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Radar detector


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Any bros installed a radar detector in his car?


My friend has one. Bought from USA. Worked very well for him. However, recently kenan caught by M'sia TP who was using a laser gun. His bloody US$600 radar detector let him down!!!


For those who are wondering what the hell I'm talking about, you may wish to visit the following website http://www.howstuffworks.com/radar-detector.htm

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His detector can detect laser, provided the beam hits the detector and not elsewhere. You see, the point of contact from a laser beam is so small that the detector has to be placed very close to where it's going to hit (i.e. the car number plate).


Compared to the conventional radar gun, the contact area of a laser beam is more than 10 times smaller. Thus making it almost impossible for a conventional radar detector to pick up.


From the internet, my friend discovered that some advanced detectors now come with laser jammers that are mounted onto the car number plate. Thus, any laser beam that comes to them will be rendered distorted such that a reading is not possible. The TP has to shoot again to get a confirmation. By then, the driver would know a TP is targetting him since the detector would be screaming like hell and slows down his car.


Just wondering if any bros here has installed such a system. How much?


I tot most radar detectors now also can detect laser right? [crazy]
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Neutral Newbie

Ahh...May be U can use in Spore but U have to pay much$$$.

In M'sla, TP claimed U're speed (even U dun). Do U want to urge with them. [:/][:/]

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Neutral Newbie

Aiyah, Malaysia TP will stop any SG car for some 'you knwo what' does not matter if you speed or not


Any bros installed a radar detector in his car?


My friend has one. Bought from USA. Worked very well for him. However, recently kenan caught by M'sia TP who was using a laser gun. His bloody US$600 radar detector let him down!!!


For those who are wondering what the hell I'm talking about, you may wish to visit the following website http://www.howstuffworks.com/radar-detector.htm

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Neutral Newbie
His detector can detect laser, provided the beam hits the detector and not elsewhere. You see, the point of contact from a laser beam is so small that the detector has to be placed very close to where it's going to hit (i.e. the car number plate).


Compared to the conventional radar gun, the contact area of a laser beam is more than 10 times smaller. Thus making it almost impossible for a conventional radar detector to pick up.

in short, the detector only lets you know you've been zapped :-)


In addition, the laser is "instant on" so assuming the beam hits your detector, you really have no warning nor reaction time.


From the internet, my friend discovered that some advanced detectors now come with laser jammers that are mounted onto the car number plate. Thus, any laser beam that comes to them will be rendered distorted such that a reading is not possible. The TP has to shoot again to get a confirmation. By then, the driver would know a TP is targetting him since the detector would be screaming like hell and slows down his car.


Just wondering if any bros here has installed such a system. How much?


sounds interesting.


Last I heard, in SGP, it's not illegal to operate a radar detector per se, its that you need to get a radio transmitting licence (works on superhetrodyne principle), and chances of getting this is virtually impossible.


However, the laser detector works on light, not RF, so perhaps this is not covered? (but this is SGP, so a loophole is less likely :-( )

Edited by Myfocus
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Neutral Newbie
I certainly beg to differ! If you keep to the speed limit, you'll not be caught.


Not necessarily true - had colleague who drove his MPV up and was pulled over by TP. After he stopped, the TP stopped their car several metres away, got out of the car and did nothing. Puzzled, my colleague got out of the car and walked over to the cops, who shooed him back to his car. After he got back, they went up to him and booked him for not wearing his seatbelt. [mad]


Also, have a business partner who has gotten pulled over for silly things like "3rd brake light not bright enough". Is that laughable or what ? [laugh] Then again, he's ang-moh and drives a bimmer..... [:p]

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Side track note to u... pls go Acer website to check out Acer 630... tell me what u think in our notebook section.....

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Think that's because u speed all the way...... that's why!! Btw, u knock off liao ah? what if patient call and ask for help how?

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Ok..... so are u introducing how good MCF is to your patient? after attending to their problems.... and where they can find u? LOL!!! [:)]

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