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CNA Explains: Why are people rioting across the UK?


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On 8/7/2024 at 10:46 PM, Sosaria said:

UK aerospace industry was once the world leader in the 50s, 60s, 70s. Some of the aircraft they produced were really unmatched in terms of design. In those days without advanced fly-by-wire and electronics, they had engineering talent to produce the V-bombers, harrier jumpjet, bristol buccaneer .....but where are those companies nowadays - hawker siddeley, british aerospace, avro? All closed down.

But once they committed to the Typhoon, the was never going to be another fighter mah. Economics at play. Plus the post soviet collapse meant no business. 

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Hawker still present at seletar aerospace. Duno still owned by british?

Used to enjoy watching hawker hunters take off n land, wen serving RSAF during NS

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On 8/7/2024 at 10:48 PM, Sosaria said:

Too bad for keir starmer, what an intro to the new job. All it took to trigger the chaos was one crazed fellow with a knife. It was more fun and easy when being the oppo!

That of cos wasn't his fault. He .. and his party... wasnt in power long enough to be held responsible. 

But he is a woke prata flip flopping.

He is on record supporting far worse riots for George Floyd,  a terrible criminal. 

He now literally calls for a "standing army" to crush riots for dead young girls. And those 3 girls were not even THE cause of riots, just the last straw that broke the camel's back.

He could've, he absolutely should've, at least tried to defuse the situation by acknowledging people's anger and grieve, and minimally say his govt will tackle the immigrant caused crime and extremism issues.

Now he's probably burnt his bridges. Tonnes of videos of middle east and African males doing worst things on the streets without consequences are making the rounds of social media. Its hard to see how he's going to salvage it.

I suspect he mistook people voting out the conservatives to be a signal he had open cheque😬...🤦‍♂️

And the next spot to ignite will likely be the Irish,  that'll be fireworks. 

Edited by Playtime
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冰冻三尺 非一曰之寒


Britain's government declared the country was "broke and broken" ahead of an assessment of the public finances on Monday which the newly-elected Labour Party will use to blame their predecessors for a 20 billion pound ($26 billion) shortfall.

Elected to run the world's sixth largest economy in a landslide victory on July 4, Labour has spent much of its first three weeks in power telling the public that things are worse than expected in almost every area of public policy.

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Anti-racism protesters out in force as UK police gird for far-right unrest

"Whose streets? Our streets!" chanted protesters at a few-thousand strong gathering in Walthamstow, northeast London, where some held banners saying "Stop the far right".

"I live in the borough and we don't want these people on our streets ... they don't represent us," Sara Tresilian, 58, told AFP of the far-right.

"You have to turn out to give that message ... I think it's important that you show up for your friends and neighbours."

British police brace for anti-Muslim riots and counter protests

In Sheffield, activists chanted: "Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here," as riot police looked on.

Leftwing street activism is much more establish than rightwing in UK... they always get bigger numbers to turn out given same amount of organization

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On 8/8/2024 at 9:02 AM, Beregond said:

冰冻三尺 非一曰之寒


Britain's government declared the country was "broke and broken" ahead of an assessment of the public finances on Monday which the newly-elected Labour Party will use to blame their predecessors for a 20 billion pound ($26 billion) shortfall.

Elected to run the world's sixth largest economy in a landslide victory on July 4, Labour has spent much of its first three weeks in power telling the public that things are worse than expected in almost every area of public policy.

they should use the PAP playbook, say things are bad BEFORE election, then after election say they will solve it, upbeat mood😂

in the coming debates, they'll probably cherry pick individual items to shoot each other.

their immigration failures is clear to see. But F3.96Billion (dunno how to get PoundF sign) is ridiculously high... and probably doesnt include full picture.





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Thatcher screwed England.

Destroyed all the manufacturing jobs.

Britain should never have joined EU.

And joined never fully joined.

That's why England still use Pound and not Euro.

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Before Thatcher England people never lock their back door.

Many England houses no fence and gate one.

Now every time a footballer play in Europe his house gets robbed.

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On 8/8/2024 at 10:22 AM, Jamesc said:

Thatcher screwed England.

Destroyed all the manufacturing jobs.

Britain should never have joined EU.

And joined never fully joined.

That's why England still use Pound and not Euro.

Think it's more than about joining EU or using Euro. 

EU country, 

Poland,  its poorer, but it don't have the kind of social problem the brits are facing now. Famous for its "Zero" stance. 

Sweden, it's a paradise,  rich. But its been cited as rape capital. And Somali gangs are fighting with hand grenades. Trumps past comments about "no go zones" is proving true. 

Both countries are in EU, but have opposite policy wrt mass illegal immigration.

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On 8/8/2024 at 10:37 AM, Playtime said:

Think it's more than about joining EU or using Euro. 

EU country, 

Poland,  its poorer, but it don't have the kind of social problem the brits are facing now. Famous for its "Zero" stance. 

Sweden, it's a paradise,  rich. But its been cited as rape capital. And Somali gangs are fighting with hand grenades. Trumps past comments about "no go zones" is proving true. 

Both countries are in EU, but have opposite policy wrt mass illegal immigration.

Bro I been to both places. I would take Sweden over Poland anyday. Dont talk out of your ass

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On 8/8/2024 at 10:43 AM, yishunite said:

Bro I been to both places. I would take Sweden over Poland anyday. Dont talk out of your ass

I think you are getting too emotional on this. Cool it a bit.



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Brexit is about immigration.

They want to decide who comes in.

But England being a colonizer had race problems since the 60s.

Then it was Carribbean people.

In the 70s it was Indians and Pakistan.

In the 80s it was Vietnamese.

Chinese from Hong Kong came with nothing and got nothing from the government.

Vietnamese boat people got free government housing and Hong Kies not happy rioted with them in the streets.

An all Asian affair.

All the while since the 60s black and white race riots.

The take away is colonise a country, take away all the riches but don't take the people!

On 8/8/2024 at 10:37 AM, Playtime said:

Think it's more than about joining EU or using Euro. 

EU country, 

Poland,  its poorer, but it don't have the kind of social problem the brits are facing now. Famous for its "Zero" stance. 

Sweden, it's a paradise,  rich. But its been cited as rape capital. And Somali gangs are fighting with hand grenades. Trumps past comments about "no go zones" is proving true. 

Both countries are in EU, but have opposite policy wrt mass illegal immigration.


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Must learn from the Vikings.

Burn the women, rape the animals and steal the houses.

That's according to Erik the unread who couldn't read properly and always got the order mixed up!



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On 8/7/2024 at 10:16 PM, Lala81 said:

Yeah that's my sense. Lots of people are gainfully employed but they are all being crushed by the COL. For example, the BNO hk found jobs with not much difficulty. But there's few high paying jobs like they were used to HK. 

Some suggest that the boris govt reason to accept BNO HK immigrants was to solve a blue collar labour crunch happening due to brexit. 

Teachers, nurses should be solid middle class jobs, but wage freezes and austerity make their pay paltry in comparison. 

Gas, groceries, the need to rent all add up. 

With brexit the red tape surrounding Europe, for biz who serve Europe, doesn't make sense to only service local economy.

Almost 1/3 of pubs shut down since 2020. 

Ha thats serious stuff for the brits. 


Yes, Brits and their pubs. 

COL is the main underlying issue and long simmering racial tension is the trigger. During bad times, to the racists, everything is the fault of people who looks different.   I am glad we have strict rules against those who plays the race cards here, lots of racists around us. 

It is hard to change people’s prejudice and hate, so G needs to focus on jobs, the economy and to manage supply. 

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Colonization is about taking the wealth and not the people.

Jamesc MIL saying.

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Huh british aerospace closed down?



It is the biggest manufacturer in Britain as of 2017. It is the largest defence contractor in Europe and the seventh-largest in the world based on applicable 2021 revenues.


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Why are people rioting across the UK?

Because it's summer time and the weather is warm and dry.

Have you ever seen a riot in winter when it's cold and wet?

British rioters are not stupid.

It's not the cause, it's the weather.

No matter how righteous the cause cold and wet no riots!


Edited by Jamesc
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