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MOM takes action against 47 firms & investigating 240 others for possibly favouring foreign job applicants over S'poreans


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18 hours ago, Staff69 said:


if mas says 43% held by Singaporeans 

that means 57% is held by ......😜😜😜

the beautiful thing about Internet,  you cant hide anything 



I am very sad when I read such statements and yet none of the ministries clarifies. Can they please be more specific, out of the 43% citizens, how many are 'converted citizens' and what is these numbers of Snr Management staff? Today throw a stone also a snr associate or manager or VP.

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2 hours ago, TangoCharlie said:

When I hear sound bites like "all hands on deck", "whole of government approach", "cabinet decision"...I don't know who is accountable to that problem.

When I hear that, I just picture an image of a weak kid been bully by a fatty because thats how the playground is.

Unless the kid have enough substance, it will be a punching bag of sort for the world to see and a use case of what not to do. Choice and consequence

The empire strikes back is a great movie. Not so much of a movie if its a punching bag strikes back. Too draining to watch been violated over and over and over again. (Watchlist and watchlist and watchlist ...)


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10 hours ago, Weez911 said:

If we look at the contests between pap and wp only, wp actually won... the 61% win was really not what it was. I'm sure pap is aware of this, that's why we suddenly see so many ST forum letters and pap ministers "I'm with Singaporeans" speeches now. I have never seen MAS play politics until recently. Things have indeed changed.

If you only fight battles that you know you will win, can you really go around boasting that you have a 100% win rate? What about the battles you hid from?

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11 hours ago, Weez911 said:

If we look at the contests between pap and wp only, wp actually won... the 61% win was really not what it was. I'm sure pap is aware of this, that's why we suddenly see so many ST forum letters and pap ministers "I'm with Singaporeans" speeches now. I have never seen MAS play politics until recently. Things have indeed changed.

Sadly, I dun see how things have changed.  Unless they revoke or re-negotiate CECA..otherwise I dun see any light ahead. In times like this I hate to say this but I secretly hoped some minstars have the Trumpism inside them to make certain daring or outlandish decisions.

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7 minutes ago, Kyrios said:

Sadly, I dun see how things have changed.  Unless they revoke or re-negotiate CECA..otherwise I dun see any light ahead. In times like this I hate to say this but I secretly hoped some minstars have the Trumpism inside them to make certain daring or outlandish decisions.

Actually I hope for that too.

Chase all the FTs out. Drastically limit the causeway capacity and stop letting those JB fellas come in and steal our jobs. Don't even need to build a wall when we can just shut down the causeway.

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11 hours ago, Weez911 said:

If we look at the contests between pap and wp only, wp actually won... the 61% win was really not what it was. I'm sure pap is aware of this, that's why we suddenly see so many ST forum letters and pap ministers "I'm with Singaporeans" speeches now. I have never seen MAS play politics until recently. Things have indeed changed.

Whoever says Civil Servants is political NEUTRAL. Take NOTE.

Civil Servants are never political neutral.

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1 hour ago, Victor68 said:

I am very sad when I read such statements and yet none of the ministries clarifies. Can they please be more specific, out of the 43% citizens, how many are 'converted citizens' and what is these numbers of Snr Management staff? Today throw a stone also a snr associate or manager or VP.

DBS CEO was Indian National.

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18 hours ago, Sdf4786k said:

Is it true that once you turn Pr, you have 3 years period to work before you need to contribute CPF?.

if that’s the case, then during this high risk of retrenchment, the work permit holder would want to rapidly apply for OR and then subsequently perform tour of duty to other countries for expat perks and subsequently give up the PR so as to avoid having the kid join NS.

Win win situation 

No la.. Once pr..  Need to contribute CPF already, but its a gradually increase.. 

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23 minutes ago, Yewheng said:

No la.. Once pr..  Need to contribute CPF already, but its a gradually increase.. 

So won’t it be fair to say as this is a trying time. All singaporean should like wise tune down the cpf rate do that they have a better chance of keeping their jobs ? 

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20 hours ago, Fcw75 said:

Frankly, I was hoping to see less than 60% and the fall of East and West coast. That will be a really clear signal and not confusing.

Legacy. 2 sides of legacy, one good and the other not so good. The desirable meaning is what's being expressed when political leader thinking about the legacy. 

The less desirable meaning is like what a software engineer is talking about when they complain to improve the current code in certain areas, but have to spend much of their time keeping legacy code running, outdated code that works, but not up to current expectations, it was preserved because old users base still relying on it..

Just hope they manage to steer it back on track, then maybe no need to hope for less 60%......

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7 minutes ago, Odyssey2011 said:

Legacy. 2 sides of legacy, one good and the other not so good. The desirable meaning is what's being expressed when political leader thinking about the legacy. 

The less desirable meaning is like what a software engineer is talking about when they complain to improve the current code in certain areas, but have to spend much of their time keeping legacy code running, outdated code that works, but not up to current expectations, it was preserved because old users base still relying on it..

Just hope they manage to steer it back on track, then maybe no need to hope for less 60%......

There is a reason why there is a push for applications mordenisation as well as moving towards DEVOPS CD /CI with dockers containers and kubernstes to orchestrate. Jenkins / Testing is done with selenium framework/ cucumber ..

old school business stakeholders have been too entrenched with .. if it ain’t broken don’t fixed it as well as the huge cost of new enterprise apps . Because the need to justify the ROI for very thin profit margin with the ever increasing challenge of a changing environment. And hence the coupling of a hybrid cloud solution and regulatory friendly Software as a service has make it quite possible the way moving forward.


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An Indian left his job and joined salesman's job in a big department stores in Canada.

Boss :- Do you have any experience?

Indian : Yes a little too much...

On the first day, that Indian worked with full mind.

At 6 pm the Boss :- How many sales did you sell on the first day today?

Indian : Sir I sold 1

Boss : Only 1 sale ??? Usually every salesman working here does 20 to 30 sales daily. Well, tell me how much money did you sell ???

Indian : $93,300 dollars.

Boss : What ??
But how did you do it?

Indian : 1 person came and I sold him a small fishing hook.

Then a mazola and then finally sold a big hook. Then I sold him 1 big fishing rods and some fishing gear.

Then I asked him where do you go to catch fish and he said in the coastal area....

Then I said it would need a boat. So I took him down to the boat department and sold him a 20 ft double engine scooner boat.

When he said this boat won't come in his Volkas Wagon, I took him to the auto mobile section and sold him the new Deluxe 4 x 4 blazer to carry the boat.
And when I asked him where would be going fishing ???  He didn't plan anything. So I took him to the camping section and sold him a six sleeper camper tent.

And then he said when he took all that he would take $ 200 groceries and 2 cases of beer.

Now the boss took 2 steps back and asked in a very rude way :- You sold all this to the man who came to buy only 1 fish hook???

Indian : "NO, SIR..." He only came to take 1 tablet for the headache.... I explained to him that fishing is the best way to get rid of headaches.

Boss : Where did you work before ??? In India???

Indian : Yes, I was a doctor in a private hospital : On a minor complaint of panic, we get the patients tested for pathology, ECO, ECG, TMT, CT scan, X-ray, MRI etc.

Boss : You sit on my chair. I am going to join a private hospital for training in India.

Now you understand why many of them are the CEO in the west.
Now we know why they are holding high position here

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I wonder for the watch list. How does one not get into being used as a data flogger.

Meaning, in order for them to be able to hired non Singaporean (  People who vote should be the definition of Singaporean ). 

They need to show evidence , so you sway sway go and apply to a company on the watch list, they don't have the intention to hire you and hence after 2 weeks, they show all the resume to MOM and justify a non singaporean head count.


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6 hours ago, Ody_2004 said:

Now you understand why many of them are the CEO in the west.
Now we know why they are holding high position here

They always gong jiao wei?

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1 minute ago, Mockngbrd said:

They always gong jiao wei?

whahahahahahahha.. actually not all bad lah.. my floor here got 4 units.. 2 units are from India who had stayed in Singapore quite some time oredi.. They are friendly and even bring goodies to us.. we will talk n chat and ya gong jiao wei too lah! whahahaha..


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Did a bit of research, 

Out of top 100 ceo of the world,  indian only occupied less than 7.....surprisingly the top ceo of the world is....you read it yourself , dont need spoon feed 😂😂😂😂


Like I said again, the beauty of Internet,  you can't hide anything 

singaporeans ya, you must learn to advertise yourself shamelessly 





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Actually, why the shourd of secrecy behind who are the 1200 + 47 firms and what was the total number of employees they are talking about as well as the salary structure?

I am sure, after the close door discussion, we will still not get to see the publish list of firms and the list will just grow larger becuase its just like kindergarden 

The firm are just sweet innocent business man who did not know the Singapore landscape.

When will enough be enough? I suppose like Case and case trust, it will still be you Lam u , I Lam I.


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