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The Perfect Storm of the Stock Market III


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On 12/14/2023 at 11:44 AM, Throttle2 said:

Those who bought KDC reit cheap, better throw and run.  $2.10 is about where it starts getting overpriced…..


Alerted you guys to throw KDC at $2.10 last week , hope you did.  
Now $1.85 only.  

KIT on the other hand went up from 44cts to 50cts with a 3 ct div.   Shiok.



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I i recall this youtube guru Josh Tan who was buying Straits Trading.  I think he DCA this counter over a year or something Becos he was bullish on commodities...his top pick

Wah say, sweat man. 


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On 12/19/2023 at 11:10 AM, Throttle2 said:

Today makan MLT dividends, shiok shiok!

Last dividend for the year…..


took drp but dunno how to count

end up with odd lot


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On another totally different planet, a clown called Steven Lim . Sold his hdb and hoot all Singpost at high price.

super lagi sweat……never see light after buying.


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On 12/20/2023 at 1:15 PM, Throttle2 said:

I i recall this youtube guru Josh Tan who was buying Straits Trading.  I think he DCA this counter over a year or something Becos he was bullish on commodities...his top pick

Wah say, sweat man. 


Commodities is going to weaken in a weak global economy.

But i think Oil maybe fine as the tensions in the middle east is supporting it. Bought a bit of CNOOC yesterday. 



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On 12/21/2023 at 10:03 AM, Throttle2 said:

Also another guru called Steven Lim . Sold his hdb and hoot all Singpost at high price.

super lagi sweat……never see light after buying.


Sinkpole...he can sing out loud liao...




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On 12/21/2023 at 10:03 AM, Throttle2 said:

Also another guru called Steven Lim . Sold his hdb and hoot all Singpost at high price.

super lagi sweat……never see light after buying.


Crazy bet. It is impossible to know/ predict everything, owners take such concentration risk cause the risk and reward matrix for them is very different from an investor buying a publicly traded stock.

Just curious for single counter, what is your cap?  With all the geopolitical / decoupling risk, I am thinking of bringing it down further but there is just not enough good business to diversify into, especially in SG market.

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On 12/21/2023 at 10:25 AM, Voodooman said:

Crazy bet. It is impossible to know/ predict everything, owners take such concentration risk cause the risk and reward matrix for them is very different from an investor buying a publicly traded stock.

Just curious for single counter, what is your cap?  With all the geopolitical / decoupling risk, I am thinking of bringing it down further but there is just not enough good business to diversify into, especially in SG market.

so-so ... 3%-5%

branded one ... 8%-10%

sibei strong conviction ... 10-15%

my biggest mistake at one point was holding 25% for Sicktel ... with all the simi sai 5G rollout and ebanking JV ... sibei jialat ...

luckily at one point stock price reach $2.70 this year and divest ... huat ah!


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On 12/21/2023 at 10:25 AM, Voodooman said:

Crazy bet. It is impossible to know/ predict everything, owners take such concentration risk cause the risk and reward matrix for them is very different from an investor buying a publicly traded stock.

Just curious for single counter, what is your cap?  With all the geopolitical / decoupling risk, I am thinking of bringing it down further but there is just not enough good business to diversify into, especially in SG market.

Yes its impossible.  for all his stupidity I guess the only respect is that he put his money where his mouth is😂.   And it was at around the same time,i was calling to sell Singpost.  i proceeded to sell all my singpost at about 63.5ct and ran with the profit, never to look back.

for single counter i think 10% of entire warchest is probably most i would go. As it stands the largest single counter holding i have is MLT and thats quite far from 10% still.   

yes its difficult to invest currently, prices neither here nor there.  Not enough conviction.  Continue to nibble here and there.. good thing cash still pays 3.5%

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On 12/21/2023 at 10:26 AM, Wt_know said:

so-so ... 3%-5%

branded one ... 8%-10%

sibei strong conviction ... 10-15%

my biggest mistake at one point was holding 25% for Sicktel ... with all the simi sai 5G rollout and ebanking JV ... sibei jialat ...

luckily at one point stock price reach $2.70 this year and divest ... huat ah!


Wah 25% in  Singtel????

i talk so much about my STeng, i only have about 5% in it

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On 12/21/2023 at 12:07 PM, Throttle2 said:

Wah 25% in  Singtel????

i talk so much about my STeng, i only have about 5% in it

yeah … just plain stupid

when stock price drop to $2

my loss was jit dong jeng !!!


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On 12/21/2023 at 12:19 PM, Throttle2 said:


when rebound to $2.60-$2.70 offload liao … cum dividends collected … net positive … for kopi money 😉

but now still licking wound for Hstech … jit dong jeng !!!

Hstech ... probably need to see turnaround in 24/25 or until cows come home ... [bigcry] 

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On 12/21/2023 at 11:59 AM, Throttle2 said:

Yes its impossible.  for all his stupidity I guess the only respect is that he put his money where his mouth is😂.   And it was at around the same time,i was calling to sell Singpost.  i proceeded to sell all my singpost at about 63.5ct and ran with the profit, never to look back.

for single counter i think 10% of entire warchest is probably most i would go. As it stands the largest single counter holding i have is MLT and thats quite far from 10% still.   

yes its difficult to invest currently, prices neither here nor there.  Not enough conviction.  Continue to nibble here and there.. good thing cash still pays 3.5%

Ok. I am also in the 5-10% range now, save for some bank and REIT stocks I bought during last GFC.  Hoping to reduce to 3-5% handle in the next 1-2 years.


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On 12/21/2023 at 12:39 PM, Wt_know said:

when rebound to $2.60-$2.70 offload liao … cum dividends collected … net positive … for kopi money 😉

but now still licking wound for Hstech … jit dong jeng !!!

Hstech ... probably need to see turnaround in 24/25 or until cows come home ... [bigcry] 

HST i am down a whopping 50%. Don't think will see daylight in 24/25.  The pain just won't go ahead. 

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On 12/21/2023 at 12:39 PM, Wt_know said:

when rebound to $2.60-$2.70 offload liao … cum dividends collected … net positive … for kopi money 😉

but now still licking wound for Hstech … jit dong jeng !!!

Hstech ... probably need to see turnaround in 24/25 or until cows come home ... [bigcry] 

hstech i was up usd 35k , held on and now down almost usd50k 🤣😂

and thats why we diversify.  Becos investing isnt about each single bet , its about it entirety. 

I would mind if hstech goes to zero if my portfolio is up 10%….😎😎

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On 12/21/2023 at 1:12 PM, Voodooman said:

HST i am down a whopping 50%. Don't think will see daylight in 24/25.  The pain just won't go ahead. 

Its ok lah. Cant win on every bet.  

i bought HStech at that point becos it seemed to hv more legs to run and i had zero chinese or tech exposure.  
and i was right becos it shot up 35%, but then all the unforseeable political play came in.   


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