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Chain Collision Car Accident - Workshop Advise


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On 3/8/2023 at 1:24 AM, silvershield said:

Dear MCF members, hope everyone is doing well. 

would like to seek your expertise pertaining to my 3 car chain collision which occurred recently. I was rear ended and have F/R footage to demonstrate it was the car behind me 100% at fault which push me to collide with the front car. The 1st car also agreed and had same consensus to claim the last car.

TP arrived as there was injured passenger in the 3rd car and ambulance arrived to ferry driver & passenger to hospital. I suffered minor injuries but did not require immediate attention. 

As of today, I had made police report online and awarded 5 day MC. Hence will claim injuries against the 3rd car by lawyer firm and already signed warrant to act on my behalf. 

The stressful part now is regarding my car which based on my gut feeling is beyond repair as there was damages to rear and front of my car. 

My car was towed to a workshop which is a reporting centre but is not listed in my car insurance workshop and my car insurance never cover any workshop options. This workshop was introduced by my friend as I was unable to get thru my insurance company hotline during the accident as I was complete shocked.

The car damages will claim 3rd party and the surveyors from the 3rd. add has came to the workshop to take photo and assess the damage. The boss updated me today and mentioned he will try to repair the car using simple parts. 

My car left 1yr 2mths, the current paper value is about 13.5K and I checked Sgcarmart same make n model is about 21.0k. I am wondering if the total repair cost is 30K, it should not be economical to repair and 3rd party can just declared total loss and compensate market value. 

One key thing here is the boss mentioned he would like to buy my car at about 14.5K and help me claim loss of use for about 21-28 days.  The rest of the repair cost  he will ownself settle the repair, etc.

I saw the GIA report from 3rd car which show that he is trying to deny any fault. In addition, when I call my own car insurance company, they say they can’t find any accident reported for my car. Not sure if the CSO is trying to smoke me. 

please provide your positive response for my situation and if this workshop trustable?

I am comfortable  to scrap the car and take back market value and buy another car.

By using a workshop not in the approved list under your policy, you are taking a very huge risk thinking that you will win the case. If you fail, then really good luck as you will have to foot the bills yourself. But I kiasu kiasee always buy policies that can go to my preferred workshop for peace of mind.

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On 3/8/2023 at 2:22 PM, Heartlander said:

By using a workshop not in the approved list under your policy, you are taking a very huge risk thinking that you will win the case. If you fail, then really good luck as you will have to foot the bills yourself. But I kiasu kiasee always buy policies that can go to my preferred workshop for peace of mind.

Worst case scenario 

he just scrap the car

Left 1 year

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On 3/8/2023 at 2:24 PM, inlinesix said:

Worst case scenario 

he just scrap the car

Left 1 year

Would his insurer then turn around and claim that since he never report accident at any of the approved centres under his policy, so refuse to pay for damage for the front car.

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On 3/8/2023 at 2:11 PM, t0y0ta said:

Most important is to cooperate with your insurer, NOT your friend lobang workshop.

Ask insurer, if they prefer to work with their authorized workshop because of your specific plan, then please just tow your car over.

question it ask if a real true friend or an acquaintance. cause a true friend will no sabo with such a shitty lobang workshop.

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On 3/8/2023 at 2:43 PM, Heartlander said:

Would his insurer then turn around and claim that since he never report accident at any of the approved centres under his policy, so refuse to pay for damage for the front car.

For TPL, it is important to report the incident to insurer within 24hours after incident.

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Actually should have asked tow truck straight to insurer approved reporting center (workshop) from the list given. But i guess given the shock and your car wasn't driveable. 

Luckily the accidents i was involved in, all could drive away. 

Nowadays everything in e-documents but i suggest printing out a list of the nearby insurance workshops hard copy inside the glove box.

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Firstly, you must report to your insurer regardless which workshop the car was towed to afterwards. They will advise you on the next steps.

Secondly, it sounds like you're making alot of assumptions and decisions without your insurer's involvement. You may get in trouble if other parties were to claim from you and your insurer is not engaged.

Lastly, it's not "everybody claim from last car". It's 1st car claim from 2nd, and 2nd car claim from 3rd and so on. Again, your insurer will know who to claim from. Chain collision is one of the simplest case from a liability perspective.



Edited by Jellandross
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On 3/8/2023 at 2:11 PM, t0y0ta said:

Most important is to cooperate with your insurer, NOT your friend lobang workshop.

Ask insurer, if they prefer to work with their authorized workshop because of your specific plan, then please just tow your car over.

I just contacted my insurance company and email them my GIA report. See what they say first. But I claim 3rd party need to wait for the rear guy to admit mistake plus is police case now. 

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On 3/8/2023 at 2:24 PM, inlinesix said:

Worst case scenario 

he just scrap the car

Left 1 year

Yah I told the boss I dun mind just scrap the guy get back paper value n pay for tow truck to scrapyard. Like that he got nothing to earn 

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My MIL say leport your car got hit


don't report you hit the car in front.

Then the car behind has to pay you

and since you never leport

you no need to pay the car in front.


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Sounds like the workshop can repair at a lower cost, claim from the third car and still sell it for a profit.

You need another workshop, not an ambulance chaser.

Potential loss vs realized loss. I will just go back to my insurer and take my chance.  


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On 3/8/2023 at 1:13 PM, silvershield said:

My front cam show I am 3 car length away from front car and apply brake very early. So comfrim never touch front car if behind never push me. 

Not sure if your car got camera or not cos it does makes alot of difference if your car had come to a complete stop then car behind rear ended your car and that causes your car to rear end the front car . 

If your car had not come to a complete stop , and car behind already rear ended you , tough luck to you then cos think front car will claim from you lo ... 

The important part is , go view your car footage if you have 1 , complete stop meaning your car not moving at all hor . crawling speed to stop is not a complete stop hor ... cos if its not a complete stop , you will be considered as not keeping a safe distance to the front car ... 

Edited by Hubwee
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On 3/8/2023 at 3:45 PM, silvershield said:

I just contacted my insurance company and email them my GIA report. See what they say first. But I claim 3rd party need to wait for the rear guy to admit mistake plus is police case now. 

As another bro has mentioned, since you hit another car backside this is not going to be a simple case where you and your insurer have no liability.

My thoughts are that if you do not follow strictly the insurer t&c including authorized workshop, they may even void your insurance and then the front car insurer will sue you directly for civil damages.

I wouldn't want to take this type of risks bro, no matter how remote. Never give insurance company any excuse to say you are not following the contract.



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On 3/8/2023 at 1:13 PM, silvershield said:

My front cam show I am 3 car length away from front car and apply brake very early. So comfrim never touch front car if behind never push me. 


Yes, you can try to talk until the cows come home, BOLA will still apply. I agree 3 car length away still buang is very suay, but BOLA is the guideline used by all insurers. You can try to fight, you can try to go court, you can try to do and say this and that, but in the end, you will just waste your time and money only.

Hard truths. Takes some time to swallow. Slowly go talk and you try to ngiam the lawyers then you will come to accept, or see the cost to fight and still lose, then still give up.


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On 3/8/2023 at 4:53 PM, Hubwee said:

Not sure if your car got camera or not cos it does makes alot of difference if your car had come to a complete stop then car behind rear ended your car and that causes your car to rear end the front car . 

If your car had not come to a complete stop , and car behind already rear ended you , tough luck to you then cos think front car will claim from you lo ... 

The important part is , go view your car footage if you have 1 , complete stop meaning your car not moving at all hor . crawling speed to stop is not a complete stop hor ... cos if its not a complete stop , you will be considered as not keeping a safe distance to the front car ... 

Yes, car in motion (regardless of  speed) and car stationary is totally different. This one not hearsay, I was involved in one. 

Many years back, i had one incident, 3 cars stopped at the traffic light, I was the 2rd car, one in front, one behind. One lorry came without stopping and caused a chain accident.  All 3 cars claim against him, I drove to my WS and did the claim paper work, got a replacement car, repair the car and WS gave my car a  free servicing and grooming. Insurance not affected.

If car still in motion, yes, 1 claim 2, 2 claim 3...[laugh][laugh][laugh]

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These days I think insurance come with 2 options, authorized workshops and any workshops, with different premiums. At least NTUC offer this option. 

I buy with any WS, cost a little more, but well I think i dont have to skip meals to do that, so yah, its call buying insurance. [laugh][laugh][laugh]

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On 3/8/2023 at 6:28 PM, Tianmo said:

These days I think insurance come with 2 options, authorized workshops and any workshops, with different premiums. At least NTUC offer this option. 

I buy with any WS, cost a little more, but well I think i dont have to skip meals to do that, so yah, its call buying insurance. [laugh][laugh][laugh]

I don’t know if it is true but I get the feeling that if I went with authorised workshops my repair would go to the lowest bidder, whereas my choice of workshop is the workshop that would repair the car based on the damage assessed, and not to a budget.

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