5 (2004) black 62. Sonicmood - 1.8(A) FD silver 63. S390U ES5(M)Mag Metallic 2005 64. Super410 - 1.8(A) VTi-S FD White Pearl 65. drive_carcar - 1.8(M) FD blue 66. Viper76 - 1.8(A) FD Sliver 67. Redplanet ES5 Blue 68. sixonenine_ EK4 SiR RED 69. TopSecret - 1.6 EK4 SiR Blue 70. Shull - Silver FD2A & White ES8 71. Ngdillon - white FD2R with red child-seat behind 72. david_tan52 ESI 73. Perynot FD2 74: RayTravis ESI 75. Icebrush79 - FN2R BLACK 76. QR25VET - EF9 SiR white 77. ethene - EK4 SiR Red 78. Supertoad76 -ES5(2005) Sliver Blue 79. Krado - 03' ES5 Shoreline Mist 80. Diversify_diversify - 2005 black civic vtec 81. cluboxed FD1 --> FD2R 82. Wanalfian - 91' Honda Civic EG9 (sold on March) Miss the car alot :( 83. Varitas - FD2R Platinum Silver 84. Flauros - 09' Honda Civic Hybrid - Neutron Blue 85. Steffan - 09' Honda Civic Hybrid - Mag 86. StarletGT - 08' Honda Civic FD1 1.8(M) - Black 87. prostcode - '96 Honda Civic EK4 SiR - Championship White (99 Facelift B16A) 88. WSG- HCHII 89. DaveJr - 08' FD2R - Championship White (MAJULAH SINGAPURA) 90. RB26Dett - 08 FN2R - Custom bronze metallic 91. Wolf2801 - 9th/Gen Civic Hybrid - Crystal Black - Collecting mid June 92. Boi2uncle - 08' Honda Civic FD1 - Silver 93. jumpman075 - 06 / Honda 2.0 M 94. slackingbird - 92' Honda Civic EG6 - Pearl White <----- I'm lovin it ;) 95. Mat_wira - 09' Honda Civic FD2 2.0(M) - Silver Stream 1. Redz (2004) 2. Andrewkb (2001) 3. stuka69 (2004) 4. vincewg (Jan '03) Beige 5. ZakuII (2004) 6. Genie (2002) 7. Kotila (2002) Red 8. tploh (2001) - repossessed 9. eyebm 2006 - collection Apr 2006 10. Ryanzal (2005) Pearl White 11. exsaloon (2004) Graphite Pearl 12. Flaser (2005) 13. Windcruiser (2004) 14. Arrow (2006) RSZ Cool Amber 15. nagamas (2008) Style Edition Cool Amber 16. Coolgit95 (2008) Cool Amber! 17. GeminiGuy (2009) Black Style Edition 18. Divineleader (2008) RSZ Cool Amber 19. coolbluewater (2009) Pearl White 20. sbu7360 (2008) silver 21. applez (2007) black 22. raykim (2009) Style Edition Cool Amber 23. Skoder (2008) Style Edition Silver 24.Nuraizat (2008}Style Edition Cool Amber 25. Tigerwoods (2009) RSZ Pearl White 26. ben5266 (2008) Silver 27.joemit7850 (2010)Pearl White 28. weewee1976 (2008) KM Modulo Kit Cool Amber (upgraded from Airwave and before that was Fit) 29. Bhauto213 Honda stream RN6 30 victor68 (2007) Honda Stream - Pearl White 31. Ymmij (2009) RSZ Pearl White 32. sportrv (2008) S Edition Black Deamon (Front Mugen Rear Combo) Odyssey 1. GoopPwr (Dec 2003) 2. Eagle0405 3. Cola80 (Dec 2000) 4. Odyssey02 (Jan 2002) 5. cleanwipe (Jun 2006) 6. JunQuan 7. djcoolmax (Carbon Bronze Absolute) 8. wishxsr ( RB1 absolute) 9. puteh (RB1 absolute) smash.gif 10. Rainking 11. Edwino (Jan 2010) CRV/HRV 1. Crv2004 2. hpdesign 3. Spawnstar 4. Crv007 5. SeriousGuy - 2008 White Honda CR-V 2.4 I-VTEC Integra 1. Blackknight 2. Integra_06 3. Outegra 4. Jermy 5. Skye 6. chemz 7. Dc5r 8. Green Hornet - Integra Type R 9. RiceCrispy 10. nakashima_mika 11. Cluboxed - DC5 2.0M 12. Jozy - JDM Integra Type R (DC5) S2000 1. Proscar - 2002 AP1 silverstone 2. 3. Accord 1. Dtyn 2. Accord2005 (cm4/metallic silver/sep05) 3. pklam (cm4/silver/sep05) 4. honda accord 91. exi. wanna sell le. selling at 15k only with full accesories. pm me to find out 5. tll72 (black/oct05) JDM Accord 1. Wankie (hopefully 2006) 2. Remygenn (2005) 3. Heynsl (CL9/black/auto) 4. kkiiaatt - EG6 <------ EG6 is Civic eh? 5. Darren (Black/Manual/CL7/June'05) 6. Tarmac - CL7 (2003) - Black 7. Ck2998 - CL7R 8. allen - CL7A (2005) - black 9. GDIzen - Type S 10. biohazard - CL7R 2007 Red 11. jementa - (2005) black 12. M2cys (2005) Black 13. Redplanet CL7A Black EDIX/FR-V 1. SonOfGod 2. Golfspin 3. SOZO- Blackie 4. BlackMafia 5. Bluecollar 6. Seansene 7. LSCSPMQ 8. Last_Mohican 9. dantyc 10. Patrick (Red) 11. Princey_anne - Blue 12. Ah-Ho (Red) 13. edix3x2 14. Wonderfull (Red) AIRWAVE 1. Airwave05 (Chiffon Green) 2. LongBlack (Nighthawk Black/Active) 3. Zenn (Milan Red) 4. Jomartin (Black is Basic) 5. Bronco77 (Black) 6. TeamMax (Storm Silver) 7. Gene2 (Chiffon Green) 8. Cavili (Blue is Blue) 9. biccat (Blackie) 10. Ramkeeper (2007 Grey) 11. badbadtz (black w/crystals) 12. hairwave (Storm Silver) 13. w13ng (Purple) 14. Russ28 (Black) <-- Hey anybody want to install CNG together? 15. Ashwaver(Storm Silver) Fixed Cng liao .Sorri Russ Bro. 16. Slowpoke51 (Silver) - WTB... Bodykits wanted! 17. sgoz147 (Black) - Upgraded from Alfa 147 to Airwave.....Upgrade???? 18. michelin1 (pearl white)- got stolen on mid-May 2011- 7-mth old car!! STEP.WGN 1. Hondaman Purple(City > Step) 2.Takashimaya..... CROSSROAD 1. Bavarian (Black LX) FREED 1.Freed (Dark Grey) 2.ksckelvin - GL7 (Dark Grey) 3.Manterror INSIGHT HYBRID 1. Princess_ r (Red) 2. chiawy (Grey 3. nikeian (Grey) 4. Lavis (Black) ↡ Advertisement 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ultra-trex Neutral Newbie December 29, 2012 Share December 29, 2012 1. Jazziegirl - (Jan 03) 2. Zombie - Jazz i-Dsi (2003) 3. Mavvy - Honda Jazz ( 2003 ) i-DSI 4. Mitlover James - Jazz, Blazzie 5. Ehonda Eddie - Jazz 6. Jacko Jack - Fit GD3 7. Honzai - Jazz 8. FCW75 - Jazz 9. Loosecannon - FIT GD3 10. Susacarimakan - Jazz, Minty Toad 11. Hong23 - Jazz, Blackamania 12. SeanGoh - Jazz, Air Jazz 13. Nautgeo - Jazz 14. Hondacruz - Silver Fit 15. Turtlekar - Jazz 16. Jazzer - White Jazz 17. Wh1teHat - White Jazz <- mine's a jazz... kekekeke 18. Wankie - Jazz 19. Vtecian - Jazz 20. Cactuer - Jazz 21. Eroken - Fitter 22. Mystix - Jazz 23. Frisk - Fit/IDSI 24. Pioneer - Silver Jazz 25. Mello - Jazz 26. Cherby - Fit 27. Crazievic - Jazz 28. Flow - Silver Jazz 29. Fit_gd3 - Black fit gd3 30. Jazz6868 - Black Jazz '05 31. Titan - Black Jazz '04 32. Zephyr - Ice Metallic Blue Jazz '04 33. AsphyxY - Red Jazz '05 34. max_1979 - white Jazz 35. Saaber - Black Jazz '05 36. sun71 - Red Jazz '06 37. maemi - Orange Fit'06 38. raining - Ah beng blue Jazzie 39. Mickey - Jazz 40. fitvip - Silver Fit '03 - changed to Silver FIT '08 41. takewee - Black Jazz 04 42. dawnlite - Black Jazz 03 Dec 43. Shrek - Black Fit '06 44. Foody - Sirius Blue/IDSI (A) (Just gotten yesterday) 45. Adven - Black Jazz 02 (changing soon) 46. Kozen - White Fit 06 Model (collecting car in Feb) 47. JazzBoy - Red (collecting car in Jun/Jul 07) 48. Qupid - blue fit 49. JamesBin - White Jazz Auto 2006 Model *^_______,^* (earliest collection June, Latest August) 50. Ruztybee - Red Fit '08 (1 wk old) 51. Puppies - Black Fit '08 (3 wks old) 52. Clemenzo - Silver Fit '08 (2 days old) 53. andtoh - Purple Fit '08 (collecting mid June, wife's ride) 54. Two5boy - Blue Fit '08 skyroof 55. Dj_Spike - Red Fit '08 (collecting in Sep) 56. Zong - Purple Fit 08 57. Ah Fit - Blue Fit' 07 58. findcotton - Yellow Fit 59. kaipower White Jazz Skyroof 2009 Model 60. yewhiong - Black Fit '08 61. Sumeshm - Honda Jazz 62. I-LOVE-CARS- Yellow Fit '08 63. 3xtra999 - Purple Fit '06 64. Alanthegreat - Black Jazz '07 65. Urbanfade - Blue Jazz 07 66. Garv - White Fit '08 67. eileenmi - yellow fit ' 09 68. snoops88 - light blue jazz ' 05 69. Holy888 - White Fit ' 09 70. kueijie - Black Jazz '04 71. batteryonthemove - Black Fit '07 72. Daniel91- red jazz 07 GD1 73. Damien22 - grey Fit '09 74. Darren4182 - Red Fit aka "Ang KU Kueh" 2009 75. Samuel536 - black Fit 08 (thinking of selling) City 1. Saaber sold off his 2. King sold off his 3. Vtecc 2G/Silver/Auto 4. Chase! sold off 5. Quinkies 2G/Beige/Manual 6. No1driver 2G/Champagne/Manual 7. yoong 3G/Champagne/Auto 8. Genmes 2G/Beige/Auto 9. drawfs 3G/Ice Blue/Auto 10. Manbird 2G / Champagne /Auto 11. Slim 2G/Champagne/Auto 12. Vivioman 3G/Graphite Pearl/Auto 13. Porky 3G/Dark Blue/Auto 14. Bailey 3G/Black/Auto 15. Toyo 3G/Silver/Auto -- Sold Off 16. Capricorn 2G/Titanium/Vtec Auto 17. Blue City 1G/Blue/Auto. 18. Jegger 3G/Beige/Auto. vtec 19. Muffler 3G/Silver/Auto 20. vteccity 2G/Beige/Auto 21. Seyfert 3G/Black/Auto 22. brown_rabbit 3G/Desert Mist/Auto 23. iceberg 3G/Beige/Auto 24. David3305-3G/Royal Ruby Pearl Red(SHC) 25. Antz_Ng 3G/Vivd Blue Pearl/Auto (just gotten for 2 days) 26. Stinger_Quek 3G/Black/Vtec Auto 27. Radical 3G/Black/Manual 28. Eviltoad 3G/Black/Manual (1 week ago) 29. Kcmok717 3G City/Graphite Pearl/Auto/iDSI 30. Tommy3595 3G/Vivid Blue/Auto 31. danieltan07 3G/SilverStone/ Auto/ IDSI (getting it in 2 days time) 32. Hondapower 3G/Red/iDSI 33. Scktay 3G/Vivid Blue/iDSI (M) 34. Mycity55 4G/SatelliteSilver/Auto/i-DSI Civic / CRX / Concerto 1. Cracker - Ek3 (2000) changing to Chevy Optra next mth . 2. Marusho - ES5 (2004) Black 3. Zoomer - ES1 (2004) Magnesium 4. jack - ES5 (2004) Black 5. fireman - ES5 (2003) hui se 6. Kelpie - ES5 (2004) Silver 7. Certified - ES5 (2004) Magnesium 8. Ragnar0k - ES5 (2004) Black 9. Accordvtec - ES5(2004)Black 10. SimonsayZ - EG3(1993) Red (converted to B16a engine) 11. Initial_D - ES5 (2003) Silver 12. Thepukster - ES5 (2004) Shoreline Metallic 13. Tayka - EK3 (1998) Silver 14. Estrangabke - ES5 (2004) Red 15. Tf_514 - ES1 (2004) Magnesium 16. Devvic_ - EK3 (2000) Black 17. Legend78 - ES5 (2004) Black 18. lucio - ES5(2004)Black 19. illusion - EK3 (1998) Grey 20. imuya - EK3 (1997) Ah pek VTEC 21. skyline9011 - (2005) Magnesium Matellic 22. WHAM - (2005) Magnesium Silver 23. Roadrunner-ES1 24. Tarmac - EK4 (1996) - Red (Sold) 25. Turbonetics - EH9 (1993)-"Lan" Blue 26. Thug - ESi (1993) Black 27. Itguy28 - EG6 White (SOLD) 28. Meng - ES5 (2004) Silver 29. xtravel - civic esi 30. sash7 - civic EU1 black 31. samwng - ES8 (00) beige 32. Madriver (2005) Black 33. SignatureEK4 - EK4 (1998) Black 34. Oreo - (2001) Blue Vti 35. Magistus - (2005) Black VTi-S 36. Adnohcetv - (2005) Black VTI-S 37. kkiiaatt - EG6 < ----- where you belong. 38. Dav74 - 2005 ES1 dark grey 39. magnesium77 - ES5, mag metallic 40. Law73 - ES1 Black Bounce 41. ht380 - ES8 Silver 42. Civicman - (2006) SI Galaxy Grey 43. Andtoh - 1.8 VTi-S FD Black - Changed car liao 44. Tungsten - 1.8 VTi-S FD Galaxy Grey 45. nutty - ES5 (2005) Black 46. jnetjnjn - 1.8 VTi-S FD Silver 47. dawnlite - 1.4 Auto Black Jazz 48. Scoutckl628 - 1.8 G model FD Blue 49. Tanjm348 - ES5, Sky Blue 50. Zennie-(2006) SI Silver 51. Presea - 2.0 (M) Nighthawk Black Pearl 52. Yangs - 1.6 FD4 Nighthawk Black 53. tofie - ES5 (2005) Black 54. Freestylers09 - 1.8 VTi-S FD Black 55. azejd - Civic EU1 Black 56.Civic78 - ES5 (2004) Blue 57. ngaiky83 - 1.3 FD3 Black Hybrid 58. l00khere - 2.0 (M) Whitey 59. Emils79 - 1.3 White Hybrid 60. vaxvms - ES5 (2003 Black) 61. Gdluck-ES5 (2004) black 62. Sonicmood - 1.8(A) FD silver 63. S390U ES5(M)Mag Metallic 2005 64. Super410 - 1.8(A) VTi-S FD White Pearl 65. drive_carcar - 1.8(M) FD blue 66. Viper76 - 1.8(A) FD Sliver 67. Redplanet ES5 Blue 68. sixonenine_ EK4 SiR RED 69. TopSecret - 1.6 EK4 SiR Blue 70. Shull - Silver FD2A & White ES8 71. Ngdillon - white FD2R with red child-seat behind 72. david_tan52 ESI 73. Perynot FD2 74: RayTravis ESI 75. Icebrush79 - FN2R BLACK 76. QR25VET - EF9 SiR white 77. ethene - EK4 SiR Red 78. Supertoad76 -ES5(2005) Sliver Blue 79. Krado - 03' ES5 Shoreline Mist 80. Diversify_diversify - 2005 black civic vtec 81. cluboxed FD1 --> FD2R 82. Wanalfian - 91' Honda Civic EG9 (sold on March) Miss the car alot :( 83. Varitas - FD2R Platinum Silver 84. Flauros - 09' Honda Civic Hybrid - Neutron Blue 85. Steffan - 09' Honda Civic Hybrid - Mag 86. StarletGT - 08' Honda Civic FD1 1.8(M) - Black 87. prostcode - '96 Honda Civic EK4 SiR - Championship White (99 Facelift B16A) 88. WSG- HCHII 89. DaveJr - 08' FD2R - Championship White (MAJULAH SINGAPURA) 90. RB26Dett - 08 FN2R - Custom bronze metallic 91. Wolf2801 - 9th/Gen Civic Hybrid - Crystal Black - Collecting mid June 92. Boi2uncle - 08' Honda Civic FD1 - Silver 93. jumpman075 - 06 / Honda 2.0 M 94. slackingbird - 92' Honda Civic EG6 - Pearl White <----- I'm lovin it ;) 95. Mat_wira - 09' Honda Civic FD2 2.0(M) - Silver Stream 1. Redz (2004) 2. Andrewkb (2001) 3. stuka69 (2004) 4. vincewg (Jan '03) Beige 5. ZakuII (2004) 6. Genie (2002) 7. Kotila (2002) Red 8. tploh (2001) - repossessed 9. eyebm 2006 - collection Apr 2006 10. Ryanzal (2005) Pearl White 11. exsaloon (2004) Graphite Pearl 12. Flaser (2005) 13. Windcruiser (2004) 14. Arrow (2006) RSZ Cool Amber 15. nagamas (2008) Style Edition Cool Amber 16. Coolgit95 (2008) Cool Amber! 17. GeminiGuy (2009) Black Style Edition 18. Divineleader (2008) RSZ Cool Amber 19. coolbluewater (2009) Pearl White 20. sbu7360 (2008) silver 21. applez (2007) black 22. raykim (2009) Style Edition Cool Amber 23. Skoder (2008) Style Edition Silver 24.Nuraizat (2008}Style Edition Cool Amber 25. Tigerwoods (2009) RSZ Pearl White 26. ben5266 (2008) Silver 27.joemit7850 (2010)Pearl White 28. weewee1976 (2008) KM Modulo Kit Cool Amber (upgraded from Airwave and before that was Fit) 29. Bhauto213 Honda stream RN6 30 victor68 (2007) Honda Stream - Pearl White 31. Ymmij (2009) RSZ Pearl White 32. sportrv (2008) S Edition Black Deamon (Front Mugen Rear Combo) 33. Ultra-Trex aka Trex (2008) Pearl White Odyssey 1. GoopPwr (Dec 2003) 2. Eagle0405 3. Cola80 (Dec 2000) 4. Odyssey02 (Jan 2002) 5. cleanwipe (Jun 2006) 6. JunQuan 7. djcoolmax (Carbon Bronze Absolute) 8. wishxsr ( RB1 absolute) 9. puteh (RB1 absolute) smash.gif 10. Rainking 11. Edwino (Jan 2010) CRV/HRV 1. Crv2004 2. hpdesign 3. Spawnstar 4. Crv007 5. SeriousGuy - 2008 White Honda CR-V 2.4 I-VTEC Integra 1. Blackknight 2. Integra_06 3. Outegra 4. Jermy 5. Skye 6. chemz 7. Dc5r 8. Green Hornet - Integra Type R 9. RiceCrispy 10. nakashima_mika 11. Cluboxed - DC5 2.0M 12. Jozy - JDM Integra Type R (DC5) S2000 1. Proscar - 2002 AP1 silverstone 2. 3. Accord 1. Dtyn 2. Accord2005 (cm4/metallic silver/sep05) 3. pklam (cm4/silver/sep05) 4. honda accord 91. exi. wanna sell le. selling at 15k only with full accesories. pm me to find out 5. tll72 (black/oct05) JDM Accord 1. Wankie (hopefully 2006) 2. Remygenn (2005) 3. Heynsl (CL9/black/auto) 4. kkiiaatt - EG6 <------ EG6 is Civic eh? 5. Darren (Black/Manual/CL7/June'05) 6. Tarmac - CL7 (2003) - Black 7. Ck2998 - CL7R 8. allen - CL7A (2005) - black 9. GDIzen - Type S 10. biohazard - CL7R 2007 Red 11. jementa - (2005) black 12. M2cys (2005) Black 13. Redplanet CL7A Black EDIX/FR-V 1. SonOfGod 2. Golfspin 3. SOZO- Blackie 4. BlackMafia 5. Bluecollar 6. Seansene 7. LSCSPMQ 8. Last_Mohican 9. dantyc 10. Patrick (Red) 11. Princey_anne - Blue 12. Ah-Ho (Red) 13. edix3x2 14. Wonderfull (Red) AIRWAVE 1. Airwave05 (Chiffon Green) 2. LongBlack (Nighthawk Black/Active) 3. Zenn (Milan Red) 4. Jomartin (Black is Basic) 5. Bronco77 (Black) 6. TeamMax (Storm Silver) 7. Gene2 (Chiffon Green) 8. Cavili (Blue is Blue) 9. biccat (Blackie) 10. Ramkeeper (2007 Grey) 11. badbadtz (black w/crystals) 12. hairwave (Storm Silver) 13. w13ng (Purple) 14. Russ28 (Black) <-- Hey anybody want to install CNG together? 15. Ashwaver(Storm Silver) Fixed Cng liao .Sorri Russ Bro. 16. Slowpoke51 (Silver) - WTB... Bodykits wanted! 17. sgoz147 (Black) - Upgraded from Alfa 147 to Airwave.....Upgrade???? 18. michelin1 (pearl white)- got stolen on mid-May 2011- 7-mth old car!! STEP.WGN 1. Hondaman Purple(City > Step) 2.Takashimaya..... CROSSROAD 1. Bavarian (Black LX) FREED 1.Freed (Dark Grey) 2.ksckelvin - GL7 (Dark Grey) 3.Manterror INSIGHT HYBRID 1. Princess_ r (Red) 2. chiawy (Grey 3. nikeian (Grey) 4. Lavis (Black) 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pillowdust Neutral Newbie January 3, 2013 Share January 3, 2013 Hi, I am Actually looking to purchase a cheap honda second hand car, and would like your recommendations. I only have 3 criterias.... 1) rear wheel drive 2) independent rear suspension 3) cheap spare parts I would like your recommendations. Please advise. 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArtofLife88 Neutral Newbie January 5, 2013 Share January 5, 2013 Looking for a honda jazz, any recommendations? Please provide no. of owners and reg date and contact details of course. thanks. 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Permacy Neutral Newbie February 4, 2013 Share February 4, 2013 Permacy -Honda Civic Hybrid -Blue - 2008 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yrvsport 2nd Gear February 4, 2013 Share February 4, 2013 1. Jazziegirl - (Jan 03) 2. Zombie - Jazz i-Dsi (2003) 3. Mavvy - Honda Jazz ( 2003 ) i-DSI 4. Mitlover James - Jazz, Blazzie 5. Ehonda Eddie - Jazz 6. Jacko Jack - Fit GD3 7. Honzai - Jazz 8. FCW75 - Jazz 9. Loosecannon - FIT GD3 10. Susacarimakan - Jazz, Minty Toad 11. Hong23 - Jazz, Blackamania 12. SeanGoh - Jazz, Air Jazz 13. Nautgeo - Jazz 14. Hondacruz - Silver Fit 15. Turtlekar - Jazz 16. Jazzer - White Jazz 17. Wh1teHat - White Jazz <- mine's a jazz... kekekeke 18. Wankie - Jazz 19. Vtecian - Jazz 20. Cactuer - Jazz 21. Eroken - Fitter 22. Mystix - Jazz 23. Frisk - Fit/IDSI 24. Pioneer - Silver Jazz 25. Mello - Jazz 26. Cherby - Fit 27. Crazievic - Jazz 28. Flow - Silver Jazz 29. Fit_gd3 - Black fit gd3 30. Jazz6868 - Black Jazz '05 31. Titan - Black Jazz '04 32. Zephyr - Ice Metallic Blue Jazz '04 33. AsphyxY - Red Jazz '05 34. max_1979 - white Jazz 35. Saaber - Black Jazz '05 36. sun71 - Red Jazz '06 37. maemi - Orange Fit'06 38. raining - Ah beng blue Jazzie 39. Mickey - Jazz 40. fitvip - Silver Fit '03 - changed to Silver FIT '08 41. takewee - Black Jazz 04 42. dawnlite - Black Jazz 03 Dec 43. Shrek - Black Fit '06 44. Foody - Sirius Blue/IDSI (A) (Just gotten yesterday) 45. Adven - Black Jazz 02 (changing soon) 46. Kozen - White Fit 06 Model (collecting car in Feb) 47. JazzBoy - Red (collecting car in Jun/Jul 07) 48. Qupid - blue fit 49. JamesBin - White Jazz Auto 2006 Model *^_______,^* (earliest collection June, Latest August) 50. Ruztybee - Red Fit '08 (1 wk old) 51. Puppies - Black Fit '08 (3 wks old) 52. Clemenzo - Silver Fit '08 (2 days old) 53. andtoh - Purple Fit '08 (collecting mid June, wife's ride) 54. Two5boy - Blue Fit '08 skyroof 55. Dj_Spike - Red Fit '08 (collecting in Sep) 56. Zong - Purple Fit 08 57. Ah Fit - Blue Fit' 07 58. findcotton - Yellow Fit 59. kaipower White Jazz Skyroof 2009 Model 60. yewhiong - Black Fit '08 61. Sumeshm - Honda Jazz 62. I-LOVE-CARS- Yellow Fit '08 63. 3xtra999 - Purple Fit '06 64. Alanthegreat - Black Jazz '07 65. Urbanfade - Blue Jazz 07 66. Garv - White Fit '08 67. eileenmi - yellow fit ' 09 68. snoops88 - light blue jazz ' 05 69. Holy888 - White Fit ' 09 70. kueijie - Black Jazz '04 71. batteryonthemove - Black Fit '07 72. Daniel91- red jazz 07 GD1 73. Damien22 - grey Fit '09 74. Darren4182 - Red Fit aka "Ang KU Kueh" 2009 75. Samuel536 - black Fit 08 (thinking of selling) City 1. Saaber sold off his 2. King sold off his 3. Vtecc 2G/Silver/Auto 4. Chase! sold off 5. Quinkies 2G/Beige/Manual 6. No1driver 2G/Champagne/Manual 7. yoong 3G/Champagne/Auto 8. Genmes 2G/Beige/Auto 9. drawfs 3G/Ice Blue/Auto 10. Manbird 2G / Champagne /Auto 11. Slim 2G/Champagne/Auto 12. Vivioman 3G/Graphite Pearl/Auto 13. Porky 3G/Dark Blue/Auto 14. Bailey 3G/Black/Auto 15. Toyo 3G/Silver/Auto -- Sold Off 16. Capricorn 2G/Titanium/Vtec Auto 17. Blue City 1G/Blue/Auto. 18. Jegger 3G/Beige/Auto. vtec 19. Muffler 3G/Silver/Auto 20. vteccity 2G/Beige/Auto 21. Seyfert 3G/Black/Auto 22. brown_rabbit 3G/Desert Mist/Auto 23. iceberg 3G/Beige/Auto 24. David3305-3G/Royal Ruby Pearl Red(SHC) 25. Antz_Ng 3G/Vivd Blue Pearl/Auto (just gotten for 2 days) 26. Stinger_Quek 3G/Black/Vtec Auto 27. Radical 3G/Black/Manual 28. Eviltoad 3G/Black/Manual (1 week ago) 29. Kcmok717 3G City/Graphite Pearl/Auto/iDSI 30. Tommy3595 3G/Vivid Blue/Auto 31. danieltan07 3G/SilverStone/ Auto/ IDSI (getting it in 2 days time) 32. Hondapower 3G/Red/iDSI 33. Scktay 3G/Vivid Blue/iDSI (M) 34. Mycity55 4G/SatelliteSilver/Auto/i-DSI Civic / CRX / Concerto 1. Cracker - Ek3 (2000) changing to Chevy Optra next mth . 2. Marusho - ES5 (2004) Black 3. Zoomer - ES1 (2004) Magnesium 4. jack - ES5 (2004) Black 5. fireman - ES5 (2003) hui se 6. Kelpie - ES5 (2004) Silver 7. Certified - ES5 (2004) Magnesium 8. Ragnar0k - ES5 (2004) Black 9. Accordvtec - ES5(2004)Black 10. SimonsayZ - EG3(1993) Red (converted to B16a engine) 11. Initial_D - ES5 (2003) Silver 12. Thepukster - ES5 (2004) Shoreline Metallic 13. Tayka - EK3 (1998) Silver 14. Estrangabke - ES5 (2004) Red 15. Tf_514 - ES1 (2004) Magnesium 16. Devvic_ - EK3 (2000) Black 17. Legend78 - ES5 (2004) Black 18. lucio - ES5(2004)Black 19. illusion - EK3 (1998) Grey 20. imuya - EK3 (1997) Ah pek VTEC 21. skyline9011 - (2005) Magnesium Matellic 22. WHAM - (2005) Magnesium Silver 23. Roadrunner-ES1 24. Tarmac - EK4 (1996) - Red (Sold) 25. Turbonetics - EH9 (1993)-"Lan" Blue 26. Thug - ESi (1993) Black 27. Itguy28 - EG6 White (SOLD) 28. Meng - ES5 (2004) Silver 29. xtravel - civic esi 30. sash7 - civic EU1 black 31. samwng - ES8 (00) beige 32. Madriver (2005) Black 33. SignatureEK4 - EK4 (1998) Black 34. Oreo - (2001) Blue Vti 35. Magistus - (2005) Black VTi-S 36. Adnohcetv - (2005) Black VTI-S 37. kkiiaatt - EG6 < ----- where you belong. 38. Dav74 - 2005 ES1 dark grey 39. magnesium77 - ES5, mag metallic 40. Law73 - ES1 Black Bounce 41. ht380 - ES8 Silver 42. Civicman - (2006) SI Galaxy Grey 43. Andtoh - 1.8 VTi-S FD Black - Changed car liao 44. Tungsten - 1.8 VTi-S FD Galaxy Grey 45. nutty - ES5 (2005) Black 46. jnetjnjn - 1.8 VTi-S FD Silver 47. dawnlite - 1.4 Auto Black Jazz 48. Scoutckl628 - 1.8 G model FD Blue 49. Tanjm348 - ES5, Sky Blue 50. Zennie-(2006) SI Silver 51. Presea - 2.0 (M) Nighthawk Black Pearl 52. Yangs - 1.6 FD4 Nighthawk Black 53. tofie - ES5 (2005) Black 54. Freestylers09 - 1.8 VTi-S FD Black 55. azejd - Civic EU1 Black 56.Civic78 - ES5 (2004) Blue 57. ngaiky83 - 1.3 FD3 Black Hybrid 58. l00khere - 2.0 (M) Whitey 59. Emils79 - 1.3 White Hybrid 60. vaxvms - ES5 (2003 Black) 61. Gdluck-ES5 (2004) black 62. Sonicmood - 1.8(A) FD silver 63. S390U ES5(M)Mag Metallic 2005 64. Super410 - 1.8(A) VTi-S FD White Pearl 65. drive_carcar - 1.8(M) FD blue 66. Viper76 - 1.8(A) FD Sliver 67. Redplanet ES5 Blue 68. sixonenine_ EK4 SiR RED 69. TopSecret - 1.6 EK4 SiR Blue 70. Shull - Silver FD2A & White ES8 71. Ngdillon - white FD2R with red child-seat behind 72. david_tan52 ESI 73. Perynot FD2 74: RayTravis ESI 75. Icebrush79 - FN2R BLACK 76. QR25VET - EF9 SiR white 77. ethene - EK4 SiR Red 78. Supertoad76 -ES5(2005) Sliver Blue 79. Krado - 03' ES5 Shoreline Mist 80. Diversify_diversify - 2005 black civic vtec 81. cluboxed FD1 --> FD2R 82. Wanalfian - 91' Honda Civic EG9 (sold on March) Miss the car alot :( 83. Varitas - FD2R Platinum Silver 84. Flauros - 09' Honda Civic Hybrid - Neutron Blue 85. Steffan - 09' Honda Civic Hybrid - Mag 86. StarletGT - 08' Honda Civic FD1 1.8(M) - Black 87. prostcode - '96 Honda Civic EK4 SiR - Championship White (99 Facelift B16A) 88. WSG- HCHII 89. DaveJr - 08' FD2R - Championship White (MAJULAH SINGAPURA) 90. RB26Dett - 08 FN2R - Custom bronze metallic 91. Wolf2801 - 9th/Gen Civic Hybrid - Crystal Black - Collecting mid June 92. Boi2uncle - 08' Honda Civic FD1 - Silver 93. jumpman075 - 06 / Honda 2.0 M 94. slackingbird - 92' Honda Civic EG6 - Pearl White <----- I'm lovin it ;) 95. Mat_wira - 09' Honda Civic FD2 2.0(M) - Silver Stream 1. Redz (2004) 2. Andrewkb (2001) 3. stuka69 (2004) 4. vincewg (Jan '03) Beige 5. ZakuII (2004) 6. Genie (2002) 7. Kotila (2002) Red 8. tploh (2001) - repossessed 9. eyebm 2006 - collection Apr 2006 10. Ryanzal (2005) Pearl White 11. exsaloon (2004) Graphite Pearl 12. Flaser (2005) 13. Windcruiser (2004) 14. Arrow (2006) RSZ Cool Amber 15. nagamas (2008) Style Edition Cool Amber 16. Coolgit95 (2008) Cool Amber! 17. GeminiGuy (2009) Black Style Edition 18. Divineleader (2008) RSZ Cool Amber 19. coolbluewater (2009) Pearl White 20. sbu7360 (2008) silver 21. applez (2007) black 22. raykim (2009) Style Edition Cool Amber 23. Skoder (2008) Style Edition Silver 24.Nuraizat (2008}Style Edition Cool Amber 25. Tigerwoods (2009) RSZ Pearl White 26. ben5266 (2008) Silver 27.joemit7850 (2010)Pearl White 28. weewee1976 (2008) KM Modulo Kit Cool Amber (upgraded from Airwave and before that was Fit) 29. Bhauto213 Honda stream RN6 30 victor68 (2007) Honda Stream - Pearl White 31. Ymmij (2009) RSZ Pearl White 32. sportrv (2008) S Edition Black Deamon (Front Mugen Rear Combo) 33. Ultra-Trex aka Trex (2008) Pearl White 34. BlackMumba (2008) Blckie Odyssey 1. GoopPwr (Dec 2003) 2. Eagle0405 3. Cola80 (Dec 2000) 4. Odyssey02 (Jan 2002) 5. cleanwipe (Jun 2006) 6. JunQuan 7. djcoolmax (Carbon Bronze Absolute) 8. wishxsr ( RB1 absolute) 9. puteh (RB1 absolute) smash.gif 10. Rainking 11. Edwino (Jan 2010) CRV/HRV 1. Crv2004 2. hpdesign 3. Spawnstar 4. Crv007 5. SeriousGuy - 2008 White Honda CR-V 2.4 I-VTEC Integra 1. Blackknight 2. Integra_06 3. Outegra 4. Jermy 5. Skye 6. chemz 7. Dc5r 8. Green Hornet - Integra Type R 9. RiceCrispy 10. nakashima_mika 11. Cluboxed - DC5 2.0M 12. Jozy - JDM Integra Type R (DC5) S2000 1. Proscar - 2002 AP1 silverstone 2. 3. Accord 1. Dtyn 2. Accord2005 (cm4/metallic silver/sep05) 3. pklam (cm4/silver/sep05) 4. honda accord 91. exi. wanna sell le. selling at 15k only with full accesories. pm me to find out 5. tll72 (black/oct05) JDM Accord 1. Wankie (hopefully 2006) 2. Remygenn (2005) 3. Heynsl (CL9/black/auto) 4. kkiiaatt - EG6 <------ EG6 is Civic eh? 5. Darren (Black/Manual/CL7/June'05) 6. Tarmac - CL7 (2003) - Black 7. Ck2998 - CL7R 8. allen - CL7A (2005) - black 9. GDIzen - Type S 10. biohazard - CL7R 2007 Red 11. jementa - (2005) black 12. M2cys (2005) Black 13. Redplanet CL7A Black EDIX/FR-V 1. SonOfGod 2. Golfspin 3. SOZO- Blackie 4. BlackMafia 5. Bluecollar 6. Seansene 7. LSCSPMQ 8. Last_Mohican 9. dantyc 10. Patrick (Red) 11. Princey_anne - Blue 12. Ah-Ho (Red) 13. edix3x2 14. Wonderfull (Red) AIRWAVE 1. Airwave05 (Chiffon Green) 2. LongBlack (Nighthawk Black/Active) 3. Zenn (Milan Red) 4. Jomartin (Black is Basic) 5. Bronco77 (Black) 6. TeamMax (Storm Silver) 7. Gene2 (Chiffon Green) 8. Cavili (Blue is Blue) 9. biccat (Blackie) 10. Ramkeeper (2007 Grey) 11. badbadtz (black w/crystals) 12. hairwave (Storm Silver) 13. w13ng (Purple) 14. Russ28 (Black) <-- Hey anybody want to install CNG together? 15. Ashwaver(Storm Silver) Fixed Cng liao .Sorri Russ Bro. 16. Slowpoke51 (Silver) - WTB... Bodykits wanted! 17. sgoz147 (Black) - Upgraded from Alfa 147 to Airwave.....Upgrade???? 18. michelin1 (pearl white)- got stolen on mid-May 2011- 7-mth old car!! STEP.WGN 1. Hondaman Purple(City > Step) 2.Takashimaya..... CROSSROAD 1. Bavarian (Black LX) FREED 1.Freed (Dark Grey) 2.ksckelvin - GL7 (Dark Grey) 3.Manterror INSIGHT HYBRID 1. Princess_ r (Red) 2. chiawy (Grey 3. nikeian (Grey) 4. Lavis (Black) 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Humpahead Neutral Newbie February 7, 2013 Share February 7, 2013 1. Jazziegirl - (Jan 03) 2. Zombie - Jazz i-Dsi (2003) 3. Mavvy - Honda Jazz ( 2003 ) i-DSI 4. Mitlover James - Jazz, Blazzie 5. Ehonda Eddie - Jazz 6. Jacko Jack - Fit GD3 7. Honzai - Jazz 8. FCW75 - Jazz 9. Loosecannon - FIT GD3 10. Susacarimakan - Jazz, Minty Toad 11. Hong23 - Jazz, Blackamania 12. SeanGoh - Jazz, Air Jazz 13. Nautgeo - Jazz 14. Hondacruz - Silver Fit 15. Turtlekar - Jazz 16. Jazzer - White Jazz 17. Wh1teHat - White Jazz <- mine's a jazz... kekekeke 18. Wankie - Jazz 19. Vtecian - Jazz 20. Cactuer - Jazz 21. Eroken - Fitter 22. Mystix - Jazz 23. Frisk - Fit/IDSI 24. Pioneer - Silver Jazz 25. Mello - Jazz 26. Cherby - Fit 27. Crazievic - Jazz 28. Flow - Silver Jazz 29. Fit_gd3 - Black fit gd3 30. Jazz6868 - Black Jazz '05 31. Titan - Black Jazz '04 32. Zephyr - Ice Metallic Blue Jazz '04 33. AsphyxY - Red Jazz '05 34. max_1979 - white Jazz 35. Saaber - Black Jazz '05 36. sun71 - Red Jazz '06 37. maemi - Orange Fit'06 38. raining - Ah beng blue Jazzie 39. Mickey - Jazz 40. fitvip - Silver Fit '03 - changed to Silver FIT '08 41. takewee - Black Jazz 04 42. dawnlite - Black Jazz 03 Dec 43. Shrek - Black Fit '06 44. Foody - Sirius Blue/IDSI (A) (Just gotten yesterday) 45. Adven - Black Jazz 02 (changing soon) 46. Kozen - White Fit 06 Model (collecting car in Feb) 47. JazzBoy - Red (collecting car in Jun/Jul 07) 48. Qupid - blue fit 49. JamesBin - White Jazz Auto 2006 Model *^_______,^* (earliest collection June, Latest August) 50. Ruztybee - Red Fit '08 (1 wk old) 51. Puppies - Black Fit '08 (3 wks old) 52. Clemenzo - Silver Fit '08 (2 days old) 53. andtoh - Purple Fit '08 (collecting mid June, wife's ride) 54. Two5boy - Blue Fit '08 skyroof 55. Dj_Spike - Red Fit '08 (collecting in Sep) 56. Zong - Purple Fit 08 57. Ah Fit - Blue Fit' 07 58. findcotton - Yellow Fit 59. kaipower White Jazz Skyroof 2009 Model 60. yewhiong - Black Fit '08 61. Sumeshm - Honda Jazz 62. I-LOVE-CARS- Yellow Fit '08 63. 3xtra999 - Purple Fit '06 64. Alanthegreat - Black Jazz '07 65. Urbanfade - Blue Jazz 07 66. Garv - White Fit '08 67. eileenmi - yellow fit ' 09 68. snoops88 - light blue jazz ' 05 69. Holy888 - White Fit ' 09 70. kueijie - Black Jazz '04 71. batteryonthemove - Black Fit '07 72. Daniel91- red jazz 07 GD1 73. Damien22 - grey Fit '09 74. Darren4182 - Red Fit aka "Ang KU Kueh" 2009 75. Samuel536 - black Fit 08 (thinking of selling) City 1. Saaber sold off his 2. King sold off his 3. Vtecc 2G/Silver/Auto 4. Chase! sold off 5. Quinkies 2G/Beige/Manual 6. No1driver 2G/Champagne/Manual 7. yoong 3G/Champagne/Auto 8. Genmes 2G/Beige/Auto 9. drawfs 3G/Ice Blue/Auto 10. Manbird 2G / Champagne /Auto 11. Slim 2G/Champagne/Auto 12. Vivioman 3G/Graphite Pearl/Auto 13. Porky 3G/Dark Blue/Auto 14. Bailey 3G/Black/Auto 15. Toyo 3G/Silver/Auto -- Sold Off 16. Capricorn 2G/Titanium/Vtec Auto 17. Blue City 1G/Blue/Auto. 18. Jegger 3G/Beige/Auto. vtec 19. Muffler 3G/Silver/Auto 20. vteccity 2G/Beige/Auto 21. Seyfert 3G/Black/Auto 22. brown_rabbit 3G/Desert Mist/Auto 23. iceberg 3G/Beige/Auto 24. David3305-3G/Royal Ruby Pearl Red(SHC) 25. Antz_Ng 3G/Vivd Blue Pearl/Auto (just gotten for 2 days) 26. Stinger_Quek 3G/Black/Vtec Auto 27. Radical 3G/Black/Manual 28. Eviltoad 3G/Black/Manual (1 week ago) 29. Kcmok717 3G City/Graphite Pearl/Auto/iDSI 30. Tommy3595 3G/Vivid Blue/Auto 31. danieltan07 3G/SilverStone/ Auto/ IDSI (getting it in 2 days time) 32. Hondapower 3G/Red/iDSI 33. Scktay 3G/Vivid Blue/iDSI (M) 34. Mycity55 4G/SatelliteSilver/Auto/i-DSI Civic / CRX / Concerto 1. Cracker - Ek3 (2000) changing to Chevy Optra next mth . 2. Marusho - ES5 (2004) Black 3. Zoomer - ES1 (2004) Magnesium 4. jack - ES5 (2004) Black 5. fireman - ES5 (2003) hui se 6. Kelpie - ES5 (2004) Silver 7. Certified - ES5 (2004) Magnesium 8. Ragnar0k - ES5 (2004) Black 9. Accordvtec - ES5(2004)Black 10. SimonsayZ - EG3(1993) Red (converted to B16a engine) 11. Initial_D - ES5 (2003) Silver 12. Thepukster - ES5 (2004) Shoreline Metallic 13. Tayka - EK3 (1998) Silver 14. Estrangabke - ES5 (2004) Red 15. Tf_514 - ES1 (2004) Magnesium 16. Devvic_ - EK3 (2000) Black 17. Legend78 - ES5 (2004) Black 18. lucio - ES5(2004)Black 19. illusion - EK3 (1998) Grey 20. imuya - EK3 (1997) Ah pek VTEC 21. skyline9011 - (2005) Magnesium Matellic 22. WHAM - (2005) Magnesium Silver 23. Roadrunner-ES1 24. Tarmac - EK4 (1996) - Red (Sold) 25. Turbonetics - EH9 (1993)-"Lan" Blue 26. Thug - ESi (1993) Black 27. Itguy28 - EG6 White (SOLD) 28. Meng - ES5 (2004) Silver 29. xtravel - civic esi 30. sash7 - civic EU1 black 31. samwng - ES8 (00) beige 32. Madriver (2005) Black 33. SignatureEK4 - EK4 (1998) Black 34. Oreo - (2001) Blue Vti 35. Magistus - (2005) Black VTi-S 36. Adnohcetv - (2005) Black VTI-S 37. kkiiaatt - EG6 < ----- where you belong. 38. Dav74 - 2005 ES1 dark grey 39. magnesium77 - ES5, mag metallic 40. Law73 - ES1 Black Bounce 41. ht380 - ES8 Silver 42. Civicman - (2006) SI Galaxy Grey 43. Andtoh - 1.8 VTi-S FD Black - Changed car liao 44. Tungsten - 1.8 VTi-S FD Galaxy Grey 45. nutty - ES5 (2005) Black 46. jnetjnjn - 1.8 VTi-S FD Silver 47. dawnlite - 1.4 Auto Black Jazz 48. Scoutckl628 - 1.8 G model FD Blue 49. Tanjm348 - ES5, Sky Blue 50. Zennie-(2006) SI Silver 51. Presea - 2.0 (M) Nighthawk Black Pearl 52. Yangs - 1.6 FD4 Nighthawk Black 53. tofie - ES5 (2005) Black 54. Freestylers09 - 1.8 VTi-S FD Black 55. azejd - Civic EU1 Black 56.Civic78 - ES5 (2004) Blue 57. ngaiky83 - 1.3 FD3 Black Hybrid 58. l00khere - 2.0 (M) Whitey 59. Emils79 - 1.3 White Hybrid 60. vaxvms - ES5 (2003 Black) 61. Gdluck-ES5 (2004) black 62. Sonicmood - 1.8(A) FD silver 63. S390U ES5(M)Mag Metallic 2005 64. Super410 - 1.8(A) VTi-S FD White Pearl 65. drive_carcar - 1.8(M) FD blue 66. Viper76 - 1.8(A) FD Sliver 67. Redplanet ES5 Blue 68. sixonenine_ EK4 SiR RED 69. TopSecret - 1.6 EK4 SiR Blue 70. Shull - Silver FD2A & White ES8 71. Ngdillon - white FD2R with red child-seat behind 72. david_tan52 ESI 73. Perynot FD2 74: RayTravis ESI 75. Icebrush79 - FN2R BLACK 76. QR25VET - EF9 SiR white 77. ethene - EK4 SiR Red 78. Supertoad76 -ES5(2005) Sliver Blue 79. Krado - 03' ES5 Shoreline Mist 80. Diversify_diversify - 2005 black civic vtec 81. cluboxed FD1 --> FD2R 82. Wanalfian - 91' Honda Civic EG9 (sold on March) Miss the car alot :( 83. Varitas - FD2R Platinum Silver 84. Flauros - 09' Honda Civic Hybrid - Neutron Blue 85. Steffan - 09' Honda Civic Hybrid - Mag 86. StarletGT - 08' Honda Civic FD1 1.8(M) - Black 87. prostcode - '96 Honda Civic EK4 SiR - Championship White (99 Facelift B16A) 88. WSG- HCHII 89. DaveJr - 08' FD2R - Championship White (MAJULAH SINGAPURA) 90. RB26Dett - 08 FN2R - Custom bronze metallic 91. Wolf2801 - 9th/Gen Civic Hybrid - Crystal Black - Collecting mid June 92. Boi2uncle - 08' Honda Civic FD1 - Silver 93. jumpman075 - 06 / Honda 2.0 M 94. slackingbird - 92' Honda Civic EG6 - Pearl White <----- I'm lovin it ;) 95. Mat_wira - 09' Honda Civic FD2 2.0(M) - Silver Stream 1. Redz (2004) 2. Andrewkb (2001) 3. stuka69 (2004) 4. vincewg (Jan '03) Beige 5. ZakuII (2004) 6. Genie (2002) 7. Kotila (2002) Red 8. tploh (2001) - repossessed 9. eyebm 2006 - collection Apr 2006 10. Ryanzal (2005) Pearl White 11. exsaloon (2004) Graphite Pearl 12. Flaser (2005) 13. Windcruiser (2004) 14. Arrow (2006) RSZ Cool Amber 15. nagamas (2008) Style Edition Cool Amber 16. Coolgit95 (2008) Cool Amber! 17. GeminiGuy (2009) Black Style Edition 18. Divineleader (2008) RSZ Cool Amber 19. coolbluewater (2009) Pearl White 20. sbu7360 (2008) silver 21. applez (2007) black 22. raykim (2009) Style Edition Cool Amber 23. Skoder (2008) Style Edition Silver 24.Nuraizat (2008}Style Edition Cool Amber 25. Tigerwoods (2009) RSZ Pearl White 26. ben5266 (2008) Silver 27.joemit7850 (2010)Pearl White 28. weewee1976 (2008) KM Modulo Kit Cool Amber (upgraded from Airwave and before that was Fit) 29. Bhauto213 Honda stream RN6 30 victor68 (2007) Honda Stream - Pearl White 31. Ymmij (2009) RSZ Pearl White 32. sportrv (2008) S Edition Black Deamon (Front Mugen Rear Combo) 33. Ultra-Trex aka Trex (2008) Pearl White 34. BlackMumba (2008) Blckie Odyssey 1. GoopPwr (Dec 2003) 2. Eagle0405 3. Cola80 (Dec 2000) 4. Odyssey02 (Jan 2002) 5. cleanwipe (Jun 2006) 6. JunQuan 7. djcoolmax (Carbon Bronze Absolute) 8. wishxsr ( RB1 absolute) 9. puteh (RB1 absolute) smash.gif 10. Rainking 11. Edwino (Jan 2010) CRV/HRV 1. Crv2004 2. hpdesign 3. Spawnstar 4. Crv007 5. SeriousGuy - 2008 White Honda CR-V 2.4 I-VTEC Integra 1. Blackknight 2. Integra_06 3. Outegra 4. Jermy 5. Skye 6. chemz 7. Dc5r 8. Green Hornet - Integra Type R 9. RiceCrispy 10. nakashima_mika 11. Cluboxed - DC5 2.0M 12. Jozy - JDM Integra Type R (DC5) S2000 1. Proscar - 2002 AP1 silverstone 2. 3. Accord 1. Dtyn 2. Accord2005 (cm4/metallic silver/sep05) 3. pklam (cm4/silver/sep05) 4. honda accord 91. exi. wanna sell le. selling at 15k only with full accesories. pm me to find out 5. tll72 (black/oct05) JDM Accord 1. Wankie (hopefully 2006) 2. Remygenn (2005) 3. Heynsl (CL9/black/auto) 4. kkiiaatt - EG6 <------ EG6 is Civic eh? 5. Darren (Black/Manual/CL7/June'05) 6. Tarmac - CL7 (2003) - Black 7. Ck2998 - CL7R 8. allen - CL7A (2005) - black 9. GDIzen - Type S 10. biohazard - CL7R 2007 Red 11. jementa - (2005) black 12. M2cys (2005) Black 13. Redplanet CL7A Black EDIX/FR-V 1. SonOfGod 2. Golfspin 3. SOZO- Blackie 4. BlackMafia 5. Bluecollar 6. Seansene 7. LSCSPMQ 8. Last_Mohican 9. dantyc 10. Patrick (Red) 11. Princey_anne - Blue 12. Ah-Ho (Red) 13. edix3x2 14. Wonderfull (Red) AIRWAVE 1. Airwave05 (Chiffon Green) 2. LongBlack (Nighthawk Black/Active) 3. Zenn (Milan Red) 4. Jomartin (Black is Basic) 5. Bronco77 (Black) 6. TeamMax (Storm Silver) 7. Gene2 (Chiffon Green) 8. Cavili (Blue is Blue) 9. biccat (Blackie) 10. Ramkeeper (2007 Grey) 11. badbadtz (black w/crystals) 12. hairwave (Storm Silver) 13. w13ng (Purple) 14. Russ28 (Black) <-- Hey anybody want to install CNG together? 15. Ashwaver(Storm Silver) Fixed Cng liao .Sorri Russ Bro. 16. Slowpoke51 (Silver) - WTB... Bodykits wanted! 17. sgoz147 (Black) - Upgraded from Alfa 147 to Airwave.....Upgrade???? 18. michelin1 (pearl white)- got stolen on mid-May 2011- 7-mth old car!! 19. humpahead (Black 07) - Got it used. Time for poison. STEP.WGN 1. Hondaman Purple(City > Step) 2.Takashimaya..... CROSSROAD 1. Bavarian (Black LX) FREED 1.Freed (Dark Grey) 2.ksckelvin - GL7 (Dark Grey) 3.Manterror INSIGHT HYBRID 1. Princess_ r (Red) 2. chiawy (Grey 3. nikeian (Grey) 4. Lavis (Black) 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Partagas 3rd Gear March 13, 2013 Share March 13, 2013 Civic 2l 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bandie Neutral Newbie March 13, 2013 Share March 13, 2013 Rb1 odyssey, checking in 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Partagas 3rd Gear March 14, 2013 Share March 14, 2013 Just wondering if there is other Honda dedicated workshop or only Kah? Where do yo guys go and service your Hondas? 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mavvy Clutched April 9, 2013 Share April 9, 2013 Just wondering if there is other Honda dedicated workshop or only Kah? Where do yo guys go and service your Hondas? Wow.. been a long time since i posted.. I service at Kah and other workshops after warranty. Vicom Kaki Bukit GT Garage. 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jtb 6th Gear April 9, 2013 Share April 9, 2013 1. Jazziegirl - (Jan 03) 2. Zombie - Jazz i-Dsi (2003) 3. Mavvy - Honda Jazz ( 2003 ) i-DSI 4. Mitlover James - Jazz, Blazzie 5. Ehonda Eddie - Jazz 6. Jacko Jack - Fit GD3 7. Honzai - Jazz 8. FCW75 - Jazz 9. Loosecannon - FIT GD3 10. Susacarimakan - Jazz, Minty Toad 11. Hong23 - Jazz, Blackamania 12. SeanGoh - Jazz, Air Jazz 13. Nautgeo - Jazz 14. Hondacruz - Silver Fit 15. Turtlekar - Jazz 16. Jazzer - White Jazz 17. Wh1teHat - White Jazz <- mine's a jazz... kekekeke 18. Wankie - Jazz 19. Vtecian - Jazz 20. Cactuer - Jazz 21. Eroken - Fitter 22. Mystix - Jazz 23. Frisk - Fit/IDSI 24. Pioneer - Silver Jazz 25. Mello - Jazz 26. Cherby - Fit 27. Crazievic - Jazz 28. Flow - Silver Jazz 29. Fit_gd3 - Black fit gd3 30. Jazz6868 - Black Jazz '05 31. Titan - Black Jazz '04 32. Zephyr - Ice Metallic Blue Jazz '04 33. AsphyxY - Red Jazz '05 34. max_1979 - white Jazz 35. Saaber - Black Jazz '05 36. sun71 - Red Jazz '06 37. maemi - Orange Fit'06 38. raining - Ah beng blue Jazzie 39. Mickey - Jazz 40. fitvip - Silver Fit '03 - changed to Silver FIT '08 41. takewee - Black Jazz 04 42. dawnlite - Black Jazz 03 Dec 43. Shrek - Black Fit '06 44. Foody - Sirius Blue/IDSI (A) (Just gotten yesterday) 45. Adven - Black Jazz 02 (changing soon) 46. Kozen - White Fit 06 Model (collecting car in Feb) 47. JazzBoy - Red (collecting car in Jun/Jul 07) 48. Qupid - blue fit 49. JamesBin - White Jazz Auto 2006 Model *^_______,^* (earliest collection June, Latest August) 50. Ruztybee - Red Fit '08 (1 wk old) 51. Puppies - Black Fit '08 (3 wks old) 52. Clemenzo - Silver Fit '08 (2 days old) 53. andtoh - Purple Fit '08 (collecting mid June, wife's ride) 54. Two5boy - Blue Fit '08 skyroof 55. Dj_Spike - Red Fit '08 (collecting in Sep) 56. Zong - Purple Fit 08 57. Ah Fit - Blue Fit' 07 58. findcotton - Yellow Fit 59. kaipower White Jazz Skyroof 2009 Model 60. yewhiong - Black Fit '08 61. Sumeshm - Honda Jazz 62. I-LOVE-CARS- Yellow Fit '08 63. 3xtra999 - Purple Fit '06 64. Alanthegreat - Black Jazz '07 65. Urbanfade - Blue Jazz 07 66. Garv - White Fit '08 67. eileenmi - yellow fit ' 09 68. snoops88 - light blue jazz ' 05 69. Holy888 - White Fit ' 09 70. kueijie - Black Jazz '04 71. batteryonthemove - Black Fit '07 72. Daniel91- red jazz 07 GD1 73. Damien22 - grey Fit '09 74. Darren4182 - Red Fit aka "Ang KU Kueh" 2009 75. Samuel536 - black Fit 08 (thinking of selling) City 1. Saaber sold off his 2. King sold off his 3. Vtecc 2G/Silver/Auto 4. Chase! sold off 5. Quinkies 2G/Beige/Manual 6. No1driver 2G/Champagne/Manual 7. yoong 3G/Champagne/Auto 8. Genmes 2G/Beige/Auto 9. drawfs 3G/Ice Blue/Auto 10. Manbird 2G / Champagne /Auto 11. Slim 2G/Champagne/Auto 12. Vivioman 3G/Graphite Pearl/Auto 13. Porky 3G/Dark Blue/Auto 14. Bailey 3G/Black/Auto 15. Toyo 3G/Silver/Auto -- Sold Off 16. Capricorn 2G/Titanium/Vtec Auto 17. Blue City 1G/Blue/Auto. 18. Jegger 3G/Beige/Auto. vtec 19. Muffler 3G/Silver/Auto 20. vteccity 2G/Beige/Auto 21. Seyfert 3G/Black/Auto 22. brown_rabbit 3G/Desert Mist/Auto 23. iceberg 3G/Beige/Auto 24. David3305-3G/Royal Ruby Pearl Red(SHC) 25. Antz_Ng 3G/Vivd Blue Pearl/Auto (just gotten for 2 days) 26. Stinger_Quek 3G/Black/Vtec Auto 27. Radical 3G/Black/Manual 28. Eviltoad 3G/Black/Manual (1 week ago) 29. Kcmok717 3G City/Graphite Pearl/Auto/iDSI 30. Tommy3595 3G/Vivid Blue/Auto 31. danieltan07 3G/SilverStone/ Auto/ IDSI (getting it in 2 days time) 32. Hondapower 3G/Red/iDSI 33. Scktay 3G/Vivid Blue/iDSI (M) 34. Mycity55 4G/SatelliteSilver/Auto/i-DSI Civic / CRX / Concerto 1. Cracker - Ek3 (2000) changing to Chevy Optra next mth . 2. Marusho - ES5 (2004) Black 3. Zoomer - ES1 (2004) Magnesium 4. jack - ES5 (2004) Black 5. fireman - ES5 (2003) hui se 6. Kelpie - ES5 (2004) Silver 7. Certified - ES5 (2004) Magnesium 8. Ragnar0k - ES5 (2004) Black 9. Accordvtec - ES5(2004)Black 10. SimonsayZ - EG3(1993) Red (converted to B16a engine) 11. Initial_D - ES5 (2003) Silver 12. Thepukster - ES5 (2004) Shoreline Metallic 13. Tayka - EK3 (1998) Silver 14. Estrangabke - ES5 (2004) Red 15. Tf_514 - ES1 (2004) Magnesium 16. Devvic_ - EK3 (2000) Black 17. Legend78 - ES5 (2004) Black 18. lucio - ES5(2004)Black 19. illusion - EK3 (1998) Grey 20. imuya - EK3 (1997) Ah pek VTEC 21. skyline9011 - (2005) Magnesium Matellic 22. WHAM - (2005) Magnesium Silver 23. Roadrunner-ES1 24. Tarmac - EK4 (1996) - Red (Sold) 25. Turbonetics - EH9 (1993)-"Lan" Blue 26. Thug - ESi (1993) Black 27. Itguy28 - EG6 White (SOLD) 28. Meng - ES5 (2004) Silver 29. xtravel - civic esi 30. sash7 - civic EU1 black 31. samwng - ES8 (00) beige 32. Madriver (2005) Black 33. SignatureEK4 - EK4 (1998) Black 34. Oreo - (2001) Blue Vti 35. Magistus - (2005) Black VTi-S 36. Adnohcetv - (2005) Black VTI-S 37. kkiiaatt - EG6 < ----- where you belong. 38. Dav74 - 2005 ES1 dark grey 39. magnesium77 - ES5, mag metallic 40. Law73 - ES1 Black Bounce 41. ht380 - ES8 Silver 42. Civicman - (2006) SI Galaxy Grey 43. Andtoh - 1.8 VTi-S FD Black - Changed car liao 44. Tungsten - 1.8 VTi-S FD Galaxy Grey 45. nutty - ES5 (2005) Black 46. jnetjnjn - 1.8 VTi-S FD Silver 47. dawnlite - 1.4 Auto Black Jazz 48. Scoutckl628 - 1.8 G model FD Blue 49. Tanjm348 - ES5, Sky Blue 50. Zennie-(2006) SI Silver 51. Presea - 2.0 (M) Nighthawk Black Pearl 52. Yangs - 1.6 FD4 Nighthawk Black 53. tofie - ES5 (2005) Black 54. Freestylers09 - 1.8 VTi-S FD Black 55. azejd - Civic EU1 Black 56.Civic78 - ES5 (2004) Blue 57. ngaiky83 - 1.3 FD3 Black Hybrid 58. l00khere - 2.0 (M) Whitey 59. Emils79 - 1.3 White Hybrid 60. vaxvms - ES5 (2003 Black) 61. Gdluck-ES5 (2004) black 62. Sonicmood - 1.8(A) FD silver 63. S390U ES5(M)Mag Metallic 2005 64. Super410 - 1.8(A) VTi-S FD White Pearl 65. drive_carcar - 1.8(M) FD blue 66. Viper76 - 1.8(A) FD Sliver 67. Redplanet ES5 Blue 68. sixonenine_ EK4 SiR RED 69. TopSecret - 1.6 EK4 SiR Blue 70. Shull - Silver FD2A & White ES8 71. Ngdillon - white FD2R with red child-seat behind 72. david_tan52 ESI 73. Perynot FD2 74: RayTravis ESI 75. Icebrush79 - FN2R BLACK 76. QR25VET - EF9 SiR white 77. ethene - EK4 SiR Red 78. Supertoad76 -ES5(2005) Sliver Blue 79. Krado - 03' ES5 Shoreline Mist 80. Diversify_diversify - 2005 black civic vtec 81. cluboxed FD1 --> FD2R 82. Wanalfian - 91' Honda Civic EG9 (sold on March) Miss the car alot :( 83. Varitas - FD2R Platinum Silver 84. Flauros - 09' Honda Civic Hybrid - Neutron Blue 85. Steffan - 09' Honda Civic Hybrid - Mag 86. StarletGT - 08' Honda Civic FD1 1.8(M) - Black 87. prostcode - '96 Honda Civic EK4 SiR - Championship White (99 Facelift B16A) 88. WSG- HCHII 89. DaveJr - 08' FD2R - Championship White (MAJULAH SINGAPURA) 90. RB26Dett - 08 FN2R - Custom bronze metallic 91. Wolf2801 - 9th/Gen Civic Hybrid - Crystal Black - Collecting mid June 92. Boi2uncle - 08' Honda Civic FD1 - Silver 93. jumpman075 - 06 / Honda 2.0 M 94. slackingbird - 92' Honda Civic EG6 - Pearl White <----- I'm lovin it ;) 95. Mat_wira - 09' Honda Civic FD2 2.0(M) - Silver 96. dicktronics Reg'11 Fd1 Stream 1. Redz (2004) 2. Andrewkb (2001) 3. stuka69 (2004) 4. vincewg (Jan '03) Beige 5. ZakuII (2004) 6. Genie (2002) 7. Kotila (2002) Red 8. tploh (2001) - repossessed 9. eyebm 2006 - collection Apr 2006 10. Ryanzal (2005) Pearl White 11. exsaloon (2004) Graphite Pearl 12. Flaser (2005) 13. Windcruiser (2004) 14. Arrow (2006) RSZ Cool Amber 15. nagamas (2008) Style Edition Cool Amber 16. Coolgit95 (2008) Cool Amber! 17. GeminiGuy (2009) Black Style Edition 18. Divineleader (2008) RSZ Cool Amber 19. coolbluewater (2009) Pearl White 20. sbu7360 (2008) silver 21. applez (2007) black 22. raykim (2009) Style Edition Cool Amber 23. Skoder (2008) Style Edition Silver 24.Nuraizat (2008}Style Edition Cool Amber 25. Tigerwoods (2009) RSZ Pearl White 26. ben5266 (2008) Silver 27.joemit7850 (2010)Pearl White 28. weewee1976 (2008) KM Modulo Kit Cool Amber (upgraded from Airwave and before that was Fit) 29. Bhauto213 Honda stream RN6 30 victor68 (2007) Honda Stream - Pearl White 31. Ymmij (2009) RSZ Pearl White 32. sportrv (2008) S Edition Black Deamon (Front Mugen Rear Combo) 33. Ultra-Trex aka Trex (2008) Pearl White 34. BlackMumba (2008) Blckie Odyssey 1. GoopPwr (Dec 2003) 2. Eagle0405 3. Cola80 (Dec 2000) 4. Odyssey02 (Jan 2002) 5. cleanwipe (Jun 2006) 6. JunQuan 7. djcoolmax (Carbon Bronze Absolute) 8. wishxsr ( RB1 absolute) 9. puteh (RB1 absolute) smash.gif 10. Rainking 11. Edwino (Jan 2010) CRV/HRV 1. Crv2004 2. hpdesign 3. Spawnstar 4. Crv007 5. SeriousGuy - 2008 White Honda CR-V 2.4 I-VTEC Integra 1. Blackknight 2. Integra_06 3. Outegra 4. Jermy 5. Skye 6. chemz 7. Dc5r 8. Green Hornet - Integra Type R 9. RiceCrispy 10. nakashima_mika 11. Cluboxed - DC5 2.0M 12. Jozy - JDM Integra Type R (DC5) S2000 1. Proscar - 2002 AP1 silverstone 2. 3. Accord 1. Dtyn 2. Accord2005 (cm4/metallic silver/sep05) 3. pklam (cm4/silver/sep05) 4. honda accord 91. exi. wanna sell le. selling at 15k only with full accesories. pm me to find out 5. tll72 (black/oct05) JDM Accord 1. Wankie (hopefully 2006) 2. Remygenn (2005) 3. Heynsl (CL9/black/auto) 4. kkiiaatt - EG6 <------ EG6 is Civic eh? 5. Darren (Black/Manual/CL7/June'05) 6. Tarmac - CL7 (2003) - Black 7. Ck2998 - CL7R 8. allen - CL7A (2005) - black 9. GDIzen - Type S 10. biohazard - CL7R 2007 Red 11. jementa - (2005) black 12. M2cys (2005) Black 13. Redplanet CL7A Black EDIX/FR-V 1. SonOfGod 2. Golfspin 3. SOZO- Blackie 4. BlackMafia 5. Bluecollar 6. Seansene 7. LSCSPMQ 8. Last_Mohican 9. dantyc 10. Patrick (Red) 11. Princey_anne - Blue 12. Ah-Ho (Red) 13. edix3x2 14. Wonderfull (Red) AIRWAVE 1. Airwave05 (Chiffon Green) 2. LongBlack (Nighthawk Black/Active) 3. Zenn (Milan Red) 4. Jomartin (Black is Basic) 5. Bronco77 (Black) 6. TeamMax (Storm Silver) 7. Gene2 (Chiffon Green) 8. Cavili (Blue is Blue) 9. biccat (Blackie) 10. Ramkeeper (2007 Grey) 11. badbadtz (black w/crystals) 12. hairwave (Storm Silver) 13. w13ng (Purple) 14. Russ28 (Black) <-- Hey anybody want to install CNG together? 15. Ashwaver(Storm Silver) Fixed Cng liao .Sorri Russ Bro. 16. Slowpoke51 (Silver) - WTB... Bodykits wanted! 17. sgoz147 (Black) - Upgraded from Alfa 147 to Airwave.....Upgrade???? 18. michelin1 (pearl white)- got stolen on mid-May 2011- 7-mth old car!! 19. humpahead (Black 07) - Got it used. Time for poison. STEP.WGN 1. Hondaman Purple(City > Step) 2.Takashimaya..... CROSSROAD 1. Bavarian (Black LX) FREED 1.Freed (Dark Grey) 2.ksckelvin - GL7 (Dark Grey) 3.Manterror INSIGHT HYBRID 1. Princess_ r (Red) 2. chiawy (Grey 3. nikeian (Grey) 4. Lavis (Black) 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ahwongsan Neutral Newbie May 25, 2013 Share May 25, 2013 ahwongsan Honda Fit 08 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ganxson Neutral Newbie May 25, 2013 Share May 25, 2013 6th Gear Posts: 4,714 Warn: ----- Since everybody has started thread on which cars/models they used... i might as well start one too. so..generally all honda owners... pls check in Jazz/Fit 1. Jazziegirl - (Jan 03) 2. Zombie - Jazz i-Dsi (2003) 3. Mavvy - Honda Jazz ( 2003 ) i-DSI 4.Ganxson - Honda Jazz (05) i-DSI 5. City 1. Vtecc - City VTEC (2001) but changing soon 2. 3. Civic 1. 2. 3. Stream 1. Redz (2004) 2. Andrewkb(2001) 3. Odyssey 1. 2. 3. CRV/HRV 1. 2. 3. Integra 1. 2. 3. S2000 1. 2. 3. Super 4 1. Guyver smash.gif 2. 3. 4. 5. 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ganxson Neutral Newbie May 25, 2013 Share May 25, 2013 Jazz/Fit 1. Jazziegirl - (Jan 03) 2. Zombie - Jazz i-Dsi (2003) 3. Mavvy - Honda Jazz ( 2003 ) i-DSI 4. Ganxson - Honda Jazz (05) i-DSI 5. City 1. Vtecc - City VTEC (2001) but changing soon 2. 3. Civic 1. Cracker - Ek3 (2000) changing to Chevy Optra next mth . 2. 3. Stream 1. Redz (2004) 2. Andrewkb(2001) 3. Odyssey 1. 2. 3. CRV/HRV 1. 2. 3. Integra 1. 2. 3. S2000 1. 2. 3. Super 4 1. Guyver 2. 3. 4. 5. 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
MeloDEE 1st Gear May 29, 2013 Share May 29, 2013 Dark blue Honda Fit...I'm thinking abt getting a Civic. Should I? 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cluboxed 1st Gear May 29, 2013 Share May 29, 2013 Dark blue Honda Fit...I'm thinking abt getting a Civic. Should I? what is your main consideration to changing a hatchback to a sedan? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
MeloDEE 1st Gear May 29, 2013 Share May 29, 2013 what is your main consideration to changing a hatchback to a sedan? My mum usually tompang on my car to go grocery shopping with my dad...and during CNY my car is like a taxi service That's why I'm thinking of changing to a sedan ↡ Advertisement 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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