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[honda query] wat does ESi mean?


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i'm a noob to car tech [sweatdrop]


for the '91-'95 civics, i tink they are all the EG series rite? i've read up some on these hondas n they mostly tok abt the VTi n above. Leaving out the SiR which is DOHC, the VTi's are SOHC Vtec.


so wat are the ESi's tat are commonly advertised in the classified ads? non-vtec? does it uses this engine? {found frm temple of vtec) [bounce2]


Engine D15B

Capacity(cc) 1493

Bore X Stroke(mm) 75.0 X 84.5

CR 9.2

Specification 16V SOHC dual Keihin carbs 16V SOHC

Max Power(ps/rpm)- manual 100/6300


tried searching arnd for info on this, tats how i found this forum [nod]


Going to start work in abt 11mths time. going to have to reach work at abt 6+ am, so looking for a ride. my dad has a honda export accord tat was just bot in jan'04. i'll prob get the car in abt 5 yrs time so i dun need a new car. not willing to pay the premium for a new car either. the resale cars that are 5-6 yrs old on the market are also too ex cos' of the then COE prices. anyway i dun need the rebate at the end of the 10 yr COE with the above reason.

So basically i was actually looking at abt those 5 yr COE cars but unfortunately the classified ads seem to have a lack of these kind of cars. a lot of '93 civics (COE expires in 2011) seem to be arnd though. mostly ESi. Err there are a lot of pitfalls in the resale car trade (esp. with the age of the cars i'm looking at). anyone with any advice? [:p]


anyone can give any idea abt the maintenance costs of such an old car? cos my family has onli owned new cars so no real idea. The other costs i dun forsee a problem with my starting salary to maintain.


tanks for any help offered [nod]

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Neutral Newbie

Good question .... I have the same problem with some of the terms as well


Mitsu -




GLXi :


MX :


MR :


Toyota -


LX : ( I know its a 1.5 only)


XLi : (I know its a 1.3 only)


GLXi : (I know its a 1.6 only)


Mazda -




Daihatsu -




Suzuki -








Can anyone fill in the blanks gossip.gif

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unfortunately the onli one i understand is toyota too [laugh]


i USED to think tat ESi was just the 1.3L or 1.5L model. but according to the classified ads, even 1.6L have ESi models. n ESi is not reflective of whether is auto or manual. so my postulated conclusion is that its just a SOHC engine (non-vtec).


anyone care to enlighten me?


err for mitsu n toyota i THINK tat the small i at the back means auto? GL usu means 1.6L. [scholar]


the main problem is tat a lot of these info websites are western sites, so their model numbers are never the same. especially for older cars when the interenet was not there for sharing info.

Edited by Lala81
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Neutral Newbie

err for mitsu n toyota i THINK tat the small i at the back means auto?


I dun think so .... I think the small i is for injection engines unsure.gif Mine is a Mazda 323 GLXi but manual rolleyes.gif

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during the EG series... there is the LSi, ESi, VTi, SiR-2 from yr 92-96.

LSi no vtec.

ESi got vtec... but SOHC... layman term... single cam... 1 legged.

VTi and SiR-2 got vtec but DOHC, layman term... double cam, 2 legged.


year 96-00 comes the EK series....

EXi, VTi, SiR.

EXi no vtec.

VTi got vtec... 1 leg.

SiR got vtec... 2 legs.


After yr00 is the ES.

EXi,VTi and VTi-S. all 1 leg as Honda has put the 2 legged engines on 2l and performance cars. eg. Honda type R, Integra Type R and Accord Euro R.

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err for mitsu n toyota i THINK tat the small i at the back means auto?


I dun think so .... I think the small i is for injection engines unsure.gif Mine is a Mazda 323 GLXi but manual rolleyes.gif


hmmm ya. i tink someone explained it to me b4. forgot alreadi. [lipsrsealed]

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during the EG series... there is the LSi, ESi, VTi, SiR-2 from yr 92-96.

LSi no vtec.

ESi got vtec... but SOHC... layman term... single cam... 1 legged.

VTi and SiR-2 got vtec but DOHC, layman term... double cam, 2 legged.


Hmm ok.

i got some conflicting info though. this is frm temple of vtec



According to them, VTi shld be SOHC VTEC

supposedly the VTi's use the D15B (vtec) engine. n this according 2 them is a SOHC engine. tot onli the B16A is the onli DOHC for the civic? [dizzy]


schneider79, u owned these civics b4?

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the model-type designations like GL, LX, GTi etc are coined up by respective manufacturers to indicate the trim levels and there's no universal std to this.

for example;

GL=grand luxury

LX= luxury extra

GTi=grand touring injection

MR=mitsubishi racing


so for all they care, they can designate tarzanboy as 323 GTLXiMRK.laugh.gif

but i hv no idea wat generation designations like EK, EP, ES, mean dizzy.gif

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the info on the site is not of my knowledge towards civics...

only the Ferio is EG9 which is VTi-4 doors.


Maybe his version is in other countries...

if you want a clearer picture... this is the series of civics in sg.


92-95 EG series 95-00 EK series

LSi = EXi

ESi = VTi

VTi = SiR

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EK, EP, ES, EF are all series codes...


like toyota corollas have G7, G8 then latest G9.

Civics goes on EF, EG, EK, ES(latest), EP(Civic typeR) and EU(civic 5 doors).

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Neutral Newbie

so for all they care, they can designate tarzanboy as 323 GTLXiMRK.laugh.gif


laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif Joker sia you laugh.giflaugh.gif


Understooded .... but you sure or not MR is Mitsubishi Racing shocked.gifshocked.gif

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the info on the site is not of my knowledge towards civics...

only the Ferio is EG9 which is VTi-4 doors.


Maybe his version is in other countries...

if you want a clearer picture... this is the series of civics in sg.


92-95 EG series 95-00 EK series

LSi = EXi

ESi = VTi

VTi = SiR


hmm ok tanks [nod]

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"...but you sure or not MR is Mitsubishi Racing..."


that's supposedly what the MR in the Evo 8 is supposed to mean.


or it could oso mean Mazda Relak.....laugh.giflaugh.gif

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Neutral Newbie

oh i noe gtti ... lolx... grand turismo turbo injection

Gran Turismo or Grand Touring sly.gifsly.gif


hmm... Turismo... tat's wad the webb says! [sly]

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Good question .... I have the same problem with some of the terms as well


Mitsu -




GLXi :


MX :


MR :


Toyota -


LX : ( I know its a 1.5 only)


XLi : (I know its a 1.3 only)


GLXi : (I know its a 1.6 only)


Mazda -




Daihatsu -




Suzuki -








Can anyone fill in the blanks gossip.gif


I only know that the "i" stands for intelligent [:p]

But if i'm not wrong, MX represents the MIVEC engine

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