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Fluctuating fuel guage


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Neutral Newbie

Just to share my experience servicing my Optra on 1st KM at SA:


I told the unfriendly service ADVISOR(so called) abt 1)fuel guage problem, 2)car some jerking during crusing(sort of loss power when I let go the accel.), 3)wheel alignment out. That fella simply take down my complain said will call when my car is ready. I went back to SA at around 4 pm before anybody called thinking it should be ready anytime then. The recept told that work is still going on. It was almost 6pm before I got back my KEY.


Know what? The recept simply hand over my car key and said that my car is ready and that's it. I would expect at least a service report indicating what had been done on for record purpose. I felt disappointed that this is the service standard SA is providing for after sales.


I open my boot to check and found that they had change the RON switch 95 from 91. I think that was to solve the jerking problem. However the problem is still there. The only problem they solved was the wheel alignment. As for the fuel guage issue, I have yet to verified. To be fair to SA, so far it seem ok as I have been using 95 petrol after the switch change.


Now, had I not visited this forum often enough, I would not know that the switch indicate the min. octane level and continue to pump 92 petrol. Wonder what damage could inflict on the engine.


The service advisor or anybody handing over the key should have at least give a run through on the servicing done.


Just a show of hands, had anybody been really advised by the so called service ADVISOR on any issue before? Or I am to the only "sway" one!

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Neutral Newbie

well bro, my experience at 1k servicing is not any better off than yours. I have to ask before the service advisor offer any explaination on wat had been done.


I have called up SA to complain about my oil gauge and Daniel, the service advisor, offer without any hesitation to change my oil gauge sensor. At least he did not try to beat around the bush or anything. going to get it change next friday and see if it really helps.


I have been driving for almost a month and this is the only problem I have. Other than this, I am pretty happy with my Optra.

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no worries. Their standards are like that [sweatdrop], think all SA service engineer are expert with changing fuel guages parts at the rate this is going [laugh]. This may sound absurb, but 98 seem to be the right fuel for chevys optra.

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Neutral Newbie

No it doesn't sound absurd, I like using 98 too, but with the petrol prices these days, I'm trying to "train" my car to use 95...... [sweatdrop] I'm at my 4th tank of 95 after I've changed my fuel guage thingy...... at first still a little cranky, but seems to be stabilising now. Keeping my fingers crossed [;)]


But I still cannot get the same fuel consumption as before when I first got my ride, which was around 10.5km/l, now it's around 9.5km/l [shakehead]

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right, SA must solve the problem regardless 95 or 98, raising petrol prices.... more sensible to pump 95 now...sending my car in during 30K scv..

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Neutral Newbie


I see now. so that's what the yellow sticker with "91" is for. how do they change the RON number? by the looks of it, the switch is just like a plug with jumper cable. do they replace the plug (for example, changing it to 95)?

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Neutral Newbie

just a thought...


could it be that the cause of fluctuating fuel gauge is poor grounding? or lack of voltage reaching the fuel float in the tank?


anyone of you who has a voltage stabilizer or grounding kit who doesn't experience eratic fuel gauge reading?

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sometimes when the fuel is not able to deliver power, you take longer to hit the desire speed, to compensate for that, our body natural instinct will step a bit harder, step a bit longer, so poor FC. anyway, not only must train the car, the feet discipline and keeping up with traffic expectation is the major factor too.

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Neutral Newbie

It is true that I have to train myself too, but I've been pretty conscious of how I drive. The price of 95 is around 5% less than 98, so if I can hit 10km/l with 98 and only 9.5km/l with 95, I say heck with 95 and just go for 98! The feeling is so much better!


After this 4th tank of 95, I'll switch back to 4 tanks of 98 and monitor. And if I get the results as mentioned, I'll say bye bye to 95. [;)]

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heh, yea. u also pump shell I suppose. Auto rite ? Mines manual, so more control, I am also under strict training now to squeeze the max mileage off em preccioouusss fuel. how I miss them japanese car, rev rev here, rev rev there, anyhow also can get above 12km/l. But I guess thats the only thing I will miss [laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

Got the switch change and have been using 95 since day one. My FC is about 11km/l. Than one day tried pumping XO and FC goes to 13.8 km/l. [thumbsup] However, gauge is erratic after changing back to 95 [hur]

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