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Parking methods taught in Driving Centres


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Just curious to find out from you guys. Have you wonder why the centre teaches parking using the black and white guide poles? I understand way back it was the trend but now it seem like it's not really the most effective methods? [gossip]

They should fix up some fake car bumpers or whatever to simulate actual scenarios as to simulate vertical or parallel parking in between other vehicles. I believe most of us that passed from the centres have to spent sometimes to orientate ourselves to park in car parks or parallel lots without the guide poles. [pirate] Guess they do that to squeeze more money from the trainees as when we pass the test , the sales personnel will approach us with the freshie driver orientation course that teaches us parking without poles and driving up multi-storey carparks and the course cost another couples bucks to register. Shouldn't this be include in the lessons?

BTW, anyone have any comments to share or any effective methods for parking without the aid of guide poles.



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Neutral Newbie

basically it is easier and cheaper to hb poles than fake bumpers.


parallel parking.... front 2 poles represent the side of the car in front of you. the 2 poles behind (the ones nearer to one another) actually represent the number plate of the car behind you. hope this helps.

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Neutral Newbie

Agree w Smiley [nod]


Not feasible to put fake car bumpers coz by the end of the day - the bumper will be crushed/dented liao by inexperienced drivers. Need more $$$ to maintain it lehh.


Poles are easily maintainted and cheap and can be placed back immediately once it is knocked down.

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generally i do agree on using poles to teach parallel parking but not vertical parking. parallel parking needs more visualising and hence the poles do help.


vertical parking shouldn't be tested in the first place.


then also, the instructors were wrong to teach vertical parking in such a technical way by pasting stickers, memorising when to turn the steering when the pole view touch certain part of the car view.......rote learning.....eventually the student learn nothing....despite it being a brainless exercise cos the student never learn how to judge distance, only judge stickers and poles.

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not just vertical parking but some other things are really rote learning.


for example teaching a new driver to stop on the slope and memorise the correct rpm of 2000 to drive off is harzardous. if a new drive goes to actual road and do this and take his eyes off the road while at the same time a car in front of him on a slope stops suddently, you can imagine what will happen.

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During my time, not only for vertical parking, even for parallel parking my instructor was oso pasting stickers on the car, teach me when to turn the steering when the pole view touch certain part of the car. Until now, I still have problem with parallel parking. So when there are no more vertical lot, but left with parallel lot, i will not to park my car (no condifent) [sweatdrop]

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did he draw the diagrams for you? personally i find diagrams very educational in parallel parking....u read the diagrams and then you try to correlate the poles to positions in the diagram.


the only difficult part is the estimation of the degree of bent but that one shouldn't cause a major difference....one or 2 adjustments can do the trick liao.

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No, no diagrams at all. He only want me remember when to turn my steering. I do not know how come I can still pass the parallel test during that time [dizzy] . I think I need to find a place to pratice it again.

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for me i was lucky......my friend learnt at ssdc and they gave him diagrams....he let me have a look at the diagrams and thereafter, bingo!


now i can't really remember how the diagram looks but the concept is there. full lock steering, car abt 45 degree......neutralise steering, then reverse straight in, then when est front of car can get in, full lock steering to the other direction.

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