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Upsize to 15" and tyres?


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Hi guys,


My 8mth old is currently on its stock 14" sports rims and OEM Bridgestone tyres. Just did a 4 wheel balancing at Stamford Tyres at Admiralty. I find the ride still a bit hard and floaty after the off-wheel balancing. Do you guys think the balancing was not done properly? My car was hit from behind previously and I've done a wheel alignment and rotation at the Stamford (McPherson). What do you guys think is the cause for the unstable ride?


If I want to trade in my current rims and tyres for a 15", what should I go for? Do you guys have any brands and types to recommend? Didn't want to spend too much cos' will want to sell this car within 5 yrs.


Pls advice. Thanks.

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I don't think the 'floaty' feel is casue by the tyres. It should be the suspension setup. If you already find 14" rim and tyre hard, then 15" is going to be worse and would not solve your problem.


Rims and tyres prices vary. 15" Rim can be as cheap as $100/pc to $300/pc and tyres as cheap as $60/pc & $200/pc.

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Neutral Newbie

just wanna share my 2cts, not saying the recommmendation's bad.....


my experience wif the aspec dbs arent very good........

used to be on 185/65/14 and they dun seem to agree very well with wet roads....the two just refuse to kiss and make up......sorry lah, abit lame....but sometimes it seems like that...... [laugh]

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