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Turbocharger Anyone?


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Neutral Newbie

Doesnt every NA owner want one bounce2.gifbounce2.gif .... but its one thing to look at it as an individual item, its another to put in your car. blush.gif


The amount of power it produces may also cause premature damage on an engine not meant to handle turbos. With the amount of money you need to spend on customisation, might as well buy a turbo car from the very beginning thumbsup.gif

Edited by Hitman
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Installing one when your car doesn't have one in the first place will get you in trouble with the authorities. On the other hand, installing one w/o prior knowledge of what you engine is capable will cause serious damage.


But these are not the only things that will cause you concern. There is turbo lag. Turbos mostly produce all those HP at the top end.

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