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Chevians errr... (3rd) Meetup?


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err...well.....nothing actually. sweatdrop.gif




member of 'The Sucker's Club' since Jan 2000.


Y? Later your wife twist your ear harz? laugh.gif


Btw, what do you "do" in the "Sucker's club"?

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Neutral Newbie

dun worry,bro.


Your time will come!!


Then you can go "Haizzz Haizzz Haizzz....."



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dun worry,bro.


Your time will come!!


Then you can go "Haizzz Haizzz Haizzz....."



Huhz? You are talking about wife or car? confused.gif

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Neutral Newbie

bro...pls dun get them mix-up.

car = zoom x 3

wife = haizzz x 3


both gona cost u a bomb.

but for car, u can cut loss anytime & sell.

wife bue sai.....haizzz,haizzz,haizzz..........yeah!

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Neutral Newbie

OK Chevy brothers, good to see so many of you yeterday laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif, sorry was late, i think we forgot to take a group photo with all the car park nice nice ..thumbsup.gif


First time seeing so many chevy cars. next hope will be more, can found a not so sunny place next time, brother me usually must bring bioh along, pah siahlaugh.gif

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Neutral Newbie

got turn up better than no turn up... [thumbsup][thumbsup] It's a pity that there is no group foto... [shakehead] actually, I would like to bring you guys to the telok blangah hills to take some shots. got sheltering trees and big parking space... [nod] but no good for chit chat... cos got many mosqitoes.... [shakehead][dead]


Last meet up, we see a lot of stocks/originals... the next meetup, we'll see a new lot of mods with springs, rims and maybe a complete racing body kit....


Matt, your address for the MY contacts? or any arrangements?

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Neutral Newbie

hi AI...nice to meet u too! [thumbsup]

talking abt 'boh's.....i think some of us oso brought along + babies.

they were sitting in the food ctre on top.

my wife sure follow one....coz she won't believe i'm going for meetups with some car enthusiasts. hmmmmm.....maybe i dun have a honest face. [:|]


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bro...pls dun get them mix-up.

car = zoom x 3

wife = haizzz x 3


both gona cost u a bomb.

but for car, u can cut loss anytime & sell.

wife bue sai.....haizzz,haizzz,haizzz..........yeah!


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hi AI...nice to meet u too! thumbsup.gif

talking abt 'boh's.....i think some of us oso brought along + babies.

they were sitting in the food ctre on top.

my wife sure follow one....coz she won't believe i'm going for meetups with some car enthusiasts. hmmmmm.....maybe i dun have a honest face. unimpressed.gif


lolz! whip.gifwhip.gifsmash.gifsmash.gif

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Neutral Newbie

hi Skoder,


after this blind date with almost 10 of u guys,

i've discovered ur avatar is very contradicting to your actual person.

mr hung a bit nerdy-looking. but u look damn cool. [cool][thumbsup]


another person that shock me is Genie47....

i expect to see a 'Ah Beng' who knows all abt car,

but our actual Genie is a very nice & easy-going chap. [nod][thumbsup]

not as fierce-looking as i imagine. [laugh][laugh][laugh]


sigh....talking abt group photo, i've brought mine. but chat until forget.

pai seh.....next meetup die die oso muz remember. [thumbsup]

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hi Skoder,


after this blind date with almost 10 of u guys,

i've discovered ur avatar is very contradicting to your actual person.

mr hung a bit nerdy-looking. but u look damn cool. cool.gifthumbsup.gif


another person that shock me is Genie47....

i expect to see a 'Ah Beng' who knows all abt car,

but our actual Genie is a very nice & easy-going chap. nod.gifthumbsup.gif

not as fierce-looking as i imagine. laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


sigh....talking abt group photo, i've brought mine. but chat until forget.

pai seh.....next meetup die die oso muz remember. thumbsup.gif

laugh.giflaugh.gifPosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image Genie a "Beng"???!!! Errz... Genie can be "fierce" also... Especially he comes up close to you and try to cast "Dark Magic" over you! Posted ImagePosted Image

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Neutral Newbie

hahaha....lol. [laugh][thumbsup]


maybe its hard for me to imagine such a joyous & friendly guy driving at such high speed the moment he collect his new car! [sweatdrop][laugh]

Edited by Ah_veo
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hahaha....lol. laugh.gifthumbsup.gif


maybe its hard for me to imagine such a joyous & friendly guy driving at such high speed the moment he collect his new car! sweatdrop.giflaugh.gif

Yah manz! Thats y when I returned from my studies, I was shocked.gif to see him so on about cars! Even mod his previous Starlet! laugh.gif

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Guys so sorry that I unable to turn up. I seeing my contractors on my

house. will b 1hr ++ late if I go. anyway next meet i will sure come.

its rare to see so many chevys together. esp now hard to spot 1 on the road. [;)]

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Neutral Newbie

Alamak, make me so pai seh....thks for the compliment... One thing we have in common. our women don't believe that we are meeting the chevy family... But your wife will follow you, I have to beg my gf to come to prove my innocence... [:/][shakehead]


Next time we meet, we must take photo.....got big parking spaces and elevated floor for the shots... [thumbsup][thumbsup]

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Neutral Newbie

yep... Actually, all of us was sitting on the 2nd storey of the gillman camp...Got cold drinks, kopi and such...Shaded.... we came down to the cars to look at whatever mods and at the same time "molest" each others car after talking for more than half hour on top...


Ahveo's bor and mine was at level 2 escaping the sun and heat... [sweatdrop][;)] I think next time, we should park just in front of the building, got shade from the afternoon sun... [thumbsup][thumbsup]


sighhhh... got so many optras and aveos, yet forgot the golden opprtunity to take fotos.... [smash][smash] my head for it... [laugh][laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

Bro...err...I kinda misplaced the printout of the MY svc ctr add. [blush]


It's somewhere around ...promise I'll forward it to you when I find it.

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