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New Zealand to ban cellphones in schools


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Cellphones will be banned in schools across New Zealand, conservative Prime Minister Christopher Luxon said Friday (Dec 1), as his fledgling government looks to turn around the country's plummeting literacy rates. 

New Zealand's schools once boasted some of the world's best literacy scores, but levels of reading and writing have declined to the point that some researchers fear there is a classroom "crisis". 

Mr Luxon declared he would ban phones at schools within his first 100 days in office, adopting a policy trialled with mixed results in the United States, United Kingdom and France. 

The move would stop disruptive behaviour and help students focus, Mr Luxon said.  

"We are going to ban phones across New Zealand in schools. We want our kids to learn and we want our teachers to teach," he said. 

Researchers from New Zealand charity Education Hub warned of a "literacy crisis" in 2022, finding more than one-third of 15-year-olds could barely read or write.

"That something must be done to address the distressingly low literacy rates in Aotearoa New Zealand is clear," they wrote. 


workable here ?

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As long as phones are not allowed during classes, dun really see how totally banning phones will improve reading and writing..

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On 12/1/2023 at 11:27 PM, Ysc3 said:

workable here ?

parents will be the first to cry.. 😁

"ah boy u eat oredi?" "What u eat?" "got go toilet?" "anyone bully u?" in my working place mothers always need to be in contact with their precious one.. dunno for wat.. 


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On 12/1/2023 at 11:27 PM, Ysc3 said:

workable here ?

Depends whether we want schools to turn strict again. Education system here in SG pivoted to become super soft , treating students and parents like "customers" since a decade or so ago, leading to the rise of si ginna and overbearing, indulgent parents.

But I see that some schools have realized the folly and try to enforce disciplinary standards again after the MOE philosophy now slowly change to emphasize self directed learning and taking responsibility for own learning. Which requires discipline and "tough love".

Will such policy ever be implemented here? ..... Knowing the bureaucracy here, very kiasu kiasi one, some smart-alec will sure ask, if you confiscate students cellphone, what if there's emergency, what if the cellphone lost, etc. etc.

In the end, don't keh kiang, don't do is better unless have mini-star's blessings.

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No need to ban phones. But allow kids to only bring monochrome nokia phones to schools.

Those can still receive sms and make calls during urgent needs. I see old people use them. 

The issue is actually not the phone, but the social media apps in their phones. The phone is just a tool. It is what inside the phones that is  distracting them.


Edited by Starry
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On 12/2/2023 at 10:19 AM, Starry said:


The issue is actually not the phone, but the social media apps in their phones. The phone is just a tool. It is what inside the phones that is  distracting them.


Social media, video and gaming.

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On 12/2/2023 at 12:40 PM, jcmm said:

Social media, video and gaming.

That's why I say change to monochrome nokia phones.  The kid only need to make calls or make SMS.  

But if the kid end up like to play the game snake in that phone, then I nothing to say liow...lol

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On 12/2/2023 at 1:04 PM, Starry said:

That's why I say change to monochrome nokia phones.  The kid only need to make calls or make SMS.  

But if the kid end up like to play the game snake in that phone, then I nothing to say liow...lol

Give walkie talkie lah. One each for child and parent. Talk only in emergency.

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On 12/2/2023 at 2:57 AM, Atonchia said:

Thought mobile phones cannot be use during class in school all the while in SG?


Already banned during class in SG but NZ is also banning it during breaks, taking it one step further.

Don't think it is for grades but to allow students to play/ interact with each other instead of with their phones.  

Can't be a bad idea especially for younger kids. 

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On 12/2/2023 at 5:19 PM, Voodooman said:

Already banned during class in SG but NZ is also banning it during breaks, taking it one step further.

Don't think it is for grades but to allow students to play/ interact with each other instead of with their phones.  

Can't be a bad idea especially for younger kids. 


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On 12/2/2023 at 1:41 PM, Benarsenal said:

Give walkie talkie lah. One each for child and parent. Talk only in emergency.

Walkie talkie subscription more expensive than phone right?

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