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A layer of something on windscreen


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Neutral Newbie

After sending my car for polishing a few months back, my windscreen has a layer of something that makes my visibilty very poor (Blurness). Its like a layer of wax covering the screen. This is especially 'jialat' when rains at night with the street lights contrasting onto the windscreen. Has tried many options (below) to clear it, but cant.


1. Changing wiper blade.

2. Apply Jif or normal detergent.

3. Using Autoglym Clear Window Polish

4. Lastly, using thinner to wipe the surface.


So what should I do? It remains the same, and doesnt get worse. It just stays there as it is... [dead]

Edited by Zolidlim
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I too got this problem with my new car. Have tried Autoglym glass polish but only helps a little. Others have advise me to send back to the agent for windscreen polishing. I'm doing it this week. Hope the problem will go away after polishing.

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Neutral Newbie

bro... cannot really visualise the blurness/problem leh... are u 100% sure its on the outside and not inside of the windscreen??? [:/]


must rectify if not very dangerous leh...

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Neutral Newbie

See when we meet up, then u will see. But must be rainy day, then you can see the difference and whjat I mean by a layer. [dead]

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Neutral Newbie

bro... u haben answer my question leh... r u very sure it is outside and not inside? have you tried to feel the inside of ur windscreen when u see the prob happening? [bounce2]


i m asking becoz a fren of mine used to have similar problem as you.... found out later dat the prob was actually cause by his airfreshener dat left a coat of substance on the INSIDE... and when rainy days or cool nights... will have some kind of fogged up effect... [dizzy]

Edited by Quikfire
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Neutral Newbie

I do not have this blurness experience but my wiper start to "jump" when using it causing

irritating sound.

I went back to RM to polish my windscreen so as remove wax formed . A hour job and problem solved. [thumbsup]

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let me know if it works... If it does, will go back KM and bang table...


Just went for servicing today and tell them about the wiper judder. I ask my service centre to polish the windscreen. Now no more wiper judder. Time for you to go back to KM and ask them to do something about your windscreen. But don't need to bang table one, just tell them nicely first. Works for me everytime. [thumbsup]

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Neutral Newbie

Hktan, LIMWS1, I do not have problem with the wiper. They do not jump or jutter when operating them. Its my windscreen. It has a layer of something very irritating. Simply cant remove them.

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ahem....since u tried everything on the windscreen oredi, maybe it's your specs that's dirty?...laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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