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We Can Achieve (Patriotic Song)


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2 hours ago, Fcw75 said:

Good news? He’s not here.

Bad news? There’s tons of them here like him thanks to CECA.

Not all are bad and cheat like him lah... Got a few good one......🤔

One of them revealed that her $1500 pay will not allow her to apply for work pass which is minimum $2,500.... 

Then her position will also not be taken up by Singaporean... 

Why can't her employer hire her under work permit then? 

Maybe Exceeded quota? 

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32 minutes ago, Atonchia said:

Not all are bad and cheat like him lah... Got a few good one......🤔

Not all, but many. That's bad enough to feel the dead weight when you bring in a boat load. It's like a deep seated cultural issue, especially amongst the so called mid-upper 'caste'; talk big no action, copy & paste programming, fake certs, scams, toxic patriarchy, rape & molest, caste mentality, expected to be treated like royalty, egoistic, calculative & stingy, won't pay for services unless pestered, etc. Of course one can say these are the black sheep, but problem is that there are a lot of them... not all, but plenty.

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7 minutes ago, Roborovskii said:

Not all, but many. That's bad enough to feel the dead weight when you bring in a boat load. It's like a deep seated cultural issue, especially amongst the so called mid-upper 'caste'; talk big no action, copy & paste programming, fake certs, scams, toxic patriarchy, rape & molest, caste mentality, expected to be treated like royalty, egoistic, calculative & stingy, won't pay for services unless pestered, etc. Of course one can say these are the black sheep, but problem is that there are a lot of them... not all, but plenty.

You sum it up best.

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7 minutes ago, Wt_know said:

sue until pants drop?

Make no different pant on or off. 

The most important is to safeguard our national treasure. Our anthem. 😁

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3 hours ago, Roborovskii said:

Not all, but many. That's bad enough to feel the dead weight when you bring in a boat load. It's like a deep seated cultural issue, especially amongst the so called mid-upper 'caste'; talk big no action, copy & paste programming, fake certs, scams, toxic patriarchy, rape & molest, caste mentality, expected to be treated like royalty, egoistic, calculative & stingy, won't pay for services unless pestered, etc. Of course one can say these are the black sheep, but problem is that there are a lot of them... not all, but plenty.

Got one provision shop I went to.... 

The lady cashier can act blur not return me change.... 

"20 cents..... the change is 20cents right?" 

Looked at me for a second....then she replied.. 

"it's ok"

"you need to return me 20 cents" 

"Oh... hokay" 


The cash register also one kind.... Items scanned, not all price not same as item😕

But final amount still correct lah... 


Got one more time........ 

Brought my kid buy ice cream... $2

So I gave $10....she said she don't have change... Ask me buy more stuff... 

I said I don't want.... 

Then she said then you come back tomorrow for the change........ 

I put the ice cream back and asked for my $10 back.... 😅

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Bro, you still go back to the same shop for the second time?

Then I have this saying for you:

Fool me once, shame on you

Fool me twice, shame on me

:XD: Just jabbing you...

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MCCY , CASE & etc really waste of tax payers money....

Really throw Sinkie’s face to the max..

LEGACIES of LKY all in the drain....

Where’s the iron? Only ironies so far😔

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The TLDR version:

I got do my essay, in fact, I did it last week before it was assigned.

Hugh over there copied my homework and handed it in to get a distinction.

His distinction should have been mine but I cannot prove it because my dog ate it, but I insist that Hugh copied my homework.

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6 hours ago, Watwheels said:

This kinda of lies he also dare to say out loud.

Basically he has zero evidence to prove that he composed the song while Hugh Harrison has everything to prove that he is the original composer. Let's see how the fellow fail.

Google the Arjun tank. The Yeandians are so nationalistic they cannot see how hopeless their homegrown main battle tank is, even though their own army has resorted to buying T-90s (upgraded versions of the old T-72) instead of the more-recently developed Arjun, to meet their defence needs.


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my 2 cents.

Joey made a profit selling copyrighted work. Joey should be sued right? so MCCY should enforce the copyright with the Pauline people and Pauline people should sue Joey right? Any lawyer can comment?

Any youtube vid of this song should be attributed to Singapore even if they change the lyrics right? and the video should not be monetized? 

I see a lot of music vids on youtube not from the original singers or copyright holders.. how does the law work here? 

Any bros can enlighten?

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