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CDC Vouchers


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  On 1/27/2023 at 6:39 AM, Mkl22 said:

Must put IC number or not? If no need to put IC number then how would govt know that their gifted program was able to produce citizens with such brilliant insights! 😂


I think need to log in with SingPass.


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  On 1/27/2023 at 5:43 AM, Lala81 said:

If they want to support only lower income workers. Then they can pay more via Workfare.


Acutally govt has quite a number of such subsidies etc. 

As what the others said, CDC voucher is not targeted narrowly. 

There are regular subsidies of utilities for HDB flats as well during the years i stayed in HDB. 

There is the political element to it. 


I totally get the political element but my point is now (high inflation environment) is really not the right time to be giving money to everyone indiscriminately. Do you feel now it is good to give money to everyone to encourage spending? 

You have to play politics to stay in power but I always thought the "old' PAP did a good job balancing doing what is right for the country and winning votes. This example I thought is a case where it is good for the party in power, who doesn't like free money, but ultimately not good for the country. 

HDB subsidies are kind of targeted so that is ok. 

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Give free healthy meal to anyone who walks in vs cdc vouchers. I take cdc vouchers. I am a typical Singaporean who eats cai png.

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  On 1/27/2023 at 5:36 AM, Wt_know said:

depends on the objective when govt plan to give CDC voucher

it was a "token" for "everyone" aka the citizen to defray living cost (because GST increase 1%) and spur economy

abit of "wayang" too to make "everyone" happy ... got goodies ... good for u-know-what

when HK govt give HKD$5000 voucher ... every citizen got it ... even LI KA SHING (did he need the money?) but LKS is indeed a citizen of HK right.

then if we look at income also beh choon ... let's say Mr A salary is $10K ... sup sup water ... no need $300

Mr B also $10K salary but he got 6 mouths to feed ... did he not deserve the $300?

helping the poor is not the CDC voucher


I googled and found that HK called it consumption voucher scheme. which was done in 2022 when they are trying to encourage consumption. 

Hey if you agree that it is a good to push up consumption NOW in Singapore, then I totally get why the money should be given to everyone. I just don't think now is a good time to encourage consumption. Maybe I am wrong as I am not economics major. 

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  On 1/27/2023 at 2:20 AM, Tianmo said:

I see liao, really don't know want to laugh or want to cry. 

Want to laugh is again, ppl living in their own world, thinking inside their own zone, assuming everyone is like them and so all solutions should be targeted at problems of theirs. 

Want to cry is, I see the wasted resources and time spend in the production of a gifted program. And if this gifted products run a system,  I think I will have to cry myself to my death. 

I wrote a longer reply on why vouchers over cash, why a need to circulate these monies, in addition to what is the cause of inflation here, and then deleted it, because I feel so stupid having to write simple logics. 

Hell,  I am going to offer prayer to my ancestors after I post this, to thanks them for making me and my children stupid enough to not be in a gifted program. [laugh][laugh][laugh]




too bad not gifted/good enough to join the p*p, if not will help them lose more votes with all the ideas.

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  On 1/27/2023 at 6:42 AM, Ender said:

Give free healthy meal to anyone who walks in vs cdc vouchers. I take cdc vouchers. I am a typical Singaporean who eats cai png.


The $2/ free healthy meals supply by gov, idea by gifted, is jiak liao  百毒不侵, buay tio covid, some more jiak liao can 长命百岁, why you no prefer leh?  

CDC vouchers will jack up inflation hor, better keep and don't spend. [:p][laugh][laugh]



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  On 1/27/2023 at 7:31 AM, Jman888 said:

too bad not gifted/good enough to join the p*p, if not will help them lose more votes with all the ideas.


Gifted ideas how can be wrong wor? 

KNN, I really cannot understand the thinking process that went through that black box. 

Inflation = stop spending?

Recession = spend spend spend? 

If so simple, then the  Fed, biggest market maker in the world jiak simi? [laugh][laugh][laugh]



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  On 1/27/2023 at 8:01 AM, Tianmo said:

Gifted ideas how can be wrong wor? 

KNN, I really cannot understand the thinking process that went through that black box. 

Inflation = stop spending?

Recession = spend spend spend? 

If so simple, then the  Fed, biggest market maker in the world jiak simi? [laugh][laugh][laugh]




My English not very good but below is a good article against broad based support to fight inflation 


i hope u can spend a couple of mins just to skim through the article as it is much better written than my posts…

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I believe some of our parents living by themselves in hdb flat should have received more cdc vouchers than us shortly before the $300. 


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  On 1/27/2023 at 8:20 AM, Wind30 said:

My English not very good but below is a good article against broad based support to fight inflation 



We are a small trading economy. 

Domestic inflation pressures are mostly due to external factors like rising costs, rising global demand, smaller labour force due to participation in gig economy jobs and reduced foreign worker quotas. 

Our labour market is already tight, there is no welfare benefits here. So it's not like there's untapped segments of population not contributing and staying home cos of cdc vouchers. 

Simply put the govt is very good at squeezing us just enough in some areas that the money that they give us back in comparison is not a big issue. 

Unlike most govts, sg is good at taxing big and small. All kind of ways that don't disrupt business too much. And we don't change our tax policies easily so there's steady revenue. 

I believe tharman once said there is nothing such as a good tax or bad measure, it has to be taken in an overall context. 

What doesn't work elsewhere has worked in sg simply cos it's part of an overall package. 



Edited by Lala81
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  On 1/27/2023 at 7:50 AM, Tianmo said:

The $2/ free healthy meals supply by gov, idea by gifted, is jiak liao  百毒不侵, buay tio covid, some more jiak liao can 长命百岁, why you no prefer leh?  

CDC vouchers will jack up inflation hor, better keep and don't spend. [:p][laugh][laugh]




Like that is the first step to curb inflation is to ask poor people like me to not use cdc voucher.  Don't touch the rich spending first on luxurious items. They should not be restricted unless the poor people way doesn't work. Hmmm. 


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  On 1/27/2023 at 8:33 AM, Ender said:

Like that is the first step to curb inflation is to ask poor people like me to not use cdc voucher.  Don't touch the rich spending first on luxurious items. They should not be restricted unless the poor people way doesn't work. Hmmm. 



Hopefully interest rates stay middling to high for years to come. I think that's the only way to slow down this disastrous cycle (note that I don't say reverse). 

Cos surely when the next financial crisis comes, rates will go to zero in USA. Real estate, asset prices sky rocket again. 

For a normal Joe, without significant leverage (and hence significant risk), there's no way the middle or lower class can keep up with the upper 10-20%.

I'm not very optimistic of any other scenario coming out. 

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  On 1/27/2023 at 8:28 AM, Lala81 said:

We are a small trading economy. 

Domestic inflation pressures are mostly due to external factors like rising costs, rising global demand, smaller labour force due to participation in gig economy jobs and reduced foreign worker quotas. 

Our labour market is already tight, there is no welfare benefits here. So it's not like there's untapped segments of population not contributing and staying home cos of cdc vouchers. 

Simply put the govt is very good at squeezing us just enough in some areas that the money that they give us back in comparison is not a big issue. 

Unlike most govts, sg is good at taxing big and small. All kind of ways that don't disrupt business too much. And we don't change our tax policies easily so there's steady revenue. 

I believe tharman once said there is nothing such as a good tax or bad measure, it has to be taken in an overall context. 

What doesn't work elsewhere has worked in sg simply cos it's part of an overall package. 



How did u arrive to the conclusion that the cdc vouchers has worked because it part of an overall package? It is hard enough to understand individual measures and its effects adequately, I feel it’s close to impossible to know the interactions between different measures. At the end of the day, u just have to either trust the gov or don’t trust them. Just like in mcf, u see people blaming the gov for everything even when the gov is on their side in an issue. 

Of course some of the inflation are external causes, but that does not mean there is no internal ones or bad policies cannot make the inflation worse. The imf article states a general principle about Broad based support and how it’s bad for inflation, not just for USA but also valid in general. U can argue Singapore is an exception but in that case, the burden of proof really lies on the person claiming that Singapore is so different. 

ok I am not saying we will go bankrupt because of cdc vouchers, just the policy is not correct at current state of affairs.  Just because we have revenue does not mean we should spend it sub-optimally. 

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