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Airflow/skid plate under car???


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this type of project may not have practical benefit, but take it as an exercise in exploring ideas (in a way, for fun); if it doesnt cost too much... it's like me diy a four wheel steering radio control car years ago, didnt win any races, but it was fun.... laugh.giflaugh.gif

Edited by Super7
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Neutral Newbie

In that case, may I just suggest you don't do the whole bottom but just two pieces to cover the front and the back.


Front, cover below the engine but must make vents for proper ventilation purposes. Fast air moving backwards will help draw air from the vents.


Back, just cover the spare wheel area, to streamline air moving past.


Don't think you need to bother about the middle as it's pretty smooth.

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not easy to custom make, if at all.... sweatdrop.gifsweatdrop.gifunsure.gifunsure.gif .... will be ex also bigcry.gifbigcry.gif


in fact... i don't think its dat expensive to custom make leh... [;)]


[idea] how abt using lightweight aluminium??? And... u know below your engine there are several plastic panel guards rite?... maybe we can make them redundant and use their bolt-on points for this new alum shield cum AIR SCOOP??? [thumbsup]


instead of airscoop on the bonnet... this alum shield scoops air from the bottom and cools the engine bay from front bottom to backwards!!! [idea]


eh... lets work on this project leh... ai mai??? [bounce1]


Ehh you also want to scoop rain water into the engine bay????

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Neutral Newbie

this type of project may not have practical benefit, but take it as an exercise in exploring ideas (in a way, for fun); if it doesnt cost too much... it's like me diy a four wheel steering radio control car years ago, didnt win any races, but it was fun....


[thumbsup] precisely.... its for fun and just for the hell of it [thumbsup]


in my childhood days in my kampong... there were so many things to play wif but we went thru the trouble of building a tree house!!! dat was really really worth it and always brings back a smile when i think of it... [inlove]

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Neutral Newbie

aluminium... yes [nod] , but aluminium sheets..no [shakehead].


sheets are too filmsy and will look cheapo...


think those 4-5mm thick aluminium plates will do better...


Don't think you need to bother about the middle as it's pretty smooth.


Middle section definitely not as the exhaust system needs to breathe... [;)]

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Neutral Newbie

Bro, when I'm talking about alu sheets, I don't mean those you use to wrap your food with...... [laugh][laugh][laugh] OK, since you want to use the term plates, we'll use plates then! [;)]


You have any idea how heavy a 4-5mm aluminium plate is? Go to the alu plate shops and have a feel. A 1 mm thick plate is more than enough. After all, it's aim is to streamline and it has no supporting/protective function.


Middle section definitely not as the exhaust system needs to breathe..


But exhaust system stretch from front to back leh.... [rolleyes]

Edited by Mikeckchong
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Neutral Newbie

[laugh] aiyo... of coz not those food wraps lah... [laugh]


but oso not those 1mm sheets pple use to make heat shields... not thick enuff


me tokkng about 4-5mm plates that is mat silver in finish... something like hairline finish...


But exhaust system stretch from front to back leh....


dats why we initially tokking abt front only... maybe just 1 - 1.5 feet from the front lip... and wif air scoop to cool the down pipe....


but now think abt it... dunno whether will create undesirable "lift" or not leh... [:/]

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Neutral Newbie

But 4-5mm plate is still very heavy leh, not to mention difficult to work on. I have a 3mm plate and that's already heavy. [sweatdrop]


dats why we initially tokking abt front only... maybe just 1 - 1.5 feet from the front lip... and wif air scoop to cool the down pipe....


but now think abt it... dunno whether will create undesirable "lift" or not leh...


You can extend it well beyond the front drive shaft. As long as there's a gap behind, there should be no problem of circulation. In fact, fast air moving below the plate will help to pull air out of the engine compartment. My car come with a huge undertray that stretches from the front bumper to just beyond the front drive shaft and I've never had any overheating problems. And we're talking about an Alfa here! [sly][laugh][laugh][laugh]

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In that case, may I just suggest you don't do the whole bottom but just two pieces to cover the front and the back.


Front, cover below the engine but must make vents for proper ventilation purposes. Fast air moving backwards will help draw air from the vents.


Back, just cover the spare wheel area, to streamline air moving past.


Don't think you need to bother about the middle as it's pretty smooth.

that's what i have in mind from day ONE!!! ....... great men think alike.... the greatest says it later.... thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

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this type of project may not have practical benefit, but take it as an exercise in exploring ideas (in a way, for fun); if it doesnt cost too much... it's like me diy a four wheel steering radio control car years ago, didnt win any races, but it was fun....


thumbsup.gif precisely.... its for fun and just for the hell of it thumbsup.gif


in my childhood days in my kampong... there were so many things to play wif but we went thru the trouble of building a tree house!!! dat was really really worth it and always brings back a smile when i think of it... inlove.gif

yup, yup!!! totally agree with you thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

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for the plate, we can try using those used in making bus body.... thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif, or slightly thicker for rigidity..

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Neutral Newbie

that's what i have in mind from day ONE!!!


So you got the plans ready yet? Shouldn't be too difficult. But must find somewhere that has a hydraulic jack as you'll need to get under the car plenty of times.

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