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Heng no more in running for PM


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1 hour ago, Lethalstrike said:

Lol. If it's a formal event, in which everyone else turn up in a suit, he should do the same and not be a Silicon Valley wannabe try hard. 

You see how Zuckerberg wear to suit the occasion when its expected to be a formal event...



Yup thats what i mean.

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4 hours ago, mersaylee said:

"Dont liddat say me can or not? I have no teeth to show...only tears..." 😁


My mother said this one hai si Bangla by doing zilch when Covid-19 started to spread in the dormitories

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11 minutes ago, ToyotaShuttle said:

extra extra, read all about it.

HSK woke up yesterday morning and discovered he was 60 years old.

Last year he 59 still young.. this year 60 too old liao.. 

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19 minutes ago, Kklim said:

My mother said this one hai si Bangla by doing zilch when Covid-19 started to spread in the dormitories

She is the one that locked them up and left them to die right?

So how can your mother say doing zilch?

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1 hour ago, Watwheels said:

Maybe we can write to Obama and ask him whether he's keen on being our PM? He's one year younger than Heng. Just saying.


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25 minutes ago, Kklim said:

My mother said this one hai si Bangla by doing zilch when Covid-19 started to spread in the dormitories

like that can harvest the antibodies to cure Trump mah... she did US a big favour.. lol

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1 hour ago, Angcheek said:

My impression OYK will rule with an iron fist. Go my way or go fly kite ... 🤐

Rule with iron fist doesn’t work nowadays.

Here’s a good read from yahoo:



With the benefit of 20/20 vision - no pun intended - Heng's unease in his role had been apparent for some time. One of the clearest signs that he might not be primus inter pareswas his fumbling performance in a November 2019 parliamentary session.

Having proposed a motion that called on WP Members of Parliament Low Thia Khiang and Sylvia Lim to recuse themselves from financial matters relating to the Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC), he was meant to carry the ball. This reporter wrote at the time, "Instead, just minutes into the debate on the motion, Heng had to call for a time-out. He hummed and hawed, flipping through his folder like a student stumbling through his class presentation."

Tellingly, clips of PM Lee looking exasperated and instructing Heng on what to say in the session had been circulating online. The latter's reputation has always been that of a genial technocrat, and not a political street fighter. 

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33 minutes ago, Tkseah said:

Last year he 59 still young.. this year 60 too old liao.. 

Maybe some minor health issues that are not life threatening? :sick:


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6 hours ago, Lethalstrike said:

Coming from a guy who don't even bother or to have the decency to dress appropriately (proper footwear not slippers) when addressing his audience at a suit/tie event as a representative of Gov Tech. 

Just because he thinks he's the Messiah of IT? Oh no, more likely it's because the Li surname carries a lot of weight here in Singapore. And that means respect don't have to be given from him. 

f**k this guy lah. If there's a 3rd gen Lee in political leadership, we're doomed. 


likely follow mummy dress sense....

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42 minutes ago, Tkseah said:

Last year he 59 still young.. this year 60 too old liao.. 

just renew COE should be able to last 10 more years right?  likely fail inspection by LeeTA..

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heavens already predicted that heng would do a u turn during the last election...dont believe 







Edited by Staff69
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7 hours ago, Kangadrool said:

Okie Dorkie... multiple choice:

1. Ya Kun Kaya Toast

2. Law Nhng

3. Cotton Candy Stick

Team Hobbit and dwarf.

dwarves are slightly taller and good in a fight.

hobbits are all wriggly and sneaky.

plus all smoke tabac and enjoy tankards of ale.

short of elves and rangers. Which is very much needed.

most important are the maidens, to temper the iron.

all of you saxophonists, never weigh the charbos.


your dorkie.

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1 hour ago, Fcw75 said:

Rule with iron fist doesn’t work nowadays.

Here’s a good read from yahoo:



With the benefit of 20/20 vision - no pun intended - Heng's unease in his role had been apparent for some time. One of the clearest signs that he might not be primus inter pareswas his fumbling performance in a November 2019 parliamentary session.

Having proposed a motion that called on WP Members of Parliament Low Thia Khiang and Sylvia Lim to recuse themselves from financial matters relating to the Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC), he was meant to carry the ball. This reporter wrote at the time, "Instead, just minutes into the debate on the motion, Heng had to call for a time-out. He hummed and hawed, flipping through his folder like a student stumbling through his class presentation."

Tellingly, clips of PM Lee looking exasperated and instructing Heng on what to say in the session had been circulating online. The latter's reputation has always been that of a genial technocrat, and not a political street fighter. 

well... i have a certain sympathy for heng.

hear me out...

Heng may actually be the kind of leader we want and need to move forward... instead being stuck in the bloody headed vindictive, AIM, repent, darth Vader kind of toxic politics SOME hanger ons want to use to keep themselves in power. Perhaps hes just not into that type of politics, but someone is forcing him into a corner, like a gang initiation.. :"prove yourself, shoot that man.."


PM Lee looking exasperated... thats a joke... cos ive lost count of the number of times LHL spoke in public and people around the world slapped their foreheads in exasperation... mee siam mai hum, no middle kingdom etc comes to mind.

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Received via WA:

A G4 Leader Dark Horse
  In the press conference where DPM Heng announced his decision not to be the next PM, one reporter from a Chinese TV Channel asked him if he has any person in mind who should be the next PM?
  He requested DPM Heng to answer in Mandarin for the Chinese viewer. 
  Mr Heng begin his answer : "别担心..... “ 
  Before he can continue , a voice from the audience shouted "Thank you, I accept". 
   Everyone turn to the audience and standing there smiling was Mr Pritam Singh (别担心)

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6 minutes ago, Blueray said:

someone has started a say no to CCS petition at change. [:p]

That someone is either OYK or LW. 😆

Anyway, how did Desmond Lee became one of the potentials? Because his surname is Lee? :XD:

Edited by Fcw75
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