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Mayhem in Afghanistan after US troops evacuate, 2021


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  On 8/17/2021 at 12:42 AM, Jellandross said:
China has big vested interest in this



Pakistan... PAKISTAN !!!

Of all the people complaining about extremism... 🤯🤯... for once I pity India.. having that as a neighbour. 

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I wonder where next will USA withdraw from beside a few middle east countries. Instead of focusing on internal problems and infrastructures, they are bombing away on somebody land. Maybe the last few holding countries will be Taiwan, South Korea and Japan. 

Not many countries will be ever be like Australia, New Zealand, Canada and USA themselves. This era of taking over the entire nation by the European is over.    

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Don't know why China is in the picture here. The wars between Soviet-Afghan and US-Afghan were invasions. If people invade Singapore, we will fight with them, don't we?

There is no invasion by China into Afghan today, and no invasion by Afghan into China today, why are you guys so fixated about China?

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  On 8/17/2021 at 1:00 AM, Jellandross said:

The part about Taliban hunting down the families of the interpreters sent chills down my spine



the UN statement is all that wanted to leave must be allow to leave.

but did US and their allies send in airlines planes and transport to ferry out all those that  wanted to leave???

after 20 years working for them , cannot even get their citizenship?? 

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  On 8/17/2021 at 12:45 AM, Playtime said:

Finally.. women and children seen.  They are the ones who deserve most help possible. 

But realistically ... vast majority can't be helped.


Wasted "airspace"...only if there were trucks...more could be loaded up. 

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  On 8/17/2021 at 1:06 AM, Weez911 said:

Don't know why China is in the picture here. The wars between Soviet-Afghan and US-Afghan were invasions. If people invade Singapore, we will fight with them, don't we?

There is no invasion by China into Afghan today, and no invasion by Afghan into China today, why are you guys so fixated about China?


ya this the most funny thing.

i know some ppl dun like china.

but every thing also china fault😆. its china fault that US with their f35 f22 thousand of nukes cannot win the taliban that only have ak 47 and do weapon cleaning with shoe string drip in engine oil😭

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  On 8/17/2021 at 12:42 AM, Playtime said:

This is really disgusting hypocrisy being spinned as..... dunno what actually...

But this mirrors something last century. If Afghans/ muslims were Poles... this would be the equivalent of Hitler meeting Stalin to discuss what to do with Poland. God bless Poland. 

And yeah, Hitler and stalin eventually broke up... terribly messy,  inevitable really. Pity the Poles though. 


The Taliban (many not even Afghan at all) just like ISIS knows it cannot get legitimacy via votes... so just like ISIS again.. it uses war. In fact while in "pace talks" it's been assassinating prominent activist and intellectuals for months. And already young girls reported married off to dead end fighters as reward.. so much for women's rights and protection. 

CCP... it's record is clear to see.. concerntration camps called "voluntary schools", children removed from Uighurs parents.. thats defined as genocide under UN.. but there are people who will still defend it because they cant tell what's 爱中华 and what's 舔中共.... yeah... there's a difference between the 2. 

Afghans... that's where it gets complicated,  pre soviet invasion,  it was a vibrant society from available pictures and films. Now.. it's reverted to a kinda mad max, young fighting age men who never fought are rushing for ticket to the west as refugees while women and children .. where the hell are the women and children🤯???

Guess there are 2 lessons. 

A small minority with guns and fanaticism can control a country if allowed.

Beyind a certain point, Some countries .. or culture?.. are so broken, its beyond reasonable help. Walk away.




CCP don't care about human rights. Uyghurs means nothing to them. They are sub-humans. They are not Han people.

Taliban don't care about women. They cannot do anything unless the man says so. They are sub-humans. They have no rights.

So yeah, CPP and Taliban have lots in common. They will get along quite well.

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  On 8/17/2021 at 1:25 AM, Beregond said:

ya this the most funny thing.

i know some ppl dun like china.

but every thing also china fault😆. its china fault that US with their f35 f22 thousand of nukes cannot win the taliban that only have ak 47 and do weapon cleaning with shoe string drip in engine oil😭


You can win a war on behalf of someone else when they themselves are not committed. 

Just let the Taliban take over the governing, let them be comfortable in the Presidential Palace, then start talking. If they opt to harbour terrorist, at least there is a big target to bomb.


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  On 8/17/2021 at 12:48 AM, Playtime said:

Pakistan... PAKISTAN !!!

Of all the people complaining about extremism... 🤯🤯... for once I pity India.. having that as a neighbour. 


india not so clean themselves la.. really naïve 

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  On 8/17/2021 at 1:00 AM, Jellandross said:

The part about Taliban hunting down the families of the interpreters sent chills down my spine




sounds like what people in sgp would have done to the japanese collaborators too.

happen in holland to those women who sleep with germans after ww2. 

people sure take revenge on these people.. whether the interpreter exchange words or bodily fluids only.. 

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Many other countries have tried to "solve" Afghanistan's problems but it seems only Afghans can solve their own problems. 

I think the world needs to leave them alone on the mutual agreement they'll leave the rest of the world alone.....

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  On 8/17/2021 at 12:42 AM, Playtime said:

This is really disgusting hypocrisy being spinned as..... dunno what actually...

But this mirrors something last century. If Afghans/ muslims were Poles... this would be the equivalent of Hitler meeting Stalin to discuss what to do with Poland. God bless Poland. 

And yeah, Hitler and stalin eventually broke up... terribly messy,  inevitable really. Pity the Poles though. 


The Taliban (many not even Afghan at all) just like ISIS knows it cannot get legitimacy via votes... so just like ISIS again.. it uses war. In fact while in "pace talks" it's been assassinating prominent activist and intellectuals for months. And already young girls reported married off to dead end fighters as reward.. so much for women's rights and protection. 

CCP... it's record is clear to see.. concerntration camps called "voluntary schools", children removed from Uighurs parents.. thats defined as genocide under UN.. but there are people who will still defend it because they cant tell what's 爱中华 and what's 舔中共.... yeah... there's a difference between the 2. 

Afghans... that's where it gets complicated,  pre soviet invasion,  it was a vibrant society from available pictures and films. Now.. it's reverted to a kinda mad max, young fighting age men who never fought are rushing for ticket to the west as refugees while women and children .. where the hell are the women and children🤯???

Guess there are 2 lessons. 

A small minority with guns and fanaticism can control a country if allowed.

Beyind a certain point, Some countries .. or culture?.. are so broken, its beyond reasonable help. Walk away.




Personally, I don't think China's solutions to terrorism look good but judging on the terrorist attacks for the past 15 years, you know that at least those solutions are working now.

Can you imagine a government allowing terrorist attacks every year and then not having any solutions to it?

Vocational centres, rehab centres or whatever you call it, is not something new. Indonesia has done it and it was featured on CNA. Below is a CNA link on YouTube (age-restricted).


At the end of the day, Xinjiang Uyghurs problems are a combination of religious radicalisation and separatism. US has admitted to funding them.


I mean we can all sit high and judge on how people solve their problems when we don't have such problems ourselves, but I have to remind you that religious radicalisation is not limited to adults but also children. They start young.


France, with their own problems are turning to using tougher measures to fight terrorism. Perhaps you could argue that it infringes human rights and freedom through surveillance.

Perhaps you could say that it's heavy-handed. But until you propose better solutions, it's meaningless to criticise those that want to tackle terrorism.



Finally, since you are critical of solutions to terrorism and radicalisation, I'll ask you if you can propose better solutions?

You are a smart guy, I'll like to hear your thoughts.

Edited by Vinyl
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  On 8/17/2021 at 2:55 AM, Macrosszero said:

Many other countries have tried to "solve" Afghanistan's problems but it seems only Afghans can solve their own problems. 

I think the world needs to leave them alone on the mutual agreement they'll leave the rest of the world alone.....


last time this still can work.

dun know if this will still work now.

the Afghanistan are busy killing and fighting 1 another, if like u say every 1 leave them alone, maybe they will just wipe themself up.

but the AM  go in and stir them, first the british, then the SU, now the usa with their allies. 

the western soldiers are using Afghanistan kids are training target using acts like cutting the children throats.

if u are 1 of the parents that kids have been cut throat by the AM  soldiers? what will be on your mind??

thing will not be as easy as leave each other alone now that the allies run home. 

those country that haven touch them like china better leave them alone

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