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COVID-19: Phase 2 Heightened Alert 16 May to 13 June


Message added by BabyBlade

One step forward two steps back (the sweeter Phase 3 ☹️😞)


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5 minutes ago, Staff69 said:

vaccine duration is subject to individual,  some might last a long time,  some might last a few months.

it's like lucky draw.






so no medical procedure to verify  after jab, the person develop antibodies and for how long..

so all those that got infected at the front line have little or no antibodies.. 

so now is either spend money to verify each front liner person every few months or jab them again... seems jabbing is cheaper than testing i think.

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9 minutes ago, Staff69 said:

vaccine efficacy is subject to individual,  some might last a long time,  some might last a few months.








Leong Hoe Nam? 😓

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4 minutes ago, Fcw75 said:

Leong Hoe Nam? 😓

Now i already switch off whenever he speaks. Lol.

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38 minutes ago, Heartlander said:

Perhaps been more infectious, it is able to affect young people, unlike the first variants where it affects predominantly older folks, thus seems to look that way. Common flu all along infect young and old regardless of age. But now that the older people have been vaccinated except some with medical reasons and a few with metal teeth, the tide is turning against the younger people. That is another good example of never say never, and never assume that things will stay certain way forever.

Last year the older folks are fearing for their lives, now is the younger people's turn. How ironic. But lucky for younger people, we have vaccines ready now.

the concern is that we have many more people who have not been vaccinated yet.  So the fact that Pfizer and Moderna are still effective is cold comfort for them

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5th Gear

Dr Leong Hoe Nam on Channel 8 news asking everyone to wear Certified high filtration rate Surgical Masks for 1 mth instead of cloth mask. He said to wear the cloth mask over the surgical mask if wanna look pretty.

When buying surgical masks, _always_ buy graded surgical masks.
Take care especially when buying online.
What are graded surgical masks?
1. They have the CE label - Certificate of Compliance.
If there is no CE label on the box, don't get it.
2. The BFE (bacterial filtration efficiency) level should be at least 95%. If 98% or 99%, even better.

_The USA grading equivalent is at least ASTM Level 2, but most of the surgical masks sold in SG use the CE grading._

Remember to:
1. Pinch on the nose strap to fit/mould to your nose shape.
2. Pull down to your chin to reduce air leaks.
3. Before disposing, cut off the loops - lest marine animals get trapped in these...


Flip ah flip, flip ah flip.....


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18 minutes ago, Fcw75 said:

Leong Hoe Nam? 😓

but if get Paul tambyah , later kana say, why never use  G official doctor. no credibility, how?


see , how much i care for you all, and just happens i am mugging on the topic for exam


Edited by Staff69
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 Filmgarde Cineplexes is taking the pre-emptive decision to temporarily pause the operations of all our cinemas from 18 May 2021


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6 minutes ago, Alg said:

Dr Leong Hoe Nam on Channel 8 news asking everyone to wear Certified high filtration rate Surgical Masks for 1 mth instead of cloth mask. He said to wear the cloth mask over the surgical mask if wanna look pretty.

When buying surgical masks, _always_ buy graded surgical masks.
Take care especially when buying online.
What are graded surgical masks?
1. They have the CE label - Certificate of Compliance.
If there is no CE label on the box, don't get it.
2. The BFE (bacterial filtration efficiency) level should be at least 95%. If 98% or 99%, even better.

_The USA grading equivalent is at least ASTM Level 2, but most of the surgical masks sold in SG use the CE grading._

Remember to:
1. Pinch on the nose strap to fit/mould to your nose shape.
2. Pull down to your chin to reduce air leaks.
3. Before disposing, cut off the loops - lest marine animals get trapped in these...


Flip ah flip, flip ah flip.....


Last time say cloth mask no use. Then surgical mask OOS, say cloth mask is useful and gahmen give free ones.

Last time say sanitizer must use those got alcohol. Then alcohol sanitizer OOS, say non alcoholic is useful and gahmen give free ones.

Prata to the max.

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1 hour ago, Heartlander said:


Above is the first article I can find that talk about effectiveness of current vaccines against the Indian variant. Why nobody post this kind of facts? Not in their interests to allay fear? It is much more infectious but this is not saying it is so deadly. Common sense has it that if it is so deadly, our medical facilities would have already been overwhelmed since it surfaced late last year and there are ample time for it to work its magic. We definitely have to be vigilant and live responsibly whatever we believe. Facts speak for itself though - ICU still stay at 3 beds as of now. No amount of BS and statistics can erase this fact.


because of this


Overall, for B.1.617 they found an almost four-fold reduction in the amount of neutralizing antibodies 

The vaccine is somewhat still "effective", but not so "effective".  We still don't how much the reduction in neutralizing antibodies affects the efficacy in the real world. To counter something we don't know but has a devastating impact, I suggest we treat it cautiously and avoid the risk.

Edited by Somewhat1975
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2 minutes ago, Stratovarius said:

Last time say cloth mask no use. Then surgical mask OOS, say cloth mask is useful and gahmen give free ones.

Last time say sanitizer must use those got alcohol. Then alcohol sanitizer OOS, say non alcoholic is useful and gahmen give free ones.

Prata to the max.

Regardless of what was said, I skip cloth mask. Since it needs to be washed, one is subject to infection during that process.

For hand sanitizer, I only use Softa-man.

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1 hour ago, Wind30 said:

I think the main thing about the indian variant is it affects young people much more. I hear that from my indian colleague like weeks ago. it is also showing similar effects locally. 


My main concern is young children. Original virus not so on children. Good decision to HBL asap.

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18 minutes ago, Staff69 said:

but if get Paul tambyah , later kana say, why never use  G official doctor. no credibility, how?


see , how much i care for you all, and just happens i am mugging on the topic for exam


What you studying for bro? 😁


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2 hours ago, Mustank said:

You also have to take the numbers divide out by country sqm to get a sense of the potential risk to the uninfected. Not an accurate predictor but still a sensing

having 1 lakh spread over in remote country side is not the same as having 100 in a population center 

and because of Singapore island and city geography, having even a small number can be very devastating

something like this 



Who is this guy?


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9 minutes ago, Somewhat1975 said:


because of this

The vaccine is somewhat still "effective", but not so "effective".  We still don't how much the reduction in neutralizing antibodies affects the efficacy in the real world. To counter something we don't know but has a devastating impact, I suggest we treat it cautiously and avoid the risk.

Open up open up economy economy!

ONLY 3 in ICU,  no worries.

Not I say one.

The study was only done in a lab and the report did say this:

But this kind of lab investigation cannot predict what the real world efficacy might look like -- that will have to be investigated through other studies.

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lim pei will be billionaire, if i get the formula right


covid vaccine with special side effects



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10 minutes ago, inlinesix said:

Regardless of what was said, I skip cloth mask. Since it needs to be washed, one is subject to infection during that process.

For hand sanitizer, I only use Softa-man.

But I think wash with detergent is the best. Watch some documentary, they say detergent remove more virus than any sanitiser, because virus has layer of fats, washing and scrubbing basically just tears them apart.

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