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CNA Explains: Why are people rioting across the UK?


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Immigration should be controlled, yes. But it should be based on each individual country's needs and requirements, and not some arbitrary blanket criteria based on nationality or culture.

On 8/9/2024 at 10:44 AM, Playtime said:

But... people with zero to contribute can apparently walk in, demand housing and welfare,  do terrible things... and it's racist,  far right etc to refuse. 🤷‍♂️

Please provide proper evidence of this, beyond what you see on social media or biased tabloid media reports.

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actually, spore is sibei lucky with no “illegal” immigrant issue

imagine hundreds thousands indo keep coming to spore and then need to repatriate also a big challenge 

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For some,

God is white.  Mine has no racial bias. 

And they hate some groups more than they hate their own skin color.

Just describing the racist rioters. 

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On 8/9/2024 at 12:00 PM, Benarsenal said:

Immigration should be controlled, yes. But it should be based on each individual country's needs and requirements, and not some arbitrary blanket criteria based on nationality or culture.

Please provide proper evidence of this, beyond what you see on social media or biased tabloid media reports.

I don't exactly keep a library of links for official stats and news reports I saw you know😅, it's not my full time job. It's like I don't expect you to provide the opposite to show they are nett contributors. 

You don't have to belive what im going to say though.... it's from official sources or MSM I've seen. I won't dispute if you disagree. 

A vetted immigrant generally already has proven professional and financial means of survival. 

An illegal immigrant is mostly unemployable due to language, educational issues and could be for years. 

He has never paid into it before,  butwill take up huge resources in welfare and housing which are already sorely lacking for native citizens young and old. I posted a link a while back about what Britain is paying. He often remains on the welfare for long term.

For the security and indirect social cost. British agencies reportedly has countless thousands already on watch list. Of cos they won't provide breakdown. 

Like I said,  I won't disput if you disagree, we are after all just a amateur talk rock forum. 😆


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On 8/9/2024 at 6:51 PM, Playtime said:

I don't exactly keep a library of links for official stats and news reports I saw you know😅, it's not my full time job. It's like I don't expect you to provide the opposite to show they are nett contributors. 

You don't have to belive what im going to say though.... it's from official sources or MSM I've seen. I won't dispute if you disagree. 

A vetted immigrant generally already has proven professional and financial means of survival. 

An illegal immigrant is mostly unemployable due to language, educational issues and could be for years. 

He has never paid into it before,  butwill take up huge resources in welfare and housing which are already sorely lacking for native citizens young and old. I posted a link a while back about what Britain is paying. He often remains on the welfare for long term.

For the security and indirect social cost. British agencies reportedly has countless thousands already on watch list. Of cos they won't provide breakdown. 

Like I said,  I won't disput if you disagree, we are after all just a amateur talk rock forum. 😆


I will concede on one of your points, that it is an incredibly complex issue. But one needs to look at the bigger context.

Brexit was sold on the premise of (among other things) taking back control of the UK's borders. But that was a fallacy, because even when they were in the EU, the UK already had special exemption to determine their own border control policy. There were not part of Schengen and so they did not have unfettered freedom of movement unlike most of the EU. Basically Brexit wanted something they already had.

The main thing however is that between Brexit and their last general election, the UK was governed by a Conservative government that was incompetent in many, many ways. That period of Government set the country back immensely due to their constant bungling and infighting. To blame their current problems on a just a single issue like immigration is a bit short-sighted. What they're facing right now is a result of years of poor governance.

We can only wait and see how Labour can turn it around. It will be difficult but I don't think it is impossible.

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On 8/9/2024 at 7:19 PM, Benarsenal said:

We can only wait and see how Labour can turn it around. It will be difficult but I don't think it is impossible.

This is the part I doubt. The new PM has bungled this saga spectacularly. He's in a bubble.

Many of the people in protest videos are UNMASKED regular folks and even seniors and women. There are ex uniformed folks too. To get such a group out,  it suggests there's a hell of a lot more support than appears.

Its hit a very raw nerve with regular working class and establishment folks, not just college students and activist types.

He should consider doing a conciliatory healing national address than talking tough. 🤔

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On 8/10/2024 at 11:19 AM, yishunite said:

You dont know history of British nationalists. They always try to pretend to be "ordinary people" but you just go into their social media and you will see. You fell for it hook line and sinker

For eg: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/aug/09/two-men-jailed-for-social-media-posts-that-stirred-up-far-right-violence

Another eg: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/aug/09/anti-racism-activist-in-london-reports-break-in-attempt-after-far-right-threats

Bro... Guardian is Labour left, just saying. 

I have friends there also lah. Across the spectrum you will find what you look for. Like Olympic scoring,  take out the outliers and look at the main body. Main body not being heard. 

And If you look outliers, then also go at some of the immigrant ones (not the Indian and asian), the hate and even some grooming gang sexual stuff is sickening. 


At the end of the day, no double standards, singaporeans 100% will NEVER agree to adopt the brit model.

The leftist there like to label everyone far right. What would they call Singapore immigration policy? Are singaporeans thus far right nationalist for supporting / demanding existing policies for ourselves?

Is it legitimate for us, racist far right extremism for others?


Try another approach,  take out the sociology and personal feels,  look at Denmark's stats. @Benarsenal below you asked for I suppose🤔

It's not easy as many govts dont breakdown data for PC reasons and it's very hard digest anyway.  


Note Denmark is nowhere near Britain's problems,  and I suspect under reporting anyway, few civil servant goes out to make boss look bad. But Some of Denmark's policies are surprising. 

In an imaginary world. If suddenly Lawrence Wong ask:" eh, people say our policy is far right, study and tell me should I change to current British model?"

Some could say YES. They are willing to accept the results. 

My answer is NO. 

Don't take it personally,  it's good to exchange ideas. 


Interestingly... Sweden just announced nett emigration. 

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On 8/9/2024 at 12:58 PM, Wt_know said:

actually, spore is sibei lucky with no “illegal” immigrant issue

imagine hundreds thousands indo keep coming to spore and then need to repatriate also a big challenge 

Iirc... some small island is supposedly designated to be holding ctr.

But yeah.... national stadium also not enough. 

We are lucky Thailand Malaysia blocks alot from Burma. And others mainly want go Aus.

But if indo have crisis,  we are likely FUBAR... hence why govt always nice nice to indo and tsunami FULL support.🤔


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Funny, I have no idea what you guys are debating about.....

Maybe cos I have no social media to hear all the UK noises.

I only know Trump vs Harris only......😆

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On 8/11/2024 at 1:01 PM, Stary said:

Funny, I have no idea what you guys are debating about.....

Maybe cos I have no social media to hear all the UK noises.

I only know Trump vs Harris only......😆

It's politics, social and economics...the other one politics, money and egoS...😁

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On 8/11/2024 at 8:25 PM, yishunite said:


"Dame Priti" is Tory MP and former Home Secretary Priti Patel who tried to claim colonization was a good thing (in her land of origin British massacred millions of Indians in 1857) and racism had ended in UK... now totally change tune

We have to say what we have to say to manage the truth. What is past is gone but manipulate the present such that it benefits the Indians here and now.


as the Samseng perm sexy FA said, the diplomacy of actions versus the diplomacy of words.

and the grand gesture with no benefit versus developing interest with clever words.


appreciative of American help in the Korean War using the Korean budaijigae Army stew as an example of how Americans gave food to Korean refugees while knowing in the hearts how bitter and sad that food represents. And the unspoken determination while consuming said dish while praising how delicious it is and expressing gratitude to further the interest of survival.


and we all know how to dangle a hotdog ….if we can get this…not that American soldiers would ever do anything like that…

What our kin would do to feed us…😰

whatever is Taiwan doing? 🤫

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This feeling of being squeeze out is very natural. As Singaporean, you find everything you have are shared or 'taken away' whilst you are not able to ' take away' from another country simply you are stuck here. Till the day everyone is able to travel freely without nationality, then we won't have such conflicts. 😆 

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On 8/11/2024 at 3:32 PM, yishunite said:

Our migration levels relative to population would be worse than "open floodgates" level for UK. The numbers of yearly migrants they are talking about (which include things like international students nearly all of whom return to home countries) are actually not far off Singapore's but they have more than 10x our population, total "PR" type migrants is a fraction of ours compared to total population. Even if you add up all the brown nonwhites as "migrants" (which the far right racists do) its still less than our ratio of migrant to citizen

So in other words we are not far right nationalist, we are actually far more accommodating than UK for the same population never mind country size

If only they had followed our way of selecting and managing immigrants, integration etc. 

But politically it's understandably not possible for them.  Too late. And they HAVE criticised our policies previously. 😒

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On 8/12/2024 at 8:55 AM, yishunite said:

Not surprising. By our standards of racial harmony we might as well be wokeman paradise... foreigners never understand singapore only see what they want to see

You are going to trigger anti-woke


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On 8/12/2024 at 11:10 AM, yishunite said:

Are u saying FICA was foreign influenced??? 😱😱


Whenever the court used common law cases from UK.

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i actually dunno what our practice is on this.




on the other hand.

once among the most leftist, sweden reported nett emigration.


"In 2023, emigration increased among people born in countries such as Iraq, Somalia and Syria. That same year, net migration numbers for people born in these countries were negative. According to preliminary statistics from Statistics Sweden up to May this year, Sweden had negative net migration. The Government’s efforts to improve population registration is expected to have contributed to this outcome. "


emigration means exit... doesnt say why ... dunno how they managed to do this.

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