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323 vials containing deadly viruses go missing from a lab in Australia — ABC News


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How can you lose 323 vials?

I mean misplace the odd one or or even two well we are all human right?

But 323?

I have a solution for them.

The last person that saw them think hard of where they could put them?

Maybe visiting their MIL for dinner on a Sat night when Liverpool is play the dinner time match

and accidentally left it in her bedroom?

Or maybe under her mattress and get the delightful crushing sound like glass smashing?

I am sure its only a matter of time before they find it.

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What is it with Australians huh?

Last time it was some radioactive nuclear toxic don't know what that can wipe out half a city

and they put it at the back of a truck and didn't tie it down properly and it flew off the back of the truck on a road that is a few hundred miles before the driver realise it was gone.

Well you know dangerous substance you would think like a lot of care and security to handle it safely, making sure it doesn't get lost get into the wrong hands of terrorist etc.

You would think so right?

How come they are so careless with the most dangerous substance in the world?

FFS why can't Aussia look after these things as carefully as they handle a cold beer?

They protect every can and bottle of beer with a protective cover so that the beer doesn't get hurt or injured and they put a nice cushion under the beer so the bum of the beer doesn't get pain sitting on a hard wooden bar or table.

Can they please protect the nuclear stuff as carefully as they handle a cold one!






Edited by Jamesc
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You would like they learnt their lesson after this one!

But no lost only one last time.

Now lost 323?

Tiny radioactive capsule lost in Australian outback found by side of 1,400km stretch of road

Radioactive device, missing for more than two weeks in WA, posed a significant public health risk.

Its Alrite Mate! Its on the road somewhere, we will find it in no time Mate!


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You never hear an Aussie lose a beer!

You never hear an Aussie say - I had a couple of cases of beer but I just can't remember when I put it!

Beer handles so carefully and they never lose it.

Nuclear stuff or deadly viruses? 

No need to take too much care about it.

Just stick it somewhere and if cannot find it again.

Its no big deal.

Its not like losing a case of the amber nectar.

That would be criminal! Absolutely criminal!



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Even Homer Simpson knows you have to be professional

and be careful when handling dangerous material!

Aussies don't seem to know this!




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On 12/11/2024 at 7:55 PM, RadX said:

Coupled with Africa 


confirmed boomz 

I understand from one India indian friend that there is something going ard in India not reported. His young nephew of 20 yrs old just died 2 weeks ago with no diagnosis, the only known factor was a fever.

KNN if all these meet, I think don't waste time stocking up anything liao, just accept and go home. [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]


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On 12/11/2024 at 8:22 PM, Vegas said:

57% fatility rate, remember to include PS zhuah in the will

You haven't read further, got 100% fatality one and it's 223 vials



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It's not a recent event, happen in 2021 when the vials were transferred from a damaged freezer and no one bothered to record down the new location, probably thought it was going to be temporary move, then everyone forgot about it.

Only discovered in 2023 if i am not mistaken from the article. By then the virus probably still in some other freezer undetected still, or if out of the freezer, the expert said that they won't survive for long.

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