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ThinkWare DashCam group buy


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Neutral Newbie

Anyone interested in getting Thinkware Dashcam?

Those interested to upgrade dashcam to Thinkware please go to https://t.me/joinchat/ECcu4Ys0mCtkNzNl

Details are over there! 




Am not the seller, am just wanna change my stock Dashcam that come with my car.... A cannot make it cam by some Authorized Agent... haiz

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Is installation covered? Because one problem is getting the hardware and then, when you go to an accessories or ICE shop to install, they will price gouge you on an item you bought outside. 

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You guys have any issue using Thinkware Windows Viewer?
I have 4K U1000 Thinkware, and the Windows Viewer doesn't play well. The playback is slow compared with the downloaded file playing on my laptop viewer.

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