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Chevians errr... (3rd) Meetup?


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Neutral Newbie

alamah.....meetup w/o chief no fun liao.

can take half-day urgent leaves mah. [laugh][laugh][laugh][:p]


& this time if u can't find the place again...

give me a call...i activate the whole platoon...

convoy all the way to where u are...then convoy back to meetup place again! [nod][thumbsup]

Edited by Ah_veo
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Neutral Newbie

Wah so fast third meet up liao.

So "sway" pc crash after i return from my trip.

Sorri hah, change topic a bit.

Anyone felt any jerk while the car is stationary with brake step on.

I can feel the jerk after the third svcing.


Anyone with the same problem before, pls help me........... [bigcry][bigcry][bigcry]


Reminder for Aveo HB owner, do be careful when you park your car at the Specialist Shopping centre. Our height is too high for the red bar on the inner side of the car park lot. Just got a deep scatch on the top spoiler yesterday. [bigcry]

Edited by Aceveo
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Neutral Newbie

"Reminder for Aveo HB owner, do be careful when you park your car at the Specialist Shopping centre. Our height is too high for the red bar on the inner side of the car park lot. Just got a deep scatch on the top spoiler yesterday"


I heart pain for you [bigcry]

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Neutral Newbie

wow, better feedback to specialist shopping centre to do something about it if they want more shoppers there ...



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Neutral Newbie

hi AceVeo...

tks for the warning at Specialist SC. & take it easy on the scratch,bro.


fyi,i've been here for many months liao but haven't met any MCFers or even Chevians in person before. was supposed to hv our 1st meetup last month at kallang. 5 went...3 manage to meetup, 2 MIA along the way(i was 1 of them.hhheeeee.....)

i duno abt any 2nd follow-up meetup. so as far as i'm concerned....this coming one is my very 1st meetup!


talking abt jerk, maybe hv to wait till mon when all car experts fall in here again.

btw, what petrol u pumping? 92,95 or 98?


& looking fwd to seeing u & ur ride in our coming meetup! [;)]

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Neutral Newbie

Presently using Shell 95.


Understand from the forum tt we can use 92 but not too sure leh.

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Neutral Newbie

me oso using Shell 95 leh.

but my car no jerk leh. only sometime when i jerk, then my car oso jerk.


hhheeeee.....pai seh,pai seh.....joking lah. [laugh][laugh]

so u coming for meetup?

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Neutral Newbie

I've been trying out EssoMobil 95 & 98.

Find that 98 does not have to drop gear so early when going upslope.

Maybe gives a bit more torque or something...don't really know.

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Neutral Newbie

Venue: Gillman Camp at lock rd, somewhere in Alexandra rd. (street directory will be more informative...

Time : 1400

date: 15/05/04


1) Skoder

2) Don Don

3) Arah

4) Matt

5) Ah_Veo

6) tey13

7) AmericanIdol

8) Editt




As at 3rd May 2004.

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Neutral Newbie

Hi, I use Shell 92. No jerk. [laugh] Cheaper. But duno will make my engine dirty or not! [confused]

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Neutral Newbie

Hello? Hello?

Those collecting your car lately one...care to add you name to the list for meet up?


Venue: Gillman Camp at lock rd, somewhere in Alexandra rd. (street directory will be more informative...

Time : 1400

date: 15/05/04


1) Skoder

2) Don Don

3) Arah

4) Matt

5) Ah_Veo

6) tey13

7) AmericanIdol

8) Editt




As at 3rd May 2004.

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Neutral Newbie
Genie got his today!


[bounce1][bounce1] WhooHoo!!! [bounce1][bounce1]

[bounce1][bounce1] Go Genie Go!!! [bounce1][bounce1]

Always damn happy for people when they collecting new car!

Love that feeling! [thumbsup]

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Neutral Newbie

Yah Man [bounce2] ,

I think he's also exiceted man..........

He's probpably our first Chevy kaki whom had already max out the car within 3 days of getting it. [thumbsup][dizzy]

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