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Driver jailed 2 weeks for pointing laser beam at other cars ‘blocking his way’ on KPE


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Magistrate Hairul Hakkim Kuthibutheen who presided over the case said that the beam was so strong, he was “blinded” after watching in-car camera footage of one of the incidents.

lawl. sure or not? sounds like a tv problem.


During investigations, Ong admitted that he had previously pointed the laser beam at other drivers on the KPE to force them to make way for him. 

lawl again. so stupid to admit.


After pleading guilty, Ong explained that he was “an aquathlon coach, not an arrow shooter” and did not know his actions would “cause so much inconvenience”.

lawl yet again, what a stupid excuse? and wtf is an arrow shooter?


Magistrate Hairul allowed Ong to start serving his sentence on Friday, as he said that he had driven to court and needed to park it back home.

Park what? His airplane?

Reporter and editor sleeping?

Edited by ToyotaShuttle
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I would second the motion of motorist installing HID lights , flashing their head -light to give way to these idiots as well. Propose Fines and Jail sentence.


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For sure there are idiots around, so just give way for them to speed on the rightmost lane, it's not a problem.

Usually if i cannot immediately change lane for these impatient sorts (you know the type - lowered car with tinted windows and stickers [laugh] ) , I would at least start signalling to show my full cooperativeness to change lane at the earliest safe opportunity.

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2 weeks is too short. He should be given 2 years jail and a warning to others not to be the law to themselves.

You are not Judge Dredd.

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When 'rioters'  in HK use pointing a laser beam at police, no one says anything, and demand to release when arrested.  

If this happen in Singapore what will happen. NK police are too good.

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@Calford HK's rioters are different case of scenario, they were fighting for a cause against the HK's policemen - ( own people-in-uniform against own citizens )i.e 2 boxers in a ring arm leg punches, kicks and chops.[grouphug]

This guy has no provocateur, he instill his own agenda, as if the expressway was his kingdom, by using his weapon ( heavy duty laser pointer ) to threaten another to give way is a terror himself, causing mischief and create nuisance warrants heavier sentences. let him spent time in jail to reflex his actions ( a fine is sufficient for his remorsefulness and light sentence to drown his sorrowful sight )

I reckon it is fair to him, my distinguished honour 

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Knn in cell during talkcock session...all sure laugh like hell at him. Waste time

... robbery..gang clash.. tis ahqua, for pointing laser pointer kakaka

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For better deterrence, newspapers should publish this case widely so that drivers know what not to do.

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@Mustank  your demonstration of the cat chasing the laser light is good enough to warrant everyone here it can cause more harm than good, by merely looking how focused the cat is justified , the same can be said of dog or any domestic animals. [:p]

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2 minutes ago, Meanmachine said:

@Mustank  your demonstration of the cat chasing the laser light is good enough to warrant everyone here it can cause more harm than good, by merely looking how focused the cat is justified , the same can be said of dog or any domestic animals. [:p]

If anyone laser me I jit tao jam brake

good luck to laser man :XD:

if police catch me, I say: I kena blinded I cannot see so brake immediately

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laser headlight is getting more popular on cars

if driver highbeam the laser headlight to the car or people in front

will the driver get the same punishment?

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On 6/28/2021 at 1:49 PM, SGCMmadman said:

Knn in cell during talkcock session...all sure laugh like hell at him. Waste time

... robbery..gang clash.. tis ahqua, for pointing laser pointer kakaka

Maybe they will accidentally drop his soap....


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On 6/28/2021 at 4:56 AM, Z030005 said:


Please be considerate while driving

Please report incident (like this), law abiding people shouldn't be bullied. 

Should have gone 6 months and caning as well as permanent lifelong ban on operating all motorised vehicles including battery assisted devices, ergo motorised wheelchair.

there was no reason to laser beam, already at 80 km/hr.

it was deliberate and wilful action to place other road users at risk.

this guy cannot lah must remove from the roads.

I mean I understand how nonsensical heavy vehicles are as well as some drivers going 70km on the lane 2 of the tunnels but hey, ridiculous laser beaming like this is life threatening.

is this Ong guy white horse? Related to somebody presidential?


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