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How does the Optra alarm sounds like?


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Hi everyone,


I am just wondering how does the Optra alarm sounds like? Since the day I collected my car till now, I have not figure out how I can get the alarm to sound, so that I will at least recognise my own car alarm.


Anyone has figure out a way to make the alarm sound?

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Bro tell u a big secret ... i have short term memory lost n often after i arm my car and walk away either home or work i always end up walking back to see whether i press the alarm or not ... I'M ONLY FREAKING 22YRS OLD N I SUFFER THIS KINDA MEMORY LOST ... OMG


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I dun think the Optra is programmed that way.

If any of the door (boot included) is open, and you try to arm it, you will hear it lock, but the lights and arming sound will not come out. This is to indicate that arming is not complete.


This is how I tested it when I took my car :


Open driver side window.

Close all doors

Arm alarm

manually pull the car-lock to unlock it.

Open the door

Alarm would sound..


just like a thief smash window and unlock your door..


It sounds like our stock horn.. high-pitched, without any bass.

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You 22, not 32 ???

OMG I AM OLD !!! bigcry.gif



One thing about our optra, unlocking has NO SOUND.

Thus, I also something wonder whether I would have accidentally pressed the unlock button when my back is to the car and putting the key in my pocket..





My car alarm antenna like not very well located.


If I am a few cars away, with 1 or 2 cars parked beside my car, and I am approaching from the BACK, seems not to be able to unlock until I get very very near the car (like 2 meters)..


If approach from front, can get it slightly further away (about 5 meters)..


But from my house (12 floor), I can lock and unlock without problems...


So if forget where I park in MSCP, cannot press and try to hear the sound, cos sure cannot receive !! unimpressed.gif

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I always forget about my car lot because of my memory lost ... 1 time i when to sls(sim lim square) i when to the basement to park n i totally cant use the alarm to arm n disarm ... But i manage to arm it with a very close press ... But after i came back to the basement i totally forgotten where i park n was finding it for quick along time ... When i finally found it i cant disarm no matter how hard i try ... so i jus open the car with the key n the alarm sound ... was panicking n try pressing the alarm but to no avail ... Finally i decided to switch off the alarm with the manual off button ... Sigh people thought that i was stealing car man ...!

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Bro tell u a big secret ... i have short term memory lost n often after i arm my car and walk away either home or work i always end up walking back to see whether i press the alarm or not ... I'M ONLY FREAKING 22YRS OLD N I SUFFER THIS KINDA MEMORY LOST ... OMG



Bro Me Same same... always walk back to check if my car is armed. my Wife Found me C BLur [blush]

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Neutral Newbie

is there a manual "off" button for aveo's alarm?


as in... if i lock the car with remote, then later cannot open with remote cos battery flat. then i open car door with key. the alarm will sound rite? how to switch it off?

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You look down near the accelerater padel. on the right of side there is a black button on edge. U can try but arming ur car. open with ur car key. when Alarm SOUNDS press the button it should off the alarm. I try it many times. cause my Alarm signal was weak but was replaced soon after. not sure about Optra can give it a try!! [laugh][laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

is one is fitted locally one rite, together with the car alarm? cos i cant find anything about it in the user's manual.


will go home today and search the area, see got black button or not thumbsup.gif

Edited by Tien
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I cannot find in the manual too. When get car my SE told me about the button and tested on the spot. will nv know when remote low bat right. there is only 1 black sleek button near the pedal area easy to find.

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Bro tell u a big secret ... i have short term memory lost n often after i arm my car and walk away either home or work i always end up walking back to see whether i press the alarm or not ... I'M ONLY FREAKING 22YRS OLD N I SUFFER THIS KINDA MEMORY LOST ... OMG



Time for you to take " Ginkgo Biloba " for improving your memory.

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The Alarm activation is connected to the room interior lamps. Therefore when the doors

are opened, the alarm will sound if it was not disarmed before opening the door.


You see every door have a door sensor which will send signal to the instrumention

panel which will show the door ajar. Didnt you notice that if a door is ajar, the

'Door' lamp will illuminate irregardless of iginition key position.


So that is the input signal for alarm activation to be triggered. Even the boot have

a sensor too. 'Door' lamp will illuminate when the boot is opened even if all four

doors are closed.


Thought I have highlighted before that Aveo alarm system is fitted locally by Wheels

alarm system.. I would say that Wheels system is a very good system cos you can even

fit an electronic shock sensor to it and this additional sensor will sound the alarm

when the car is rocked sideways..

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Dun anyhow recommend leh. [laugh] Ginko is useful mainly for elderly and they dun work so good for 22 years old. Also ginko if anyhow take can suffer from side effects like toxic overloaded and non-stop bleeding from open wounds I think why he forget after a short while is becoz he thinks alot of things thats why his brain dun bother to remember the smaller things. I have his problem and consulted the doctors, telling yourself that you have lock the doors after locking it will help in remmebering locking of the doors. Try it! [thumbsup]

Edited by Cashiertan
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