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Heng no more in running for PM


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Wa I read reports/media of PLP "urging" pinky to be PM until the next election. 

How come this feels like watching a soap opera which I already know the ending?

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20 hours ago, Chongster said:

actually that is the system that LKY wanted, and which China copied and improvised, a system where the shy but brilliant technocrat can become the leader, and not always the lawyer turn politician who has the most glib tongue.   

Then again, this approach only works in countries where people can't vote. 😀

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4 minutes ago, Weez911 said:


Hahaha... very karma..

He also sway... must be regretting he didn't push harder on succession. 

But... in terms of PM quality.. he FIRMLY ranked No 2.. I don't need say who rank last.. in fact,  if include those who "could've beens".. tharman and George would at least be 3rd and 4th... last still last. 


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1 hour ago, Chongster said:

CCS is the next PM if this goes on.  

Let him be lor and PAP will lose a few more seats next election. I like the idea.

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1 hour ago, Chongster said:

CCS is the next PM if this goes on.  

I guess he will be PM eventually but now just accelerate the rate of becoming one. High chance he might be the next PM after Heng?!  🙄

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1 hour ago, Carbon82 said:

It's time to walk the talk if talent cannot be found in the entire white colour cabinet.

Singapore remains open to global talent; aim is to benefit, not substitute Singaporeans: Chan Chun Sing

“Let me be clear. We want the world’s best and brightest to be with Team Singapore – to augment our skills and capabilities, competing on our side rather than against us, and ultimately, to benefit Singaporeans, not to substitute or to hurt them.”

“We do not take this for granted. We know the competition is stiff. If we do not adapt to the changing nature of how businesses operate, we will be easily bypassed.”

The successor may just be right next to our current LEEder... [:)]


LHL: "And now, let me formally introduce to you my successor..."

JA: "Wow my pay increased by close to 5 time, huat ah..."


Jacinta will fail our assessment, seriously. She is still so young, boh past track record. Her Covid handling for NZ is just a one-off, a one hit wonder. 

CCS with his many years of stellar leadership experience with the SAF is a much, much better bet, honestly speaking. SAF is the breeding ground for experts at contingency planning. 

How can we just let someone in who don't have track record? This isn't a game of cards, it's your life and mine. 


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1 hour ago, Weez911 said:

Wa I read reports/media of PLP "urging" pinky to be PM until the next election. 

How come this feels like watching a soap opera which I already know the ending?

I agree and I sibeh buay tahan this particular Dr Gillian Koh for sibeh long liao.

She conveniently forget to say its precisely because of PM Lee's leadership in succession planning (if any at all), we need to endure this shit show today. 


Ironically, this process of readying these individuals and testing the dynamics among the 4G leaders without Mr Heng in the picture will indeed take time. The next PAP Conference and GE may even be needed as barometers of support among cadres and citizens.

With PM Lee to provide the firm and steady leadership through the severe and immediate COVID-19 challenge, the best way forward is to take a step back to watch how these candidates continue to interact with Singaporeans, their international counterparts and each other before a new successor is announced.

Dr Gillian Koh is Deputy Director (Research), Institute of Policy Studies, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore.


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Once someone is in politics for the money,  gone case liao. Want to make money, go be a doctor, lawyer, businessman. I quote Harry Truman:



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“when you are sailing into a storm, you want to be certain who your captain is, and that he will not be changed halfway. You want to make sure that he is there – together with you, working with you, guiding you through the storm,” Teo Chee Hean

“however capable the 4G leaders, we should not change horses in midstream,” Jayakumar


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10 years... really god level prediction....


That was during an interview in 2009 with the authors of the book Hard Truths To Keep Singapore Going.

Q How confident are you that Singapore will survive you?

Mr Lee All I can say is I think Singapore is safe for 10 years. No trouble because there's a team in place that will handle it. Whether it will be 15, 20, 30 years depends on them getting a team of players very soon. Part of the team is in place but you need a leader man. You need somebody who can communicate, who can mobilise people, move people. It's not enough to have a good policy. You got to convince people.

Q What about beyond 10 years?

Mr Lee I think there will come a time when eventually the public will say, look, let's try the other side, either because the PAP has declined in quality or the opposition has put up a team which is equal to the PAP and they say, let's try the other side. It must come.

Q How will it happen?

Mr Lee It depends on when it happens and whether it happens all of a sudden or it happens gradually. If the decline in standards happens gradually, an opposition will emerge of quality. I mean, the public can sense it.

I think the more likely is a gradual evolution because it is most unlikely the way we have evolved the party and the renewal of the party leadership that you will get such a clash of opinions that it will divide the whole leadership, the MPs and the party machinery into two, or into one major part, one minor part.

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2 hours ago, Playtime said:

He look so happy... cannot blame.. everyday denise and jojo .... 

Yeah, in fact, I feel happy for him too. Hopefully he gets to enjoy what he loves to do in retirement.



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