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Expats feeling the heat in Sinkapore


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11 minutes ago, RadX said:



nothing new lo

Don't worry.......even if his speech is 3 hours, you will not miss anything.

Edited by Icedbs
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44 minutes ago, Philipkee said:

They did inspect, they did flag out, they did complain to the dorm operators and it stopped there after fines were paid unless there is something not reported.


They have been inspecting dormitories and those housed in private estates before covid 19? Were there 30 workers housed in a single terrace house or shop house? Do DFW all with properly lodging and did they check this or have this as a criteria before approval of their assignment? 

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8 minutes ago, Mockngbrd said:

Y he no tok like ahbeng on TV? 

Why this party is given so much air time before GE?

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10 minutes ago, Freeder said:

Luckily Ah Hua never talk...

That’d be more entertaining to watch no? Who doesn’t love a bit of comedy? 

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1 hour ago, Victor68 said:

I am not sure if you are in the construction industry. You sure your site RE and RTO have the qualifications you mentioned and where did they get their qualifications? Many engineers in the M&E consultancy firms are also n9n degree holder. Only their QP will sign off drawings but site works are generally by these people.

If u so sure those engineers u know dun hv the qualifications required by law, u shld poh mata on them coz that's a serious safety lapse n punishable by law. No point saying it here in MCF


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50 minutes ago, Weez911 said:

This time he appeared very humble and sincere. I felt like I can almost marry my daughter to him, but no thanks, I scared he said bad things about his in-laws behind their back.

Never marry your daughter to someone who appears to treat her nicely as that could be easily faked.

Choose someone who is handsome instead, as handsomeness is very difficult to fake.

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1 hour ago, Weez911 said:

A lot of motherhood statements like we will create jobs, train workers and how good Singapore is, without really going into the hows.

Btw his presentation style is now exactly the same as pinky and LW, even the way he did the mini punch in mid-air after delivering punchline. Think they have developed a 10-year series for that. He spoke very differently from the leaked tape recording that's for sure.

This time he appeared very humble and sincere. I felt like I can almost marry my daughter to him, but no thanks, I scared he said bad things about his in-laws behind their back.

They all attend the same master class by the same master...

need a new one...why not...

...after all, need to have iron in him anyway...




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14 minutes ago, mersaylee said:

That’d be more entertaining to watch no? Who doesn’t love a bit of comedy? 

No need talk..


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35 minutes ago, Mockngbrd said:

Y he no tok like ahbeng on TV? 

Maybe he scare of your famous 6 letter word?...


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2 hours ago, Lala81 said:

haha that last line i really dunno. More likely they will keep the position closed. survive with a leaner headcount until the economy picks up and they then hire another foreigner.

Business operating cost in singapore is really high.

I don't know, the way government going to spend money like no tomorrow. Does it really solve problem in long run? In short term yes, but in long term not really. 



Like this, government to spend even more money to creates more jobs. This is workable for short to medium term. However for long term, how can it be sustainable? As where does the government get the money from? There need to have a balance of not too much government jobs that end up it is just like government creates jobs for majority and end up businesses on private sector and all people would suffer in long term due to need to increase in direct and indirect taxes to sustain the huge government spending. 


So hope this government to expend spending to hire more people is just short to medium term. When the economy gets better, slowly release and let private sector slowly hire people back to workforce. 

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2 hours ago, Enye said:

ya lah... only when you lose an s class then you got a lot of fighting spirit 


Abo then.

lose S Class, all my dragonball kungfu come out and plus oyuken

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17 minutes ago, Mockngbrd said:

Means they are preparing for more than 100k jobs to be lost. 

Thats why i early early start to pray already..... 

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