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Cute Mud Flaps/Guards


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Check this out!!! wahahaa...what you guys think? Funny! [:p][:p][:p]


Will you all put this on your car [laugh]


Think one of my friends will die to get his hands on these things [;)]






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I dunno if u can get them in singapore...


I found all these products on Ebay...


just do a search on "mud flaps" [;)][;)][;)]


if you really do purchase them and install them... remember to take pic and post! [:p]


actually I like the slyvester one...so funny! hahahaha [laugh][laugh][laugh]


but it'll look really strange on my car though [:p] so will be sticking to my loud ralliart ones [rolleyes]

Edited by Lightspeed
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So cute!!!! Sean! Quick!! laugh.giflaugh.gif


Seriously, would they be much help, cos our focus hasn't got any and the sides do get sprayed by the wheels in wettish weather. If they can keep the car cleaner for a bit, might be worth getting??

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Hi Lillight & Sean,


Just check with Hoover, they have mud guard for Focus. Stoc coming in next week, let me know if u are interested and we shall see if it is 'presentable' [shocked]

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