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How to keep the automatic transmission alive


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Neutral Newbie

Why you may need to know this


The automatic transmission is one of the most complicated and consequently one of the less reliable parts of the vehicle. The repair of an automatic transmission is complex and tends to be quite expensive. More than that, automatic transmission problem can make your car unsafe - some transmission defects may cause, for example, that the car may roll in the Parking mode or drive forward in Neutral mode. On the other hand, if taking a good care of, your transmission can last you really long with no significant problems.

In this article you may find some simple tips how to prevent your automatic transmission from damage and keep it in a good shape. It doesn't require too much of your efforts - just periodical checking and regular maintenance. Look below.

[by the way, have you ever looked in your vehicle owner's manual? Try, it's a best source of information on your vehicle maintenance. You will be amazed how many useful info you may find in this book! Having more questions? Don't know what type of the fluid to use? - just call local dealership service department and ask them, they have all the information and they will be pleased to help you.]


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