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COVID-19: Retrenchments


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  On 7/19/2020 at 10:25 AM, Wind30 said:

.... I scared revert to phase one...


Don't know.. But then look at the trend since phase 2.. The number of community cases are still quite stable.. Ya of coz we need to be vigilant.. 

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  On 7/19/2020 at 10:27 AM, Yewheng said:

Don't know.. But then look at the trend since phase 2.. The number of community cases are still quite stable.. Ya of coz we need to be vigilant.. 


it's a new normal liao ... there is no way to achieve ZERO community cases ... 

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Currently some countries that have seen resurgence in covid are those that reopen the nightlife / entertainment sectors, like HK and SK and they are now reimposing restrictions. I guess govt here is aware of that and that's why cautious about allowing such businesses to resume. It's not a good combi to have groups and add alcohol into the mix. Those bars and pubs have a long wait ..... best hearsay is August. We'll see.

Edited by Sosaria
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  On 7/19/2020 at 10:07 AM, Yewheng said:

That's what you guys think, but we still need to consider that to Give people choice. People have a choice to choose whether to drink or not to drink what. Every job count right? Then what? want to add more count to unemployment? Let these businesses to have a chance to prove themselves, people to prove themselves that it does not cause much social harm. What is worst it could be if it cause more social harm? Revert back to 10.30pm restrictions lor.. 


YH, time to take medicine and you should really stop drinking. 

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  On 7/19/2020 at 1:58 PM, Voodooman said:

YH, time to take medicine and you should really stop drinking. 


Not me, you need to consider general population that are drinkers.. Haha

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there are pressure to keep safe by staying home against economy. Employers are also questioning if they should suffer losses by keeping overhead high without knowing with prolong wfh arrangement, can they reduce staffing. If they do not need that many staff, they also need not need so much space. Everything changed .

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  On 7/19/2020 at 10:00 AM, Wind30 said:

..... I think alcohol sales is something we can do without.... 

does not make sense.... just stupid. Benefit vs risk... different business generate different covid risks. Lockdown kills everyone. Bad. Open everything also kills everyone when covid spiral out of control. Businesses that cannot safe distance, should not be encouraged. 


This i agree

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  On 7/19/2020 at 2:31 PM, Yewheng said:

Not me, you need to consider general population that are drinkers.. Haha


If drinking has become such an obsession, all the more it should be managed. 1030pm is very fair. 

No one is stopped from drinking at home mah

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Nightlife entertainment spots sure spread Covid. 

Singing and sharing drinks and close contact and kissing. 

How not to spread? 


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  On 7/18/2020 at 5:22 AM, Yewheng said:

You mean in good time increase in government spending, in bad times increase even more in government spending? Like that how? When do every government decrease in spending? None, every year just keep increasing? Where do government gets the money from? Like that our direct and indirect taxes will increase inevitable and worst still pass the increase in cost to finance big government to future generations? 


In anyway if spending to help create jobs is government aim. Okay, why not think of ways to reduce government regulations, reduce business cost to help businesses to reduce in business expenditure to the government and these amount of money that is saved would be able to help businesses in terms on business expension, hire more workers and etc.. 


Maybe government do not even need to spend money to create lessons that say this company wanted to hire people jobscope is just to just supervise cleaner an example if have. Of coz there are courses that need specialise skillset.. Yes that one of coz need to have courses, lessons for people to pass in order for them to be able to do the job properly. Yes that one if government spend and invest in it to help companies, Good. Other then that if these jobs that require on job experience and not paper cert. Then these lessons government do not even need to create to conduct at all. Just match these jobseekers to these companies. Like that more straightforward and could save some government expenditure, at the same time less Hessle for business to operate. Like cut hair.. Who cares whether this barber got cert or no cert as long as the hair cut is done properly, another is bake cake, who cares whether this staff got cert or no cert. As long as the cake is baked properly and is nice. All these are on job experience, passed down recipes or experience from seniors to juniors to learn and be at the tip of it. Does these need courses? Yes these course can have but is for people leasure time to want to go to, not create these courses just to hire people. 


Also I did highlight on certain areas government certainly can reduce government expenditure without affect the workers to get hired, without affect business operation and etc. So these are the one that is a no brainer to cut cost what. 


MMT. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_Monetary_Theory

Government can just make the printer go brrrrrr.



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  On 7/20/2020 at 2:05 AM, ToyotaShuttle said:

What is balance? Which government don't print money? Why do you think there is inflation?



If print money can solve all the economic problem. Then we will not have hyperinflation in Zimbabwe, we will not have stock market bubble, we will not have housing bubble and etc. 

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  On 7/20/2020 at 2:08 AM, Yewheng said:

If print money can solve all the economic problem. Then we will not have hyperinflation in Zimbabwe, we will not have stock market bubble, we will not have housing bubble and etc. 


Are we facing hyperinflation now? And since when did I say it can solve all problems?

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  On 7/20/2020 at 2:14 AM, ToyotaShuttle said:

Are we facing hyperinflation now? And since when did I say it can solve all problems?


I am stating example if countries do it.. They might face the same Issue as Zimbabwe. Printing money to help economy does not solve the economic problem. It only make things worst. 

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  On 7/20/2020 at 2:16 AM, Yewheng said:

I am stating example if countries do it.. They might face the same Issue as Zimbabwe. Printing money to help economy does not solve the economic problem. It only make things worst. 


depends which country lo, if USA, no issue. 

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  On 7/20/2020 at 2:16 AM, Yewheng said:

I am stating example if countries do it.. They might face the same Issue as Zimbabwe. Printing money to help economy does not solve the economic problem. It only make things worst. 


But we are already doing it and so far no hyperinflation?

US debt is also close to 1 year GDP and they are still printing more. Any hyperinflation so far?

Why take one example (Zimbabwe) only?


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